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Everything posted by cking

  1. Push-up bra's and thong underwear ain't worn for comfort. This ain't like you fly is down accident. They are for second party viewing. You don't ask a flower why it is attractive, or smells good you just enjoy it. Now if that's a 250lb butt your looking at. Your sick, then you should file harassment charges against her. In this case it is a matter of size and shape.
  2. The tactical 1100 are starting to show up in quantity now. The 11/87 3.5" is not a good choice to shoot in IPSC.
  3. don't ever use anything beside hardened armory plate. 1/4 inch AR500 will work for pistol, not rifle. Anything softer will get pot marked and start throwing jackets back at you. I've seen some nasty cuts from that.
  4. If you are already old and fat, swimming is the place to start. Join health club or find a friend that has nice pool at the apartment or condo and swim and stretch for about hour 2/3 times a week.
  5. Hogs vary greatly in size, many are over 300lbs. Especially ones that feed in the orange groves. Most will be under 200. Pigs don't like you being on their trails. The will snort and make a lot of noise if they smell or hear you. They will also chase you. trust me even a little tusker will slit your leg open in flash. If they get you down your in trouble The redneck he-man method is to use your dog and corner one in the palmetto brush then you walk in and shoot him at point blank range. Wasn't there a clark gable movie about young boy hunting a big boar? That scene was pretty realistic. I got one that way, but by accident. Two of us were out walking the trails looking for turkey, I had my mini-14 and other fella had his browning shotgun. Well our dogs decide it would be nice to run this boar over to us. Now the odds of calling the dogs off was nill, and after watching for awhile I figured one of dogs was going to get cut sooner or later. I had a scope which made the gun useless for aiming, you would get to see a flash of dog and flash of the pig. I didn't want to shoot either dog. So I tried to approach the boar from behind figuring the dogs would keep his attention. Of course the dogs saw me coming and thought oh boy well bring the hog to you! So I was lucky and point shot two 223 rounds into his back between the shoulders from maybe 5/6 feet and down he went. We weren't equiped to clean or drag him back so we just slid him into the pond and Gators came out and had lunch. Pigs will also travel in packs, and I've gone up some trees to get away from them. If you come across a tusker move away at 90 degrees to his trail put a tree between you and him and keep your eyes on him. He might make a charge or two at you but then will usually give up and move on. No guarantees, just like with gators.
  6. Very little IPSC presences. Didn't find any gunsmith tables. Lots of AR stuff. Lots of 6.8 stuff. But even with 2.5 days of walking the floor I didn't even get to see half the stuff. Went to pre-shot at orlando police range. Had lots of fun shooting but didn't see anything that made me want to whip out my wallet. Did get to shoot a full auto 6.8 with 11 inch barrel. It had the short stroke gas piston design. I can see a real advantage to the piston design for short barrelled guns. It limited the rpm to serviceable level. Cases showed no signs of rim pull problems. However that piston is bound to lower the accuracy of the gun. I don't buy the gun stays clean because gas doesn't get in lower area. We had been running the guns for few hours and when we opened it up the lower was just as dirty as any AR gets. There was fine brass shavings and black carbon and powder residue everywhere. Still feel there are problems with the 6.8's mags. Lots of bolt locks with one or two rounds left in the mags.
  7. April is what they said at the show, still working on some changes. They only had one 40 mag on display.
  8. What amazed me is that Gators kept it together the second half. Ohio really never got their game together. Florida's offensive line kept pressure on the whole game! GO GATORS. That is a beautiful stadium and loved the camera work.
  9. Will be there Wednesday through Saturday. Looking for something to do in evenings. If my feet don't hurt too much.
  10. Knee replacement can go wrong, my uncle got a staph infection [thank you VA along with 13 others] and they will now have to remove the leg 5 inches above the knee.
  11. I like the leupold shotgun 1-4 power scope. It has heavy duplex which is fine for up close blasting and fine reticle in middle for precision work. Good eye relief, field of view and cost is about $180.00. I checked out the $500 leupold and couldn't see any advantage worth the extra money. Now it ain't as rugged as my ACOG and glass is not as good but it is faster up close and eye relief is not as critical.
  12. I can't say that I find much to agree with here. We have single stack, production, limited, open, minor major blah blah for auto's. Why not mirror that for the wheel gun group? The group I shoot with has all variations on there Revolvers that you see on auto's. 8 shot. 6 shot, scopes, dots, comps, special short light loads, hammers, grips, action jobs, barrel lengths etc. So lets have two large groups Wheel and Auto and then the same class's inside each group.
