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Everything posted by chuckbradley

  1. That is a benefit if you can deal with them breaking, coming loose and finding one the right size when needed. I would keep an extra on hand for every gun. Think I would rather not use reamed brass. I just never came across this bridge before but we never stop learning.
  2. http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...44&hl=vault Check this thread out.
  3. Yea, the federal 200 is a small pistol magnum. They are softer which tend to have a better ignition. I would think the softer metal would expand and seal the pocket. I used Federal 200's almost exclusively in my 40 Glock. (That is what you had in stock way back when...when I first started loading for this game. Not wanting to change much, I always stuck with them.) Eventually, I started to get erosion similar to what is pictured above. I can't be sure, but I suspect it started when I started to load minor for Production. My feeling is that those 200's have walls that don't seal. (They go off just fine though.) I woul dbe more incline dto think that if I hadnt been using them in open guns since back in 94 and in 40's since I started shooting 40 in limited. Never had a problem with any guns or loads until now using the reamed brass. Federal 200 have always been a constant, the only change was the reamed brass. Given that I cant blame the primers.
  4. Dont know how I missed your post Vinrey. The 40 is what I shoot most and i am not giving up my 1050 :angry2: I am considering buying a 1050 and using unprocessed 9mm brass but I had a mag problem Sunday. 4 nose dives, same mag. I meant to send them to Howard but havent. I will now. The other option is to buy a 1050 and some super comp brass and get Dan to ream the barrels out to super. Not sure yet but the cheap brass is attractive. Have I said that yet. If it wasnt for the cheap brass 9major wouldnt even be an issue today. Maybe we need to get more Government agencies shooting 38 super comp so we can have cheap brass
  5. Yep but not that bad yet. The 40 is real light but there is a ring.
  6. Yep, and I know that. But the cheap brass is so attractive.
  7. I thought maybe if it had been rollsized it would shrink the primer pocket but i guess the primer could have been reamed after it was rollsized leaving them with the same problem.
  8. Doug, I really appreciate the offer but the guy who I got them from has offered to take them back. I wouldnt want anybody to have to deal with what i have.
  9. Yea, the federal 200 is a small pistol magnum. They are softer which tend to have a better ignition. I would think the softer metal would expand and seal the pocket.
  10. Here is the video link http://jalopnik.com/cars/drag-racing/stunn...rash-302814.php 315 mph!
  11. Using Federal 200's. For now. I bought 20k back when they were 90.00 a case delivered. Guess I may have to pony up for some of the match grade at 125.00 a case soon. I have used Federal 200's for 12 years in both open and limited. Back when we did the first 9mm I was shooting limited only and my other son was shooting production(factory 9mm and only 90.00 a 1000). So I bought him a square deal for the 9mm. We have the house for sale and planned on a 1050 when we get moved. We are strongly consdering changing all 3 guns to super comp but the cheap brass is a big draw. Then again if it takes all the work of hand sorting and dealing with the brass I would rather just buy new brass. Bad thing is we have the saem brass for 40 and its showing some erosion also. We have a 1050 for the 40 do you all think if I adjust the press to set the primer a little harder it would swell the primer enough to seal the pocket? Any want to buy 6000 pieces of 9mm brass?
  12. Yea thats what i need. One gun is 3 years old and has been shot about 20,000 rounds. It has been hardchromed. No sign of wear at all on this gun but now it is showing the same erosion although not quite as bad as the blued guns. The blue guns were new back in the spring. I went to this brass when my other source for roll sized brass went up to 60.00 a 1000. At least maybe somebody else may not fall to the same circumstance now.
  13. +1. Was it crimped primer brass? Why ream pistol primer pockets is my question....Reloaders need to be a little anal but jeez.. Well we were having problems with once fired 9mm brass having military crimps. I talked about it in another thread. I found this brass that had reamed pockets. so thats how we ended up with it. I should have bought all new brass, of course then i should have just stayed with supercomp. There are so many issues with 9mm I am almost convinced its not worth the cheap brass and without the cheap brass there is no, none, zip advantage to 9mm. I was afraid of the answer, was hoping I was wrong. I too believe it to be gas erosion so the brass is toast.
  14. I jumped back & forth on posting this in Open gun technical or Reloading. I settled on Open gun since it is more relevant to open guns. I bought some brass off ebay that was cleaned and reamed in 9mm. The brass has a sharp burr on it where it was reamed. The burr doesnt interfere with function so we used it anyway. I have about 6000 pieces of this stuff. After only shooting about 4000 of this brass through 3 guns we notice a ring around the firing pin hole on the breech face. Its worse than any open gun I have ever seen before. My question is , in your opinions, do you think the burr of barss is causing the erosion by cutting into the breech face under pressure or do you think it would be more so the gas getting around the primer causing it due to an oversized primer pocket? The reason I ask is if its the burr I can remove it and use the brass. If its the primer pocket then the brass cant be used for 9mm major. I may ask the guy I got it from to switch it out for non-reamed brass.
