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Everything posted by chuckbradley

  1. I have a 2006 6.0 with 30k on it. I think the warranty is 100k on the engine. I assume these things will void the warranty. What can and cant you do to them? If my warranty runs out at 36 I may want to do the changes also. Any advice applicable to either or both, 7.3 or 6.0?
  2. I dont remember it but I have heard about it. Drove by there once many years ago looking for a range to shoot. It was in Olympia, Ky. They dont shoot there any more. They didnt shoot there when I started in 93. I am sure Gary Stevens can tell you more since he used to shoot there, its just down the road from his house. I drove by there today on the way to Ashland to shoot. From what I understand Ken Tapp used to claim that club as his home club when he lived in Winchester, Ky. Hope my info is correct. Who is shooting next weekend? The 29th.
  3. This would be great. Huge! My customers in Illinois say that most of Illinois are progun, except Chicago and Chicago runs the whole state. Its about time they stand up to them. Maybe more will follow.
  4. Yea i am terrible. They had to mow first thing yesterday. Sitting on a tractor is hard work! Next time they have to weed eat also. They also had to take the cover off the pool. Its just unforgivable they have to do that so they can use the pool all summer. They have it so rough, they think so too.
  5. Is today earth day? If so we drove 200 miles worth of burnt diesel to witness thousands of rounds of lead go into the earth and along with the burnt gunpowder in the air to get the job done. This evening we plan on firing up the charcoal grill to contribute to the greenhouse gases. Maybe it will help warm things up around here. We did have the coldest beginning to April in recorded history. That global warming stuff is to blame for the cold I suppose. To top it all off I think I will burn the trash pile tonight.
  6. Ok I have my 17yr old Austin loading the 9mm major and just started letting my almost 15yr old Ryan load 40. Go to the local match today at Ashland Gun club and first stage with the 9mm open gun I get a failure to fire. Pick up the round and it had an already spent primer in it. Not only did he load the ammo and chamber gauge it he loaded the mags. We switch guns so he loads the 9 and I load the 40. Give Austin a little talk about looking at each round when chamber gauging and again when loading the mags. Next stage I get a high primer. Looks like that square deal is gone and I may just get another 1050. Check the rounds and find about 20 questionable rounds. Not entirely his fault since some of the brass had a military crimp, another reason for a 1050. 9mm is more of a pain that its worth. Cheap range brass doesn't equate to good ammo. Now we move on to the 40. After loading the day before Ryan tells me the powder he put in was wrong cause it looked different. Found out he put the wrong powder in last time, 3n37 the 320 he just put in was right. He had already loaded 400 rounds. So I fired a few and checked the brass. Seemed ok so we used it. Well it ended up to be 6.8 grains behind a 180. We figure it to be about a 193 PF. A tad hot. It was shearing pieces of crap inside the gun and caused 2 jams. I got to try the new 2 minute rule as I took the gun apart on the line and reassembled in time to finish the stage. Pieces of metal were keeping it from going all the way into battery. Bottom line we have had better days shooting. It just brings back one of the first lessons. Make sure you have good ammo, perfect ammo, if you expect to perform well.
  7. I am thinking the local clubs may want them. At first I thought I would keep them to use for bowling pin shoots in the new range. But I dont think i want to have the mess inside to deal with. I used to shoot at an indoor range that did it and they did create a mess for indoors.
  8. When you get here get in touch. If you need any thing ahead of time let us know. The guy i hired to work with me in Shooters Connection retired 1 April from the Army. He lives in Lexington. When we get moved in a month or two we will be located about 6 miles north of Lexington in Georgetown. Good to have you coming. Chuck
  9. You want bowling pins? I have about 300 you can have, just come get em. Some are even brand spanking new. We found them in a connected storage building to the old bowling alley I bought to house Shooters Connection. In fact just tonight my son and nephew moved them and stacked them on a shelf.
  10. Chuck, With the same (carry gun) goal in mind, I can't seem to get to a place where the milled rib works for me. My current thinking is that the holster would allow for the sights. And, going with a smooth ramped front (or even a half-a-nickle) style ought to negate snagging ? I've done a bit of shooting without sights on the gun. So I am comfortable enough with that. I find I really do like having that front sight to stick right into the target (even if I shoot out of the notch and don't use the rear sight). I'd be interested in hearing you thought process. Flex, could you move all my post into another thread. I didnt mean to impose. Well I found when I was shooting the circuit and was at the top of my game I wasnt even noticing the sights much, depending on the shot of course. It was all muscle memory in that I could look at the target over top of the gun and do really well without a hard focus , I could literally look at a target and hit it. Since I will be using the same grip as my competition gun I wanted to try the same system SV came up with for their TIKI gun many years ago. If it didnt work I could always put sights on later. Problem is I have to learn all the differences in the parts being used. I cant really get a good answer. i have talked with several gunsmiths that are customers about this idea but I never get down to specific parts that will do the job, much less the best combination to achive the objective. Not sure it even exists. I was hoping this thread would bring some ideas together. I settled on 40 since i already load for it and I can easily load it up closer to 10mm ballistics, I almost went with 10mm. The capacity was a major consideration which knocked the 45 out. And i know we can make a 40 run flawlessly in the sti frame and mags. I mean we put everything into making our competition guns run the most reliably and accurately so why not have that in a carry gun? Do you have any input that would help sort all this out.
  11. Sorry, I thought it was a good thread in that we are trying to learn the inner workings and differences of the different length guns. Which in the long run would give you a lot better understanding of what you can and cant do. I will ask Flex to pull all my posts into another thread.
