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Everything posted by chuckbradley

  1. We used to have post office try this when I was shipping bullets. The boxes have no adhesive at all and have to be taped to be held together. It is just the stupid clerk or poorly trained postmaster. Sometimes its a worker thats pissed they have to handle heavy boxes or are antigun. We had one postmaster file a complaint with a regional director and I received a letter from her. I took it to my local postmaster who confronted her with the regs and she said "Oh, Ok no problem then" Basically keep asking for a superior and phone numbers to file complaints.
  2. I saw this yesterday and thought it was his fault for letting her drive it. I paid for my insensitivity. Got home and my wife had backed into my sons BMW. Only her 4th accident in 2 1/2 years. One was 60k paid out by the insurance company. Maybe this should be in the what I hate thread.
  3. Yep. A safe wont do it by itself. You need a good security system. One that doesnt rely on a telephone line alone but has a cell phone backup.
  4. Yep. I poured 8" concrete walls with rebar reinforced every 12", vertical & horizontal. We used 4000 psi concrete which has less rock and more concrete. Now for the ceiling we did 6" with the same rebar and concrete but added fiber reinforcement also. The concrete guy said it must be 6000 psi. We used plywood on spandals to form it. If I had it to do again I would use corrugated steel which stays in place unlike the plywood which leaves many seems. The size was 21x20 so we also poured a center wall for support leaving a walk way all the way around. For the vault door I used sportsmans but I wasnt impressed with it and wish I had gone higher quality. Here was my second choice http://www.brownsafe.com/categories/F1CB4A...5DE5/models.htm We not only have the safe combo but had the alarm system wired to the vault also. The concrete cost about 3000.00, the vault door I used was 3300.00, the labor I paid which included material(rebar,plywood, spandall rental and form rental) was 4700.00. That number should have been significantly cheaper. I built this on an existing concrete floor that was in place for 40 years. If it was new construction you would need a footer for the walls and a floor. Best way to do it is when you are building a house and just do the walls with the basement or foundation walls. I also had them leave a couple small holes with PVC in the ceiling for running wire. If you do this you will want to buy a dehumidifier to dry out the concrete before you put guns in it. We have pulled 20-30 gallons of water out of this one. That was after it sat for about 6 weeks before we moved in. I am sure it would be much less if you went smaller but these concrete wall contractors usually have a minimum charge. I wouldnt hesitate to build another especially knowing what I learned from the first one.
  5. I had shanahan do a colred grip once to see if it could be done. We learned it couldnt without leaving a grey tint to it. Dan also confirmed this. Now trying to do one with a temp controlled tool might do better. There are fibers in the polymer that burn. On a black grip you cant see it. On a colored it makes it grayish.
  6. We just unloaded a fresh batch of 2.6 million pasters yesterday. Thats allot of shooting! If anybody has any pasters from that are less than a year old from me that are not sticking please call me. I would like to get them back and replace them for you. I am sure my competition will do the same for you. The one and only report of my pasters not sticking was in this thread.
  7. Yeah, unfortunately... But... they were in my garage, which might get a taste warmer in Texas than your storage building in Kentucky... I didn't figure it to be a product quality problem, just an operator error... We've been in the habit of ordering an ANSII standard crap load at one time and using them to depletion... perhaps we should rethink that strategy, too, and order enough for 3 or 4 months at a time... We have a 40k case and an 80k case. Different packages. Once a club gets established all they have to do is kick me an email and I ship em out that day. They dont have to hassle with credit cards and getting reimbursed. This way the club treasurer can be handed the invoice and mail a check. We try to make it as easy as possible for you and this way you dont need to keep so much on hand. Although you are the first to say our pasters didnt stick. I have been seeing and hearing about allot of this problem though , just not with ours.
  8. Are you sure Dave? I had some sample boxes that have been sitting in the outdoor storage building since I started getting pasters made. That was well over 2 years ago. We were doing some practice the other day so we opened those samples up and used them. I made a note to see how they held up in the heat and cold. They stuck just great , not one fell off. I still would suggest rotating stock when you get a new shipment. I guess its possible that from batch to batch the type or amount of adhesive could change. I can tell you that we rotate our stock and order large quantities 3-4 times a year. Since we have moved they are now stored inside the temp controlled area we work in.
