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Everything posted by chuckbradley

  1. Yep, make sure all the info matches up. If its a big amount be sure to call in person by doing a contact info request. I have done allot on Ebay. Only had one non delivery of a product. I got refunded from paypal. I called the guy and asked him why he didnt send it. He said I dont know. He only had about 30 feedbacks. I always look at feedback and at the other items for sale. Sometimes when you are looking for high dollar items you will run across a to good to be true price. The seller will only have 10 feedbacks from sellers for small items and they will have several high dollar items. Sure sign of a fraud. I turn them in to Ebay and they get taken down. I doubt hackers are the main culprit in the password theft they are more our own fault by falling for the fishing scams where you get an email that gets you excited and you click on that email to get into your account. You just gave them your username and password. I like to comply and enter some choice words in the fields. I have even conversed with some of the scam artist that deal moslty in vehicles, high dollar ones. They give some sob story about the vehicle being in another country and needing the money sent. They say they will ship for free. The auction wont take your bid they want you to email them direct. One guy told me that he wouldnt be doing it if people didnt send him thousands of dollars at a time. This was on a 80,000 cobra mustang that he said you could buy for 8000.00. I just report those to ebay nd within minutes they take them down. Most those listings are done with accounts that have good feedback obtained through the fishing scams. Ebay is ok if you are savvy and careful. Dont let the excitement of a geat deal get in the way of common sense.
  2. I dont know what a kentucky colonel will get you. I was made a colonel but there isnt much to that. Maybe I missed somehting. Never got active in the group. If I remember right at first all I got was correspondence asking for money. I stopped opening their mail and then it quit coming. I have never been to the Derby. I hear the infield is for people getting drunk and puking on each other. They cant even see the race. Ask Jawor about the infield. Might ask him if he can hook you up with some tickets, you dont spend that long on the Louisville pd without making some connections. M. Rhea may know some people also. Good luck finding them.
  3. I ordered a vanity for my daughter. Nobody had them but this one company said it was in stock. I was skeptical but i got an email saying it was in stock and would ship in 1-2 days. A week later it hadnt arrived so I thought i would check the status of my order, it said back ordered until February. It was supposed to be a Christmas present. They charged my card immediately. I didnt get an email updating me to the new backordered status. I felt they intentionaly mislead me hoping I would leave it on backorder or just not notice until it was close enough to just think it best to keep it on backorder. I called them up and voiced my displeasure with their deceitfulness and canceled the order.
  4. I use a dissapator. I love it. Short barrel for fast swinging in close target situations but still a full sight radius. This is important since I shoot limited. I use the globe sights. Yes the gas block is under the handguard. I found it to be the perfect fit for shooting limited rifle, at least for me.
  5. I used to use the ed browns with a shield welded on but they never came out looking very good except the ones Dan did looked pretty good. It got to be a pretty big hassle welding them so we went with swensons. Yes they could be better and are a pain to fit. We charge 100.00 extra for swensons. I still prefer the swensons myself. You just have to have a gunsmith that knows what they are doing with them. Yes the patent runs out soon and I have talked to a couple people who are looking at making some shielded safeties. Will have to wait & see these when(if) they come out. I mold would be very expensive to make and machining them would be very expensive, lots of time involved. I dont care for the looks or feel of the Krebs shield, at least I believe it was Krebs who came up with that design many years ago. It moves the thumb out too far and it makes the safety pad feel to thin.
  6. I hope for Kentucky being at the bottom of the pack is a thing of the past. The Kentucky players and coaches say the LSU team is the best they have played all year. The SEC is the toughest conference year in and year out. Kentuckys bowl win was a major turning point for the program. Its been 22 years since we won a bowl game. It was my freshman year at Kentucky. South Carolina will be a major player also, especially with Spurier as coach Good luck to all the SEC teams left to play.
  7. Thats what i am talking about! You even have a big jar of Horseradish to go with it. Christmas Day we had Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Whipped Sweet Potatoes, Corn Pudding, Green bean Casserole and yeast rolls. Christmas Eve we had Beef Tenderloin with Horseradish and wasabi, Shrimp cocktail, Raw Oysters with Horseradish and wasabi, the horseradish jack cheese with wasabi or guacamole was really good also. Did i tell you we like horseradish? Its almost dinner time and this has made me hungry.
