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Everything posted by cking

  1. Everybody has got an excuse, how about I'm just BAD, LAZY, Good for Nothing!
  2. Compass lake Engineering will make you just what you want with 6 weeks order time. They have lots of choices of what blanks. I used a douglas stainless. He has several choices of chambers, wylde, his own ... Both of mine were 18 inch with mid length gas. One was for my lefty Stag. First one I had the Hbar profile, second one I had slimmed down to point faster. 3/4" the whole length. Send him a drawing, your bolt and gas tube then wait for UPS man!!!! Frank White is the MAN!
  3. I started with a para frame, before the STI were even out. By time I was done it cost as much as the STI and has very little resale value. Buy used STI and work from there. Also the PARA extractor is a minus instead of a plus.
  4. Wolf plus 10% springs from brownells, factory followers, dawson pads. Little car wax on the interior of mags and back in business. The powdercoated mags are terrible, stuff chips off and leaves ruff interior.
  5. Lefty's can get a deal on the 012 in red or gold for $75.00!!!
  6. I looked at all the pics I could find of cut slides. I like holes on side of slide that don't show when your looking over the top. Like Brazos style. Who will cut something like the Brazos style. Not identical! just similiar.
  7. MAybe this is outdated but whenever I do a stressful lots of repeative actions. Like stapler, crimp wire connectors my tendonistis will flair. My PT person showed me how to work on it myself. All of the usually stretch exercises. But the big thing was finding the blowout spot on arm. Take your thumb and dig around in upper part of forearm until you find a sore or tender spot, sometimes even a little lump. Supposedly this area is called adhesions, results from tearing the muscle and then they heal up clumped together. So while watching a movie or something mind numbing dig around and find spot then take your thumb and massage the h@ll out of it. If it don't hurt you ain't doing hard enough. Do this for about 15/20 minutes your thumb will be worn out by then. Then Ice the area and take the Alieve or iduphroen. I do this for three sets, skipping a day between them. Buy then it is gone. To keep it under control I regular stretch the wrist for closed and open and then massage the forearms after some minor exercise like swimming.
  8. All of mine were Co-ed, thank God!!!!!
  9. I spent grade school with the Francisans, High School and two years of College with Jesuits. I can't count the number of pointers I had broke over me. I had so many detention hours. during grade school I had to show up during the summer to work them off. I never once passed conduct finally after two years of College with them. We mutally agreed to part company, I wouldn't give up the woman and booze. You know I wouldn't have missed it for world. It was great education, and nobody ever tried peek in my knickers. You know they never gave up on me, and were always fair. They were never satisfied until you gave it your best shot. They never took any crap from students or parents. I was listening at a door one time when one of wealthier students parents were called in. They were whining that it wasn't Johnny fault, the kid was a lying sneek, they were polite and said take Johnny to some other school. The parents came unglued, yelling threatening etc. Four nuns escorted them to door and said don't come back! Some other time I tell ya about listening to people in confession, it was the altar boys best past time.
  10. cking

    Raid On House

    What irks me and the Victim John is not the conduct of the officers. They were polite, and followed standard tactics, seperating everybody. Later the higher up admitted that they were guessing. Either John was a victim, a member, or deeply involved. It is the lack of real investigation before requesting the search warrant for premise. They choose the low hanging fruit method. What is easier, raid the house or do real investigating. The agency attitude is too bad we ruined your day, and made you the talk of neighborhood. I also blame the judge whose job it is to control the over anxious investigators. I can just here agents, Oh Boy field trip! Lets face it, quality control is not in the goverments dictionary. Nor is taking responsibility. That's whole purpose of committee's nobody to blame. We wonder why people start acting the same way. They are just modeling our leaders. What bothers the victims the most is that NOBODY will put in writing Sorry we were wrong, everybody is in cover my A@s mode.
  11. cking