  12. Joey, so you saying I can use a std sti frame with a cut down government slide and a shorter recoilmaster? Whose barrel would you use? cant be a bushing since a cut down 5" slide would be missing the bushing cut. STI is offering a 3.4" gun now also in single stack. I would like to figure out how to make this work on an STI wide frame. But in 40 cal. I also want to mill the sight sinto the slide so no sights, just ribs on top. Looking to build a combat carry gun, not a 50 yard standards gun.
  13. They are on my web page. http://shootersconnection.com/store/produc...products_id=472
  14. You want to publicly tell those people they were wrong and ask them how many lives were lost today that were a result of their short sighted laws. But the voices of reason will again be muted by the liberal media who will in turn twist this into a call for more disarmament. It is a sad day. Most of all i am sorry for the families and for the loss of so many young lives with bright futures. When will our society wake up?
  15. For your intended use I suggest selling the commander and buying a used (or new ) STI. Can any of you other guys put together a parts list of what you would use to build a short gun on an STI frame. The parts other than std 1911 parts that is and any modifications it would need.
  16. Howard, I have been thinking about doing a carry gun on a STI frame but i want to do it in 40 with an commander or officers 3.9" barrel. How would you do it or what parts would you use ? Do you know a barrel maker who does one for this application? I also want to mill the sight right into the top of the slide. Any opinions?
  17. We had 2 clubs here that used to shoot on Saturday. Their turnout was poor and they dont exist anymore. One club even had ice chests full of drinks and snacks on the range free for shooters and had donuts, coffee, & milk in the morning during set up and sign ups. They did really good for a while but the Saturday Match seems to always get put aside with other obligations. Maybe try some matches where you open it up to both days, Saturday & Sunday and see what happens. Other methods are to get the email list from the other clubs and send out a couple of reminders the week before and a couple days before. Make sure start times are known. I have not gone to matches before when i wasnt sure of the start time. That many stages must be a draw. Are there too many clubs shooting in the area? More than the given number of shooters can support? ASk around. If there is a reason they are not coming you can be assured they are telling others why they arent going or dont like about it. Do an email asking for info. Hope it works out.
  18. You forgot equipment or product rights Rob. If a business is doing poorly than you can expect to only pay for the hard assets and even then the equipment and inventory can be negotiated. When i bought my grocery stores i put in the contract salable inventory. I only paid for hard assets since the business was in bankruptcy when i bought it. Ran that store for 15 years until we sold it 3 years ago. It is now closed but somebody has bought it and is puting something in it. They are keeping it a secret. Now for a business that has a good cash flow, established clients, reputation and established relationships with suppliers there is Goodwill. There are several formulas commonly used, the one I here of most and my CPA uses when he evaluates businesses is 3 years net profit plus hard assets(inventory, equipment, land & building). The existing profit stream and cash flow is worth something. Coming to that number is what negotiating is all about. Generally if a compnay is making 50,000 a year and has assets of 100,000 then the value would be 250,000. Of course all this is different in each situation, its only a guideline. Goodluck on your search but be careful. People loose everything everyday trying to go into business. If thre wasnt risk there wouldnt be reward. A new company has much higher risk and is generally a lower cost to enter into. An existing profitable company has less risk but will cost more for that lower risk.
  19. Brian did send us out an email about this but to be honest I was too busy to even worry about it. My dealer forum is already open to member posts and threads. Most people choose to post outside of the dealers forum from what i have noticed. There have been two attempts to get on this forum and trash me in order to get what they wanted. I ended up posting my side of the story and let the members decide for themselves. I dont have a problem with that since I am not out to screw anybody and have a fair business practice. There are going to be times when there is a disagreement or misunderstanding that causes an unhappy customer. I try to please them all but its just impossible. I dont think Brian wants the forum open to any of that. Sometimes it borders on extortion. Although its up to the dealer whether they will allow it in their area. I do allow it in shooters connections area.
  20. Ok, to help the poor souls like me that are getting frustrated by not being able to find anywhere what it was. If you had said H-2-O I would have been ok. I finally asked Austin who has taken Chemistry and he told me. This is what I call being strung along. At least for dummys.
  21. Go ahead and get the dovetail and a sidewinder, you wont be disappointed. Chances are just bolting a racker on top of a round top slide wouldnt work anyway. Clearance of scope/mount and it would rock.
  22. Keep in mind not all short guns are the same. Some use a shorter recoil system which to me is more violent. We use a 5" recoil system which is why when Max shot a bedell he was surprised at the way it felt compared to other short guns he has shot. I am still taking orders for 4 short guns for every 5" gun. I agree it is a personal preference.
  23. Or call me. It is a recoilmaster with a bull barrel. We do a bushing gun now also, still a recoilmaster though. The keeper or takedown tool is now coming black from STI, not green. Although there are still lots of green out there. Color doesnt matter though. Remove the top end. Compress the spring by catching the recoilmaster head on a work bench or you can use your thumb. Insert take down tool on end of recoilmaster then remove. Be careful to make sure the takedown tool is fully engaged so it doesnt slip off. I like reversing process for assembly. Its difficult to get the takedown tool out on a long dustcover gun so I release the spring tension and remove the tool before putting the top end back on. If you have any problems call me. Oh yea one more thing. Dont clean it yet. Put some oil on the rails and contact places, hood & lugs. Shoot it some more. The grit & oil work as a lapping compund. Do a 1000 rounds then clean and oil, should be slick as snot on a door knob.
  24. All STI Slides/guns/calibers use the smaller hole size.
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