  8. They sent me a sample and i agreed to sell them but nothing ever showed up. It was all by email and I have been having some email problems so maybe they didnt get it.
  9. Kevin, How are you feeling. Glad it went good and your still with us. What did they do and is it whats been causing your problem the last couple years?
  10. I dont think anybody has had a chance to use mine yet. It just came out last week. There is the owner of the gun in the pic on my web page who got the first one. As always I tried to find the perfect balance when designing this mount which in all fairness was designed in conjunction with John Alchin. Our mount is offset slightly and raised slightly. Its done in a way that you cant really tell or be bothered by the dot actually sitting on the edge of the gun. I believe we offset it .100 and raised it .050. Just enough to give a wider opening for ejection. With a properly tuned gun and this larger opening it should be close to flawless without being to much out of allignment of the bore. We will be putting our mounts on all our open guns from now on.
  11. Good to see Kevin back at it. Hows it going? Nemo, the hardest thing is going to be figuring out how to use it all. I ordered the range source book on cd from the NRA today. its supposed to tell you how to build a range and whats all involved.
  12. That would be the 5th Sunday. Dont think there is anything that weekend.
  13. Well I will get the building ready to move into before moving so then it will take a few days of moving. Should be up and running with little down time.
  14. Maybe down the road. i wasnt looking for a building to put a range in but this one just jumped up. I have been looking for almost a year. It was exactly what i wanted and more. The extra space for a range is an added bonus. Dont know if i can resist not doing it. Anybody know where the NRA may publish the best way to build an indoor range?
  15. Maybe I will quit this business and start a roller derby team!!!
  16. Ok, addresses please. need to know where to send the checks. Seriously. Its great to know hard work is appreciated. And yes i take it as a personal mission to get every order out as fast and accurately as we can. I wont blow smoke, we do make mistakes occasionally. It upsets me when it happens. I just signed a contract on a 15,000 sq ft building so we will be expanding in the near future. Funny thing is its an old bowling alley turned into a roller skating rink.
  17. Not any more. STI dropped all their "for Para" stuff. They did but i captured all the para triggers they had left. http://shootersconnection.com/store/produc...products_id=688
  18. I have been having fits with my 1050's primer system. they sent me a new primer set a few years ago but the old one worked better so i put it back on. The other day a buddy was loading some rounds on the press. New shooter i am helping get started. I go to the post office for a few minutes and when i return he is leaning on shelf, beer in hand , with a stunned look on his face. I asked what was burning. he said oh the tube of primers. It had disentegrated the primer tube rod, bulged the primer tube itself and lodged the end of the rod in the ceiling. We counted about 15 that exploded. Apparently the slide wasnt coming all the way in to line up with the guide rod and jamming up. In the attempt to clear a primer turned or came out where it shouldnt be and boom. i ordered some new parts, took it all apart and cleaned it and got it running again. This time he loaded about 70 rounds and it jammed again. He went home to set up his square deal for 40. Is there some trick I am missing on this machine. It seems this is the real weak point of the 1050. The slide isnt being pushed far enough into the shell plate to line up with the guide hole. i am going to try putting the new primer slide arm back on and see if it does any better. Any suggestions?
  19. Ok to be honest. Kentucky is great. I hate the few weeks in summer when it gets real humid. And i hate the few weeks in the winter when its cold. The rest of the time its pretty nice. I guess every place has its pros & cons. When i was growing up in Los Angeles I remember the earthquakes,(I rode the 1971 sylmar quake) the santa ana winds(I thought the roof was coming off), the forest fires filling the air with smoke and the flooding rains washing the roads and canyons out(Big & Little Tujunga where i used to shoot,fish, camp,swim and hike) but overall it was a great place to live back then. I even bought the first season of Adam 12 on DVD, those were the streets I grew up on. But today I dont think i could raise my kids there. If it wasn't for family in KY, kids to raise and the gun laws I just might be back in So CA. Being that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence i think i would like living in Arizona. For now i am staying in Kentucky.