    Raid On House

    He is going to wait 90 days and then use freedom of infomation act to get some kind of documents that says basically sorry we goofed. Then he plans on posting it in the club house so neighbors can see that goverment isn't always right. They also knew all about his registered firearms, CA you know. Kept asking do you have any firearms about. John replied in the safe. Sad part is that the Goverment should have to issue an apology, maybe even publish it in local papers, saying they were wrong. All the agencies involved denied having any responsibility to issue a no result found statement.
  12. Good friend of mine, so this is a first hand report. Tuesday morning 7am California. Nice fancy neighborhood. 1/2 to 1 million dollars homes gated community. Wife is up fixing breakfast and getting the 12 yearold daughter ready for school. Husband is upstairs still asleep. He is a successful computer nerd. Louding pounding on door, startling everyone. Wife answers. Finds 7 armed, flak vested guns drawn men, two SUV's blocking driveway and men spreading around the house. They ask for who she is then ask for her husband. Will use John Doe here to protect innocent. We need to speak to your husband. Wife responds I'll get him, he is still asleep. John gets dressed comes down stairs steps outside the house. Are you john doe, yes I'am can I help you. We would like to step inside and talk with you. John, no you may not step inside, and why are you here with guns drawn. Sir we would like to step inside and speak with you. John you may not step inside I have my family inside and your presences with these gun drawn is intimidating. Sir we have warrant, may I see the warrant. Sure enough it is a warrant to search the premise for all records and computer files and seize them for upto 120 days. Again we would like to step inside and talk with you, John OK, but can you put the guns away, no sir. John responds I will talk with you in my office and not in front of the family. The wife and daughter are seated on the soafa with two officers with AR and headsets guarding them. While they are talking to John, the wife says I like to get dressed, response no mam. Wife gets peeved, I'm going upstairs to get dressed and proceeds to get up and go upstairs. Officers follows and talks to head set, "wife coming upstairs to get dressed and follows her". As they approach bedroom door the officer stops her, opens the door himself scans the room, calls for backup and does a search of bedroom, then they allow her in and maintain eye contact the whole time she dresses. Meanwhile daughter is still on sofa and guarded. Turns out john had been selling some old vinyl records on ebay and some one had tried to scam him with the old send you a check too big, just send me the records and money order for the balance. Turns out the check was drawn on valid account but a stop payment had been put on it. Joe paid little attention to scam and forgot about. We'll it turns out somebody else had been scammed for 50,000 by the guy. Homeland security, FBI, and who knows who else started investigating it because it was linked to a Russian laundry scam. They had investigate John and one inch thick file on him. John shows them all his email with the scammer and offers to help, they asked him to recontact the scammer. They leave business cards, emails, cell numbers etc. Finally a code 4 is passed to crew and all guns are holstered. Now you can imagine the response from neighbors. They chinese folks next door won't even make eye contact any more. A week later John goes to the police dept to get a copy of warrant that shows no action taken. Police say they can't help because FBI did it. FBI says see your local police. Seven men travel over 500 miles, stayed overnight in prep for the 7am raid. I'm from Goverment and I'm here to HELP!!!!!!!!!
  13. My brownells spring order for PARA's showed up today. Was having trouble with jams caused by mags not have the round up so the slide could pick them up. Leading to a jam from H#ll. Round dented and wedge between barrel ramp, mag and slide. Sitting their at a 45 degree angle. So I collected all my para mag tubes and inspected them. I have three version. Oldest have three holes in side, next with two holes, followed by newest with no holes in side. New tubes have to finishes, a oxide blue, and something black that looks like powdercoat. The powdercoat is awful, if you look inside the mag you can see where the rounds ride the powdercoat is chipped, so you have this nice pattern of chips right where rounds ride up and stop. This powdercoat is fairly thick and you can feel the chips in surface when you run your finger over them. I'm in process now of removing the powdercoat. However the powdercoat mags and plain blue both had the same kind of jams. Followers, I had two types of followers. The taller variety with from old mags, and some new variety I had bought awhile ago. Again neither was working any better and taller variety allowed one less round in the mag. So after trying all the springs, the Wolf 10% P-14 worked the best 969-760-730 stock nos. I'm using Dawson base pads and new style followers. 17 rounds no problem. You can force 18 in but they are hard to seat the mag and sometimes the next round won't come up immediately. Aside.... What I've observed is the rounds bind when making the transition from double column to single column. They will hang such that you can turn mag over and pour about three round out. Especially when using Wolf steel case ammo. The only true solution I've found is to spray a little case lube, or silicone on my rounds before I load them in mag, then slide past the bind without any trouble. One last thing I'm going to try is to put a cratex on my dremel and polish the rub areas in the transition area and see if that helps. Good luck
  14. The holes in Para frame is pretty far down. Now your hands will hurt but I doubt you will be picking brass out of them. Mag will be in way of flying debri
