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Everything posted by cking

  1. The stock guns just don't seem to work that well. Then you end up fiddling and changing parts and just don't have the confidence in the gun you need to become a better shooter. Now if you like, or don't mind the fiddling routine go the stock route.
  2. You've got DSL. Depending on the router they gave you it can supply both Ethernet connections and Wireless 802.11a/g flavors. Ethernet is the large phone jack that has 8 wires. Wireless is good for about 400 feet or more but depends alot of what is in the way. Ethernet is good for 300 foot run, but you would have to buy directburial ethernet which is hard to find and expensive. Then put another hub in next building.
  3. Congress Doesn't Take Long to Move On AWB Despite promises to the contrary, it didn't take the Democratic controlled House of Representatives long to move a measure forward proposing a permanent ban on assault-type weapons. Is this the real face of evil? Some people would like you to think so. Earlier this week, New York Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) introduced a bill that would permanently restore the Assault Weapons Ban (AWB), removing the sunset loophole that had allowed the Republican-controlled Congress to allow the last ban to expire in 2004 . The proposed reauthorization also expands the definition of "assault weapon" to include "copy-cat weapons". Those are part of what McCarthy calls a "dangerous loophole" where kits "modify legal weapons into assault weapons." In other words, no more skeletonized stocks, forward handgrips, or other nefarious add-ons that enable you to turn your single-shot .22 caliber rifle into a maddening tool of mass destruction. The 63-year old McCarthy was direct in her reasoning for introducing H.R. 1022. After all, she says, all assault-types weapon are "dangerous weapons, which are intended to hit multiple targets in a short period of time, were allowed back on our streets when the federal ban on assault weapons expired in 2004. The deaths in Philadelphia could have been prevented if Congress had done its job of protecting the homeland and renewed the assault weapons ban." "I have again introduced legislation to permanently ban assault weapons. These weapons have no practical use. They are not used by hunters for sport or by individuals for self-defense. They are intended to kill as many individuals as possible in a short amount of time and have no place on our streets. The unfortunate situation in Philadelphia could have been avoided if Congress stood up to the gun lobby in 2004." As always, it's the fault of the "gun lobby" when someone uses a weapon to kill someone. And, as is also par for the course, a gun control legislator is using a tragic situation for political purposes. McCarthy has also introduced HR 297, the NICS Improvement Act to "strengthen" the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. As she notes in comments to her Nassau County, New York constituents, "improving the quality of these records will keep guns out of the wrong hands and make our country safer." McCarthy is known as a "rank-and-file Democrat" - voting party lines, and going along with her leadership. Looking at her recent voting history (you can check it yourself at: www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400257) it's obvious that McCarthy is one of those "it's our fault" Democrats. There are no bad people; just evil weapons. On the same day she introduced H.R. 1022, McCarthy voted for "disapproving of the decision of the President announced on January 10, 2007 to deploy more than 20,000 additional United States combat troops to Iraq." The measure, incidentally, passed by 232-192 with 10 abstentions, so she wasn't alone on this one. But those "non-binding resolutions" that happen with recurring frequency can't help but undermine the morale of our troops. The one glimmer of hope in the AWB may, in fact, be McCarthy- or at least her effectiveness as a legislator. Since January 6, 1999, McCarthy has introduced 86 bills into the House of Representatives. Of those, 83 never made it out of committee, ranking her as "Extremely Poor" by the GovTrack service. She has also co-sponsored 1869 bills in the same period, ranking her introductions by GovTrack as "Exceedingly Many" compared to her peers. But this solo introduction may be Ms. McCarthy's big play for the spotlight. Her previous efforts have landed her the position of Chairwoman of the House Subcommittee on Healthy Families and Communities, not exactly one of the high-profile leadership positions in the House. While I might make jokes about the effectiveness of a Long Island nurse turned six-term Congresswoman, there's no short selling what this reintroduction means. This new Congress, despite guarantees and assurances given by "moderate Democrats" is not going to be run on a platform of moderation. It will be run - in what should serve as a lesson to the near-fossilized leadership of the Republicans - from a position of power. With a Democratic majority, it will be a purely Democratic agenda. Unlike the former leadership of the Republican Party, the Democrats aren't concerned about "building coalitions" or "agreeing to work together" or any of the other shorthand for the ineffective Republican leadership they so effectively chased from office. The next two years will be all about undoing anything that remotely smacks of George Bush. While we might laugh or joke about the "extreme" elements of the Democratic Party that are represented by Speaker Pelosi or her colleagues, the fact remains that the agenda will be dictated for them over the next two years. Should they choose to immobilize Congress with a glut of anti-firearms measures, they can do exactly that. They have learned Republicans actually fear being labeled "extreme" and fear means they're open to compromise. If the extreme gun control advocates win, it will not mean the end of our rights. But the end of the rights will be in sight. We might take a lesson from France. In an Editor's Note in both editions of the Shooting and Outdoor Wires we make note of a request from French firearms groups for testimonial letters from American shooting clubs where pump-action competitions are held. A measure being introduced there seeks to ban the pump-action shotgun. Semiautomatic shotguns are already forbidden.
  4. He is a cheap solution. Take old pair of glass and go to mall and have them put a cheap single vision plastic lenses in the dominant eye side. Have them set the prescription to focus at the distance to your front sight with whatever stance you use. Bring in a water pistol to use for measurement. No more problem of bifocal isn't in the right place. Your dominant eye will focus on the front sight and you will see it perfectly again just like when you were young. When you look at the distance object ie targets your other eye will kick in and focus at infinity for you. It restored my shooting and was cheap. Put the glasses on about 30 minutes before you shoot to let the brain adjust.
  5. Limited and Tactical, should mean that. So is it practical to run a beta mag? I haven't seen anybody in Iraq using one, nor any SWAT teams. For Open do anything you want, spend any amount of money. Cost isn't a good argument because you can spend a ton of money in any class. It is true that the better shooter will usually win even if slightly handicapped. So this is a game, and games have rules, should we have lowered the pitchers mound, should the basket be at 11 feet. It is just a matter of what the people playing the game percieve. IMHO, we should try and keep a couple of classes that allow the average guy to show up shoot, and feel like he had a chance without spending his kids college fund. That really all it amounts too. You have admit some things offer more advantage than others. In a high count shotgun course, the TEC loader makes you faster. 20 some rounds of 38 super with scope and comp, gives you advantage over a single stack shooting factory loads. So we should always have at least two classes, restricted and not!
  6. I shoot with a small local club, and I don't mind if we don't follow all the rules exactly. But just be honest about and say during walk through we are ignoring this rule. Most recently two stages had problems. One was a rotating target. The windmill, two full targets rotating behind two vertical noshoots. It was weighted and spinning fast, but if you waited it stopped. I stated that it should be a no penalty miss. Answer was no it will always be visible and appears multiple time. Well sure enough the third shooter up it stopped completely hidden behind the no shoots. Next was a field course that mandated a reload between boxes. A small debate ensued about it, and I was informed to shutup or leave. Again just say sorry we are ignoring the rules and like it or leave it during the walk throughs.
  7. They are all wearing drop rigs, guns pointed. It was featured in the article in American Handgunner about the tribute to Cooper. I want to get a full sized Color Print and frame it. Anybody know how to get a copy?
  8. I running a pair but have not finished them yet, just in raw and will never look as nice as yours. Congrats, good craftsman!
  9. Take off the grips and run skateboard tape. Then it is slimmest 45 double stack.
  10. cking