  15. If you refer to this web page. http://home.howstuffworks.com/stun-gun3.htm And take note of the differences in a Taser device and a cattle prod. Then ask your self why we as a country regulate cattle prods for reasons of human rights violations as reflected in this link. http://www.tibet.com/Humanrights/HumanRights96/hr96_8.html Quote from Export Control Freaks Matthew Swibel, 09.12.07, 6:00 AM ET "What's on the list of controlled items may shock you. The Springer Magrath Co. of McCook, Neb., pleaded guilty a year ago to criminal export violations for shipping cattle prods without a license. Although cattle prods are often used as devices of torture, the feds say, there's no evidence Springer Magrath's buyers (in Mexico and Ireland, among others) were Abu Ghraib copycats. Still, it cost Springer $500,000 in criminal and civil fines." But condone their use against our own citizenry. Not to say I dont agree with their use in the proper circumstance and agree it is sometimes the best alternative. But it is an eerie similarity when a college student at a political forum is hushed up and taken away for speaking using a similar device. Being that there seemed to be no physical threat , the best solution may have been to let the student talk and let it play itself out. Eventually the audience would have told him to be quiet. As long as it was kept non violent then it is merely debate. The speaker could have left or chose to engage. Why do we protect the politician and hogtie the citizen? I realize the LE in this have only been the instruments used by those higher up and were in probability only doing what they were told. Its not their actions individually that concerns me but the acceptance of it and proliferation of acts like it in our society. I wasnt there and there may have been other circumstances that we are not aware of that warranted the reaction . We just have to be really careful when it comes to free speech. That is why I had mixed emotions with what hapened.
  16. I have to disagree. If its not a lawful order I dont have to obey. Yes sir, I agree with you 100%. Maybe I should have said you "probably shouldn't" blatantly disobey.... But here is the rub. You have to be willing to pay the price. There may come a time in this country when I or others are forced to become "lawbreakers" because our constitutional rights have been trashed. At that time we will all have to make the decision to comply or revolt. Whatever the choice, you will have to decide if you are willing to pay the price. Thanks for disagreeing. My problem is I don't agree with public a$$holes. There are better ways to get your point across. FWIW dj And I agree that you have to be willing to pay the price, lawful or not. Problem is when we all are not willing to pay that price. At what point do we open our eyes? If this guy set this up then I say go taze him again. If he was just a citizen holding a political officials feet to the fire then its a sad day.
  17. I have to disagree. If its not a lawful order I dont have to obey.
  18. I brought this up with a well respected gunsmith on this site and his response was "only if you don't build the gun right" or something along those lines. Depends on what coating. If you build a tight gun and hardchrome immediately it will be so tight it wont cycle until you break it in. In my opinion breaking it in on the hardchrome ruins the advantage from hardchroming in the first place. Hardchrome adds material and changes tolerances. So if that gunsmith builds a loose gun to accomodate hardchrome then you would be ok but after it breaks in the gun will be looser than if you broke it in first then hardchromed it.
  19. In my opinion the only advantage to going 9 major is the cost of brass. Without the cheap brass there is no advantage. Not that in some platforms the 9mm may be a necessary choice there just isnt any advantage for 9mm in the platform most open shooters use. And when you consider the issues with using cheap brass, which may mean using new brass is necessary , that advantage is gone also. Personally I am considering changing all our guns to Super Comp. We have been shooting 9mm with once fired brass. First we had problems with military crimped brass so I looked for reamed brass. The reamed brass has looser primer pocket that has been letting gas around the primer and causing erosion on the breach face on all 3 guns. There are just so many issues that we have to deal with that werent present with supercomp or super. Any money saved on brass we lost, and more so, by having to have 3 new slides fit. My post may not be fitting for this thread. Mods feel free to break it off and start a new thread
  20. I have some mixed emotion about this. Was he a threat to anybody? Its to a point some people dont think they have a voice and these instances dont help that conception with those individuals. I didnt hear what he said and maybe he was being really offensive. Still dont see why they couldnt subdue him and carry him out instead of tazing him. Wouldnt be surprised if a case of abuse isnt made out of it.
  21. The cadillac is the progressive machine quick stripper. A little pricey though at 55.00
  22. Should have had me send you a gauge also. I carry them. I have the Dawson Followers also but I beleive he is just using factory STI springs.
  23. Well its not a huge market so i am not sure somebody will invest the money it would take. Somebody may make them out of aluminum. The price just jumped allot on these. I was selling them for 37.95 and they jumped to 59.95 with my last order. Not too smart to jump price that much when your patent is getting ready to expire.
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