  15. Most 625 use the long cylinder that same as 45 long colt. The PC shop guns use a short cylinder made just for the PC guns. How do I know this. I bought a TI Cylinder in hopes of putting in my PC625-8. No luck. So sold the Ti Cylinder.
  16. most slide stops don't have detent hole, put you will see a wear mark where stops. Most are hard and drilling is out, so diamond burr will work. Make it small and polish the detent head also. That will stop it from being easily pushed up by your thumb, but will still function.
  17. For those that have seen Sin City and 300, which do you think was better movie?
  18. This is all pretty subjective. Unless you take same gun, shooter, ammo, day, and video tape them all with grid background your not going to know which brake gives least rise and most reduced recoil. Anybody done any test like that? Plus I bet nobody has done any computer modeling either. Was watching history channel on new artillery piece they are fielding. Weighs less than half of the old model, with far less visible recoil a much small lighter base. They also had a new 50 cal again at about 1/3 the weight of MaDeuce again much less recoil. Thanks to my PVR I was able to inspect the muzzle breaks on both. Both were very simple two chamber breaks. With vertical baffles. Both guns also had lots of barrel/breach recoil distance looking like some sort of gas piston method. True a hand held rifle is different than a tripod mount gun. But both are after the same thing, getting the muzzle brake to do as much work as possible. So I find my $10.00 Stag break as effective as my $50.00 break.
  19. I give it a low B. Ok but not as effective as Sin City. Plus audio track was awful, the lack of background noise made it seem the whole over dub was done in small room. The cgi backgrounds were weak also, no were near quality I've seen in other movies. I think this is just start of mixing realities type movies. I guess you can't call them films anymore.
  20. I planning on building another gun. So going with STI frame, maybe a brazos lightened slide. Going with a bushing barrel, and no guide rod. So my question is what about 6 inch????? How much weight will that add if the slide is lightened? How much does the 6 inch sight radius help? How does the gun feel during the swing? How does it feel during recoil? Nobody at my matchs has 6 inch fat free for me to try Thanks all opinions welcomed!
  21. Both parties seem to have totally lost touch with working Americans. The Republicans view the world as their market to exploit. The American worker isn't that important because we have world full of workers to exploit! Container shipping, free markets and other technologies have allowed global exploitation of workers. Republicans like less government because it gets in way their of the exploitation. Democrats have contempt for the average man and believe we are all too ignorant or simply to run our own lives and that they are the enlightened aristocrats who will lead us to better lives. As long as rules don't apply to them. They spouse that they will take from Rich and give to the poor. But in fact they are politicians that sold out to rich and lobbyist so only group you can't take from without reprise is the working man. So government gets bigger to employ their elitists friends and family members. Now both groups share in their less attractive features. We really need a third party but both groups will fight that idea because neither wants to share the pie. Americans need to wake up and VOTE OUT the incumbent every election until we get somebody who breaks from mold and delivers, Not Talk. Don't believe anything they say judge by actions. The only thing a politicians fears is not getting elected again.
  22. The lower and wider pad allow you to much more pressure on the safety. Be it lefty or righty. This allows faster recovery from recoil, nice for limited guns. Most of us will have problems with dragging the slide when you change your grip to put pressure on the safety paddle. So some sort of shield is a good idea. Also found that the thumb pressure from strong hand helps balance pressure from weak hand on grip. Which helps reduce horizontal stringing in your groups. IMHO
  23. The question are so badly written that anybody who verifies stats. Would call the whole unsound, misleading and biased. Kinda like one of surveys where you ask poor kid where does he eat in parlor, sitting room, or dining room.
  24. PLEASE PASS ON Sarah Brady is sending supporters a link to an on-line survey asking them (as a faithful friends) to answer the questions and help guide the Brady Campaign in their dealings with Congress and state legislatures. Being a democratic guy, I feel compelled to share this with others concerned about the gun control issue so the Brady's get a very clear picture of just what the public really thinks about their issues. Follow this link and answer Sarah Brady's survey: http://www.bradynetwork.org/site/PageServe...rioritiesSurvey The "Name", "Address", and "Email" request at the top can be left blank. If you enter an e-mail address, they might put you on their mailing list so you can keep tabs on their activities.
  25. Probably you old slide is just fine. If your happy with slide to frame fit then just put a new barrel in. Same with hammer. Just put new edge on hammer hooks and sear. Remember the safety may have to be replaced. If the frame/slide is loose. It may be the frame and then new slide won't help much. You end up chasing the problem and never really fixing it. The squeezing and hammering rails system of tightening doesn't last that long. So you left with accurail which is expensive. Also I would not buy an expensive barrel for this gun, buy a drop in kit, fit a barrel bushing and be happy. It won't ever be a race gun but it can be reliable service pistol.
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