  9. Well, I have 26 acres with a 2 bay shooting pit. It just depends on the neighbors. I have one that is scared of guns and they are the ones that protested my variance to locate shooters connection on the property which ended up with a restriction that only i may shoot on the property. Now that Shooters Connection has moved anybody can shoot here and nothing they can do about it. He called once to notify me he was going to check some fence on the property line and didnt want me to shoot him. I laughed at him and told him not to worry, I dont shoot at anything unless I know what i am shooting at and where the bullet will impact and whats downrange. My other neighbor whose house is only about 600 ft from the range doesnt mind. I do try to consider them when shooting like early Sunday before a match. She was over today and we talked about the shooting. I was sighting in and practicing reloads with an M1 Garand for a vintage rifle match today. The 30-06 was much louder than the normal pistols we usually shoot. She heard it and said oh thats just shooting. The sound will carry different depending on the condition of the air. Sometimes a pistol round sounds like a small pop and other times it can be quite loud. This is just over the hill from the house. I may be wrong but it seems the higher the humidity the more the sound carries. Since moving Shooters Connection I have placed the house up for sale to move closer to work and family. I went to an Auction Saturday for 25 acres. They handed me the plat and deed restrictions that were attached. There it was, no discharging of firearms. I was disappointed. I handed the paper work back and said I was no longer interested because of that restriction. Good luck with your search. The reason I bought land in the first place was to have a place to shoot. You just have to survey the surrounding property and even talk to the neighbors unless the local laws allow it. Here in Kentucky we have a right to farm act which includes hunting. And no Government entity can pass a gun related law except the state legislature.
  10. Got mine last week, Ryans came in 3 days later. Still have not seen Austins yet. All at the same address. I am surprised there is no provision for lost ballots. That may be a little antiquated. We were having mail all mixed up with my neighbors , when I asked the post man about it he said the USPS had just implemented some new automated sorting machines.
  11. Bob, just curious, This pic is off your web page. It is a copy of a Koenig hammer. Looks like a mim cast part instead of the real thing. I know it didnt come from Doug Koenig. I have talked to Doug about the patent violation. He told me a company in Italy was copying his hammer using mim cast and they were showing up over here. Koenig hammer knockoff
  12. 1961 (I think) ford fairlane station wagon hand painted with a brush. The guy i got it from for 25.00 was a painter. 3 spped on the column. It didnt run. I was 15 and didnt even have a license yet. Doesnt mean i didnt drive it. Got it running(had a slipped timing chain) and sold it for 175.00 before I got my license. Of course only was paid 100.00 since the engine blew before they finished paying me. It has to be the worst, even beats the chevette I had once.
  13. Those individuals have a different set of priorities. They may just want to brag on them being a Grand Master or they may want that by their name so they can promote their business. I strongly believe that it needs to be something special to attain that classification. There needs to be at least one instance where they demonstrate that level of performance in a major match before being granted the GM classification.
  14. Do you have any idea how much ribbing guys like me take around election time now? bought as much as you get if that d stands for david
  15. Correct me if I am wrong but a corporation still has to buy a transferable. The benefit to a corporation is that it doesnt need to get an LEO signature. Good tactic for those that live in an area where the LEO wont sign. Jim, Cant really get a class 3 dealers license either. To get a dealer sample you need a letterhead from an LE agency to recieve it. And from what I have heard it doesnt do any good to have a buddy thats a sheriff to get you letters. ATF is starting to question the LE for actual intent to buy. Now the way to get into it just might be to get a manufacturers license.