  13. Since you mention that 150 yards. I recommend a mid-length gas system setup on a 16/18 barrel. Now barrel weight and balance is kinda of a personal preference. I started with a Colt 16 Hbar barrel short gas system and then did a 18" Hbar with mid length. Then I tried a friends old style pencil barrel 20 inch gun. Found it swung better. So for my third try I went with 18 mid weight barrel .75 diameter the whole length along with a lefty stag upper. For me third time was perfect. Plus I like building them and building AR's is really easy. If you want to try something special I recommend Frank White at compass lake engineering in about 4 weeks he will build you whatever you want with all the popular blanks available. Have fun it is just money
  14. The theory behind the 18 is that 14/16 caused too much velocity loss so that hits on targets were not effective past 200 yards because the 223 needs high velocity to be effective, It needs to tumble, yah, and fracture to be an effective round. Same problem with the twist rate. the 1/7 twist for ss109 round. Made them too stable, the just go in and out and leave nice little hole. So if you just punching paper it don't matter, if your hunting with it, it does matter. To be effective it needs to impact at 2500fps or more.
  15. This may sound trite, but reinstall the kodak software. Then go to control panel and use the add/remove and remove the kodak software. Because the Kodak install a boot usb device driver you will need to reboot after the install and after the uninstall. The software like most software expects you to love it. It highjacks the fill types like jpg, tiff, bmp etc. Plus install a auto update software that check kodak for updates everytime your on the net. Plus a little spyware to tell kodak what and how often you use the software. Called customer profiling. Deleting the files won't help, in fact it will cause problems. The registry has been modified and will look for the kodak files during boot up. After removal if you favorite photo program is not opening the photos you will have to change the file associations. To do that open a directory and click on menu bar tools. then select file types and correct the association of file types to programs that open them. Good luck computers still are not friendly.
  16. Put your slide in a vise. I used a piece nylon rod to drive mine in. Try both sides you will usually find one starts easier than the other. Tap in in but not too tight then tap it back out and you'll see where it is binding. On the shinny spots where it rubbing take a little off. Repeat process until unit goes a little more than halfway in with mild pressure. Then for final run use green loctite, sleeve locker if you want I found it isn't necessary. Another trick is some folks put a pencil mark on slide of where there windage zero is and then drive sight center to that point.
  17. Two good suggestions!! I'll try the pillow thing, and I'll see if I can find a store with tempur mattress and demo it for about hour and see. Thanks all!
  18. Thanks to all of you for your comments. The problem I have, may just be the pillow. Is that when I sleep on my side, my fingers go numb. Not the side that I'm laying on, it is on top side. Also if I don't get my shoulder in just the right position the joint will ache all day. Anybody had this and found a cure!!! I tried foam, feather, right now I use both a foam and feather on top if it. I'm large fella with big round barrel chest about 56 in diameter.
  19. I have good bed now, but I'm wondering am I missing something??? Waterbeds were ok but I'm past all the sloshing. Tempur sounds OK it is just that any time I sleep on foam it seems really hot, like no air moved through it. Same with air beds, I've slept on the temporary spare bed blowups. So has anybody bought one of these and did they help back or neck problems? Thanks in Advance
  20. I find the fixed timed mags, the ones where the round retention area ends abruptly are very sensititive to overall round length, and bullet ogive. Now if your loading your own vary the overall length will help clear things up. However I like the old orginal tapered release mags they get the nose up and let rear of round up sooner and are much easier to tune. So I guess I say I'am early release guy
  21. The idea is that we all swing and twist in response to the recoil. So if you trace the movement to your muzzle. It will travel upward and toward your strong side. So one idea says to put your comp on to react to rise and twist. I don't go along with that. I think our rise and twist motion is a slow reaction to the recoil. If comp is doing it job it removes the recoil before you can react to it. Therefore put them on centered.
  22. I hate to jump into the bashing. But question was what AR brand? I would put Armalite, Rock River, Stag, in the top tier of production guns. Baer, Wilson, JP are more custom guns. DPMS, Bushmaster in average class. Not saying they are bad, just not as good. Ar's are just so easy to build, compared to a 1911 or working on S&W Revolver. Far less tools and Jigs, less part fitting. Buy Derick Martin books from Accuracy speaks is great place to start. He does a good job of explaining operation. Also Feamster book tells good story of starting with production gun working your way up to a custom built gun. Maybe I was lucky but all my ar's that I built just worked the first time out. My 1911's take a little more tweaking. Only problem I has was with a Colt lower that had holes for trigger cocked and fitting that JP trigger was like fitting a trigger on 1911 with cocked holes. Slow and painful
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