    Shaved Pu##y

    I know owners who do this, care about there cats. But sure is funny!!!!!
  11. burn some of that powder on plate then wipe it off and see what you get in three days
  12. Get a stag upper, there ambi barrel extension. The get Compass lake Engineer to build you a barrel exactly like you want. I like 18 barrels with mid length gas tubes and modest weight. Hang whatever handguard on you like, get low profile, alum gas port.
  13. Get a cylinder and a new star.
  14. was looking at the 07 DPMS catalog and they list a 45 round mag???? Anybody seen one?
  15. If it is like italian shotguns, you never know when they are going to show up!
  16. They had some bad barrels, send it back and they will fix it.
  17. The 1100 tactical barrel is 22 I think but you will have hard time finding one in stock anywhere. Will probably have to buy from Factory.
  18. The old CZ's had trouble with roll pins walking out. When people were running them in open class.
  19. That was a good article like the part about using a spring gauge to set the leaf pressures. However I seen too many guns that don't have the holes in perfect positions. So saying use 4 clicks and 24 clicks is over simplifying the process.
  20. By fire lapping I mean the grit on the bullet. Tubbs fire lapping routine. The fire clean routine exposes the sharp edges to plasma and keeps the crud from building up infront of sharp edge. Last month precision shooting had rig a guy came up with that allows you to lap in line with bore the throat area. he takes a fired casing drills out primer area to allow cleaning rod through. then takes and reams the neck out so bullet easily passes. then he drills out and taps a bullet from base, then puts the case over the rod, screws on the bullet, put JB on bullet and works the bullet in and out from casing into the throat area to polish the transition area. But this is from same guy who slugs his barrel blanks to select only barrels that taper to muzzle.
  21. Nobody has actually discussed what is necessary to get a low pull. The main thing to getting a great trigger is the fit between the sear and hammer hooks. First you have to have at least 75% contact on sear hammer hooks. So when you blue them and cycle it. If you getting uneven contact that's a problem. Next is the angle of contact between the hammer and sear face. Hammer hooks are supposed to be at 90'. With sharp clean edge that has just be brushed with a stone to break the corner. Front edge of sear should be relieved because very few hammers have a clean corner. Biggest problem is that guns don't always have there holes in right place. I like the extension pins out the side of frame so I can inspect my hammer sear angle interface. Next is to make sure the sear hammer surfaces are parellel to each other. If angle is less than the gun will have creep, if angle is greater than you will have no creep but pull will higher than required. But will have what I call a collapsed release, rather than a smooth release. When you get a smooth release without creep and high contact. Then you can mess with your spring. I like too set the disconnector leaf first. Break the upper edge of it, and arch it so that it smoothly works the disconnector and supplies just enough stirrup pressure to reset the trigger. Then back off on the sear spring until firm/light sear set. Now that will all that most times give a 2 to 2.5lb area pull. All of this requires to 10 to 20x magnification to see.
  22. In old days it was called a Tungsten filter, to cut off the extra blue light. Or tungsten balanced film. Today a UV filter is all that is used and balance it afterwards. Bring a Color swath bar with you and put it in a few shots that will allow you to balance once for all the pics.
  23. unless you have a bore scope you are all just guessing what is happening. Most good barrels are lapped by manufacturer, but that is before they are chambered. The chamber throat where chamber meets the rifling is where reamer marks are problem and they are at 90' to bore. They cut copper and then plate out somewhere down barrel when gas expands enough and cools. So the shoot then clean makes sense until the copper plating drops off. For new barrel clean it and shoot it a couple of times and then clean and see where the problem spot is. That will tell you a lot about the barrel. With AR it is nice because you can point barrel up at the sky and look right down the bore. Feel on bore brush will tell you also. I would not fire lap a bore unless it is giving me accuracy problems.
  24. Sounds like your gun was tuned to throw low to miss and optics mount??? Probable will have to reshape your ejector, or is maybe replace if it too short to reshape. Small gunsmith job.
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