  16. I agree with the title of the thread but its about as good as it can get. There are a few things i would do to change it. One being that to make GM you had to shoot a GM score at a match that counted, thus 3 GM shooters. I think we have too many paper GM's. They cant do it at the matches but they claim the glory of reaching that status. Then there are those that attained that level who just are not able to perform at that level any longer. This includes myself. I just cant bring myself to move to another division just because I may only be a Master in those. Enough of that. Other examples are my son who got classified D in open shooting a glock, now he has an open gun he is on the verge of breaking into B. He was well above(2nd place) the bulk of c class shooters at the last big match we went to but then there was the guy who actually won C. He hadnt shot open since he got classified 2 years earlier and is now almost A class limited. He won c class open. It is evident that you have to be on the verge of moving to the next level and perform into the next level to win your class. Given that most matches have done away with awarding valuable prizes based on performance it really doesnt matter. We should be trying to win our division. With all the divisions we have now maybe the classes should be less emphasized. Unless of course we consider playing the classification system as part of the overall game.
  17. That settles that. I understand some not wanting to vote but thats allot of nulls , or is that common?
  18. Depends on how you look at it. The % is correct if you ad the numbers next to the names but if you figure the number of votes compared to the total votes it is not.
  19. Just wandering why the numbers dont add up. I show 223 votes but the count only adds to 182. The percentages are not right either.
  20. You have to buy an existing transferable. Really expensive. An MP5 that was selling for 800.00 before the 86 law that Reagan signed is now around 18,000.00 and more. This is supply & demand. Supply is fixed. I think an m16 is around 12-20k. You can look at classifieds on subguns.com
  21. Here is their response. "Thank you for taking the time to contact our corporate office in writing. The concealed weapons policy has been put in place for all of our corporate stores and was implemented for the protection of our customers and our business. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. Thank you for your inquiry. This is an automated email. Please do not reply to this message." Notice no way to write back. You would think after VTECH they would learn that disallowing the legal guns doesnt protect anybody but the deranged shooter or criminal.
  22. Its not illegal. Here if you are found out they can ask you to leave and if you dont then they can call the police who can cite you for trespassing. I dont usually pay attention and carry anyway. Yesterday I wasnt and the sign was just so ignorant. "we provide a safe environment.." All they did was post a sign which means nothing but make others feel good.
  23. Went into a large, Value oriented, furniture store yesterday that was as big as a City. There was as sign on the door that said we provide a safe environment and there are no weapons allowed on the premise. I almost just turned around but decided to have some fun. First saleslady approached us and asked if we needed help. I asked her if they had an armed guard on duty. She looked puzzled so I thought i better follow it up. Your sign not allowing me to carry inside your store takes away my ability to protect myself so I assume that your company has taken on that responsibility themselves and must have an armed guard on duty. She looked puzzled and said no. Then I told her I typically dont spend my money in stores that post signs like that. SHe turned around and walked away. We continued to browse(with no intention of buying there) and salesman #2 approaches us. I said I am so glad to know that no crazed gunmen will come into their store, that once they see that no weapons sign they will stop and turn around. He said , " its crazy isnt it?" I told him I knew it wasnt his decision but i dont spend money at stores with those signs and if enough of us voice our opinion and take our dollars elsewhere they may think twice about it. He seemed to agree with my position but said "thats all corporate". Then turned and walked away. We dont see to many signs like that here in KY. Some companies will have an official policy saying they dont allow Carry in their stores but they dont go so far as to post a sign. I can appreciate the somewhat neutral position due to liability concerns. I hate the ones that are so antigun they neglect the liability created from the sign but just want to make an antigun statement. Yes I believe they create added liability by saying they "provide a safe environment" when in reality to keep licensed CCW holders from carrying on the property and not really providing some protection themselves makes an environment that is less safe.
  24. Thats the problem with fixed sights, finding a load that hits at POA. Did you try a heavier or lighter bullet? Anyway the STI TAS sight is the sight i have to fit it. There may be some others out there but the TAS is pretty popular.
  25. yeah, they still don't have any ready to go. I called up shooters connection and all they had were ones for a bushing gun and said dawson was not worrying about the guide rods right now. They may show up pretty soon. I got some Para base pads today that have been on backorder for a while. I have the guide rods on backorder now.
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