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Everything posted by chuckbradley

  1. I've seen Brazos guns, Benny guns, Bedell guns Dawson guns and the rest puke, you are not missing anything and I'll keep it at that. Yep, and guess what even mine has puked on occasion. Like when my sons load my ammo and I get squibs or the wrong powder causing 195pf ammo. Most of the time it is ammo and magazine related although there are tmes that parts break and springs wear. There is nothing majical about any of them. The operator has to do their part while shooting, loading and maintaining.
  2. Chuck, as I stated earlier, it's always tough to be a Monday morning quarterback (especially since I did not see the incident or the stage), but from how you explained it, I would have DQ'd the competitor under the following rule... 10.5.10 Failure to keep the finger outside the trigger guard during movement in accordance with Section 8.5. 8.5 Movement 8.5.1 Except when the competitor is actually aiming or shooting at targets, all movement must be accomplished with the fingers visibly out the trigger guard (my emphasis) and the safety should be engaged. The firearm must be pointed in a safe direction. "Movement" is defined as any of the action below: Taking more than one step in any direction Changing shooting stance (e.g. from standing to kneeling, from seated to standing etc.). From your description, the competitor was not aiming or shooting at targets, and even if I did not have a clear view of his finger, if the gun goes off, either his finger was inside the trigger guard, OR his gun broke (which he will need to prove). I would call this one every time, and if the ARB committee overruled it, so be it... Problem in that situation is he wasnt moving by the definition. It was one box and he was merely transitioning from one target to the next.
  3. Depends on what your definition of engaging is. I can be engaging a target when it is not yet available to shoot. Example, coming into a port where I know where the target is, gun is up , finger prepping trigger for instant firing as soon as its visible. If I get on the trigger a little too much and early resulting in a discharge and the round stays in the berm then its not a DQ in my book. Saying you cant put your finger on the trigger until your sights are on the target is a little tight. If that was applied then everybody who had a miss between two targets would be DQ'ed since the finger was obviously on the trigger and the sights obviously were not. We already have a rule to determine whats a DQ. Its the Accidental Discharge definition which says its a DQ if a round goes over the berm or hits within 3 meters of the shooter. I would almost assume this doesnt even apply when engaging a target since we shoot within 3 meters where the bullet impacts the ground closer than 3 meters frequently. Stage design should keep any rounds fired toward a target from leaving the berm. Many moons ago at a nationals there was a stage with a big wall the shooter started in front of. There was a target on each end. After shooting the first target the shooter swung his gun to shoot the second target. A round discharged and hit the wall between the targets. The round stayed in the berm. The RO DQ'ed the shooter. He arbitrated and won. Forgot the exact ruling but I think it was two fold. I am shooting with one of the arbitration committee members tomorrow and I will try to remember to ask her what it was. But i think they determined the shooter was indeed engaging the target and the round impact did not qualify under the AD rule.
  4. No a keyhole scores. The twice the diameter applies to a turning target or disappearing target. The premise is that if its larger than 2 diameters then the target has turned more than 45 degrees and is not available any longer.
  5. I agree that this applies most of the time. I have to respectfully disagree with the ALWAYS part of the statement. Different motives may be a factor as well. You are correct that non-monetary/non-material factors will play a part, but wrong to think that this makes any difference. For example, most popular 'smiths, even those that have absurd waiting lists, do not raise their price to a level where the waiting list is reasonable, even though they would make more money. They might feel that reducing their waiting list reduces their prestige and would reduce business enough that profits fall. More likely, I think they feel that beyond some "reasonable" price, rationing their services by willingness-to-wait is somehow "fairer" than rationing by willingness-to-pay (which is of course their right). The truth is these are simply factors that influence the position and shape of the (conceptual) supply curve. On the other side, consumers may desire a particular 'smith's product for what one might deem "irrational" reasons such as where he/she hails from, their internet charisma or lack thereof, cosmetic style, and so on. Again these are simply factors influencing demand. Of course everyone realizes that supply and demand curves as we draw them on graphs do not actually exist, they are just a modeling tool. But the concept is powerful enough to scry into each and every facet of human exchange. Hmm... I would think for non-monetary/non-material factors to play a part, something you just said was correct, that it would have to make a difference. If it doesnt make any difference then it didnt play a part. Which is it? The absolutes of Any and Always is what I think may be my issue. I know some things that make a difference in price and simple supply & demand arent always the reason. I know of one big name gunsmith who told me he didnt want to build CUSTOM guns anymore so he was going to get a large price to steer buyers to a factory based gun so he can sell more and have more time. I realize he is effecting the demand side by creating less demand but at the same time giving the impression to the average buyer that its because of the demand the price is as high as it is or that it is that much better or majical. Instead of creating the majical , highly demanded product by setting an artificial price we choose to create an image of offering the best value. There are factors such as what image is trying to be created that play a large roll in the reason for the OP's question. I guess you could say that both supply and demand can be manipulated by the manufacturer and its still a result of supply and demand but it is allot more complicated than what most would think of when you say supply & demand. Thats why I originally had the issue with the ALWAYS added into your statement.