  20. Eric, My prices now include shipping so it doesnt matter where you are. Alaska, Hawaii or Guam(U.S. territory) They go by priority mail flat rate box. CHRIS, i am a supporting dealer on this forum. You can look in the dealer section or go to www.shootersconnection.com. Just dont leave the s out between shooter and connection or you will go to a competitors web page who bought the domain shooterconnection to steer my cusotmers to him. I returned the favor but still think I am on the loosing end of that deal. From Grafs web page today. BERRY 40 (.401) 180gr HP BULLET PER 100 Item Number: BY4080H · Availability: In stock Quantity: 100$8.99 500$42.70 1000$80.91 2000 $156.43 on the 2000 quantity of Zero from me at 165.00 its only 4.50 a 1000 cheaper. Not worth the difference in quality of you ask me. You can save even more buying 4000 at a time now.
  21. Not very gun friendly either. Have they fixed the conceal carry law yet that says the gun has to be on your person in the car and it cant be concealed? I relaize just getting what they got was a miracle now it needs some tweaking. One thing we are trying ot do here is get the schools to clearly mark their property lines or there is no penalty for carrying on school property. Comes from schools that have land that isnt marked and we have no idea its school property but we just committed a felony by stepping onto it with a gun. Now we can have it in our car on school property with a CCW. Just dont show it or get out, then your a felon.
  22. Eric, I believe that serial number is 4577. Just looked it up. It was first sold in march 01 to somebody in Oregon. As far as i can tell it was the 3rd Lexor ever sold. A model that is now discontinued. Basically it was an Edge with a tritop slide, fiber front and mag button. It still looks mostly stock, maybe new Amby's. Hope you dont mind its history.
  23. Why didnt you just say you want to move to Kentucky! - "shall issue" state Sure is! Class 3 also. Open carry along with concealed carry. - not a liberal hell hole, but not an area where we would feel too out of place for not being church goers or not having children by choice We have a republican Governor(in my opinion in label only), 2 republican Senators and most republican congressmen, State senate is Republican, House is Dems. Most local offices are held by Dems, progun dems for the most part. - jobs in IT available, but that also can mean medium to large universities around, as most of my work has been done in that enviornment We have many Universities. UK, UofL,Western KY,Eastern KY, Morehead, Georgetown, Transyvania, Centre. - I shouldn't have to sneak hunting hear into my car, as to not freak the locals. Guns in truck gun racks everywhere. - rural/spare suburban much prefered. I would like to be able to own 10 acres or so Not a problem. - there should be seasons, but if the area has less then the usual 4, then the colder ones should be the ones droped. I could live in Alaska, my wife would not. Seasons but not to extreme either way, weather is usually pretty nice hear. - for reasons no worth explaining it can not be Indiana Yea I know, thats where the Hoosiers are, dont blame you. Of course you have to become a KY basketball fan. - the geography should be varied, a large flat plain might get boring. Deciduous forests are a big plus. We have Mountains and pastures. Red river gorge and natural bridge about 45 minutes from Lexington. There are so many places, too many to list em all. - hiking areas nearby (less then 1:30 hours away prefered) See previous. - active USPSA community a big plus for me We have 6 clubs in the area 5 are within 1:30 of each other. That doestn count the clubs in Tennesse and Ohio and Indiana in driving distance. More than you can find time for. Do you want Toll roads- sorry we did away with those. Do you want 55 mph speed limit- Sorry again. Do you want extreme property prices- Sorry , average home is around 150,000 How about extreme property taxes- nope most about 1% a year, some less. Biggest drawback - a little traffic in the cities during rush hour. So did i scare you away?
  24. Just curious, is a "bug" match any match during summer in Florida? I know i should be the last guy to rib anybody on a mistype!
  25. Just understand you are not comparing apples to apples. The Berry is a plated bullet where as Zero is a real jacket. Basically its a lead bullet with a thin copper coating. The berry's may be a good choice for practice but the consistency wont be there so you may not want to risk using them at major matches. Not even sure its worth the price difference in the first place considering the overall cost of the sport. I have used and sold Zero for many years. I have tried others but nothing entices me to move from the Zero. I would rather have quality and a good value. Thats why you dont see me shooting Nosler, Hornady or Lapua.
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