  6. chuck, i got the gun from y'all through my work and I was an idiot and forgot to ask for the pin when I was at it. And there isn't too much room on that front sight, I'll file it down a bit and see if I can get the POI to get closer to POA. Unfortunately benny is about 8 hours away from me. Eric, i saw your grip up for trade and i was just a bit too late on it. I know this is off topic, but y'all have been extremely helpful and i really appreciate it. Before everybody started stippling grips I used to just take off 3 rows of checkering on each corner of the grips which gave the grip a completely different feel. Now its evolved to what we have today, a shaped grip with stippling. You can try it your self and only risk 109.99 for a new grip. Just take it slow and dont take off too much material or stipple too deep. Or I sell a pre-stippled grip. If you dont find a fix on the sight call and we will talk about options.
  7. If your close enough to Benny you might be able to drive over there and feel a few grips and get him to do it while you wait.
  8. Brian, I agree there is too much regulation. Its so bad its counterproductive. My pet peeve is sitting in a turn lane with a green light for both straight ahead traffic and looking at an empty road. Since when can we not be responsible enough to make a left turn without having to have an arrow telling us its time to go. I know some intersections my require some LH only time but it would be so much quicker if we could turn left on a green light if traffic allowed. I know, we have to play to the lowest common denominator.
  9. I have the STI TAS sight that will fit in that sight cut. I dont remember but is there enough room to file the front sight down without getting into the tritium? Maybe try a different ammo also. The recoilmaster wont break with a 9mm. The first generation did have a problem but the flange was made thicker and the breakages have all but stopped. I know of a first generation that lasted 4 years in my first Spitfire until it broke. This is with Major loads, 9mm factory wont stress it as much. Well it may break eventually just like almost every other part eventually. The epoxy and grit works. I used to sell the Perma grip whihc was a grit & epoxy type. Problem is they wore out rahter quickly. Now I like the stippling since it does not wear out. I may have a pin laying around. Give me a call tomorrow.
  10. I could ask that very same question.
  11. I agree that this applies most of the time. I have to respectfully disagree with the ALWAYS part of the statement. Different motives may be a factor as well.
  12. I have found loading 40 it is something I wouldnt do without. I used to chamber gauge all my ammo, still do for major matches but since I have been using the FCD I have not had one case not make it. If somebody else makes one that does the same thing better i would buy it. For now I recommend the Lee FCD to anybody loading a 40. I also plan on getting one for 9mm when I pick up another 1050.
  13. Friggin' awesome comments. This is what a Nationals location is all about. Barry, IL never did it for me. In fact, after sweating my *ss off at the old S&W Millenium match there, I boycotted Barry. Even though I earned a slot every year, if the Nats were there, I didn't go. I absolutely hate that place. It's an armpit full of mold and 90/90 weather (sorry if someone from here lives there - no reflection on the people). Why on earth should a major event, which for many is a vacation, be held in such a crappy place? Oh yeah, there is just SO much to do in Barry. Missoula rocked, as usual. The staff and RO's were awesome, the scenery is always a treat (did anyone notice the "river view" from the road in the afternoons?). I thought the BSPSC did a great job on the running of the match and the items up to them. That range is simply beautiful. Not to mention we saw Jojo's ugly mug in a full color photo in the paper, front page of the Outdoor section. What other cities would do that for a shooting sport? Also, FYI that isn't the first major match held there. BSPSC and Missoula hosted Area 1 twice already. I am sure Missoula was great and I wish we could have gone, really wanted to go. But in defense of Barry/Quincy they did do alot for the organization including news and TV coverage. I also sweated it out in the summer time in Barry and also chose not to go at that time of year. The North American Championship is on my list of hottest matches I ever attended. Nothing beats Area 4 at Texarkana though. At the right time of the year I have experienced absolutely magnificent weather at Barry. Weather is a crap shoot wherever you go except maybe Reno and Vegas which had great weather for the Nationals in past years.
  14. I gather from the posts in this thread that there was some dissatisfaction with the splendor of the match. I was not there but have been to a few nationals post Andy Hollar as well as many during Andy's administration. His matches had splendor but the problem was the cost associated with the extras like award banquets as well as most present day shooters needing to get home as soon as possible. Also having the match at a single venue year after year allowed for props to accrue and result in a more professional appearance. There are 2 things I think would bring the splendor back to the nationals. With out these things we will continue as we are now. First the President, according to the bylaws, is completely responsible for the administration of the Nationals. We need a president whose first priority is the organization and putting on a quality match OR a change in the bylaws to bring more people, eg. the BOD members and USPSA staff, into the responsibility of the match. The other thing which I think is a larger factor is for USPSA to have a home range where the nationals can be held year after year. I know there is opposition to this. Some like to have the match move around. We have to realize there is a trade off. Do we want mobility or quality and continuity? This has been discussed before. I just thought with some of the comments it was time to bring it forward again.
  15. Missed you today. We were expecting chocolate cake after the match. Austin even shot limited today, he was scared you might beat him again.
  16. Nope. The manufacturer does not sell them separately.
  17. Just talked to Ralph today after putting in an order and asked him whats new. He said the M&P base pads. I have stock ont he way also. He also has a new XD mag spring and will have a new M&P 140 mag spring soon.
  18. One problem with satellite is its a managed bandwith. I am sure there is a technical terminology i am not using for this. If you exceed you allotment then it basically shuts you down for a time period. I dont have long outages just when a big storm rolls over between the dish and the satellite. Sometimes its really slow like yesterday. I did pay the extra 10.00 a month to increase my allotted bandwith, it did help. There is a relatively new technology called wifi. It works like satellite but it is line of site to water tower or building. I wanted to try it but they wouldnt prove to me first or guarantee it would work better than satellite. I figured it was better to get a signal through a storm than to get it through 20 miles of rain or snow. Thats how far the receiver is from me. If you are close I am told it works really good.
  19. Nope, I rolled it back to a scene where it showed a close up front view and it was a 45 barrel.
  20. I have done quite alot on Ebay and have used several snipe programs. The best one doesnt exist anylonger. It was a web page that placed my bid for me. I didnt have to have my computer on. I tried a program that comes from your own computer. Not good. The latest one charges you a fee if you win. I only used it a couple times. The only thing a snipe does is catch somebody off guard who didnt bid the max they would pay. It can be argued it causes a lower final amount since it doesnt allow others to increase their bid but thats not the snipers fault. As a seller I like gunbrokers way of extending an auction 15 mintues if a bid comes in 15 mintues before the end of the auction. You can find some good deals but you have to be careful, very careful.
  21. Is there really a big need for waterproof targets? What would a club be willing to pay over a cardboard target? I have an idea but dont think it will really sell in volume so I didnt pursue it. My idea would be about twice the cost of the cardboard target. Some others sprayed cardboard targets down with something but I dont thank that took off. I Thought about wax covered cardboard like they make fresh chicken boxes out of but the pasters wouldnt stick. I even played with waterproof pasters. In fact our targets are made with a water resistant glue in the cardboard. Havent done any testing with them but didnt think it could hurt. As much of a pain it is to deal with bags I just dont think waterproof is something the market will support.
  22. Got a chance to catch it this evening. Pretty good movie. Only thing I am surprised you gun types didnt catch is the 10 rounds out of the 45 1911 when he shot around the border patrol agent toward the end. Not as bad as another movie we watched where the news reporter was giving a report during a hurricane and the sun was shining. It was in LA so maybe thats how hurricanes are in So. Cal.
  23. YOu make me feel good about my decision Butch. Needed a new work computer for a new employee. Nothing fancy. I thought about just buying a dell or HP/Compaq instead of having my son build a custom one. He built the one I am typing on and it hasnt crashed once since he finished it. Of course he had a few issues building as seen on another thread on this list where several came to his aid. Austin talked me out of it. Got all the parts to build a new work computer for 700.00. Including flat screen monitor. 160g HD, 1G ram, 1.8 duo processor, dvd/cd burner, wireless mouse & keyboard. I also hate the proprietary crap these manufacturers put on their computers. I dont want preloaded software. Just what I want and need. Custom built is the way to go. Sort of like the guns we shoot.
  24. I am not familiar with henderson. There is a casino in evansville across the river though. You are pretty much in the middle of no where. Maybe some of the guys on that end of the state can be more help.
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