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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. Happy Birthday Jon. Stay safe bro. Todd
  2. I'm a mountainbiker but hate on dude. An idiot is an idiot no matter what their profession or hobby is. I just hit one of those morons that you're talking about today! The light was green and I was making a left (there was a construction wall on my left blocking my vision) this guy blows through the light right in front of me. If I didn't slam on the brakes he would have been D.R.T.! As it turned out I hit him just hard enough to knock him over. Before I could ask if he was ok, he got back on his bike and rode away. What an idiot!
  3. Stop saying "combat" or........I'll tell you to stop again!
  4. Luck and skill....now there's a great combination. Shooters are great! I got deathly ill at WSXIV and was taken care of by Petra, Mike, and Martin of Team Germany. Thanks guys, I'm almost back to normal now.
  5. Thanks a lot everyone. I just got home from Ecuador today and getting home safely was definately a great B-day present. The match did not go very well for me; I think I had about twenty penalties...oh well. I haven't been present in mind or body this year, for the most part and I certainly wasn't prepared for a match of this magnitude. Thanks again for the kind thoughts and words, you're the best!
  6. Hey Flex, hope you had a very happy birthday. Many happy returns to the range...
  7. Great match! Thanks to everyone involved with putting it on, you all did a great job. It was good to see everyone and get back on the range after my absence. Congratulations to the winners. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the WS. Regards, Ninjaturtle
  8. " Hide the money y'all, there's poor people 'round here....with your broke asses!"
  9. Sure, just rub it in why don't you... Man I missed being there, but I'm glad to here that some people had a great time.
  10. Steve, It was great to see you again and to get to talk to you. Thanks for looking out for my little brother, your kindness has not gone unrewarded. I wish I was going to be there shooting with you and the rest of the super shooters but another life chapter has started and I must follow the path before me. This chapter isn't complete yet though and I'll be back next year, in PASA or wherever else the big match ends up being. Until then.... Regards, Turtle P.S. I get my new SP-01 today and I'm hoping it help's me get out of this rut. That death-jam on stage 1 really hurt.....
  11. Thanks Russ, I appreciate the kind words. Too many points down though... My 1st shot was a D and it blew a piece of the stick into the air. The funny thing is that I couldn't help but track the stick through it's arc while I was shooting. Brad and Jake just smoked it staight up! Good job guys.
  12. Happy birthday to a great guy! Hope you had a good one Roger.
  13. The match staff are to be highly commended, great job everyone! It was good to see everyone out there in IPSC land, it's always a pleasure. Special thanks to Kyle, Brian (even though he shot that popper a little high and with ammo of questionable power factor... ), and Steve (for his positive attitude and comments that helped pick up a slightly battered and broken turtle)! Congratulations to the winners and once again to the match staff, truly a job well done!
  14. Z, Although I've never shot it, I heard the Florida Invitational Pistol Tournament was a great match. Back when they were still having it I was a C class shooter only dreaming of shooting matches like that. Mostly because at the time I just didn't have the time off from work available, or the money to pay for the matches. Like Beven said, when you add up the travel and lodging it's a pretty penny. T
  15. Carina, Roger, & Carlos have made some excellent and well-articulated points and I agree with them totally. I don't think that anyone is saying that the MD was "unfair". It's just that some of us take the competition a little more serious than others and have shot a lot of matches with no problems (other than the extremely rare, previously mentioned, rude walk-thru hopper). So why blind side the shooters with this "new" policy. If competitors are not to be allowed on the stages before the official walk-thru, then the squads should be smaller and there should have been prior notification to the shooters. I went out of my way to get to the match early and wasn't really thrilled to find out I wasn't welcome on the stages. We could go back and forth about how fair it is or isn't but that wouldn't really get us anywhere. Again, this is not a knock at the match staff at all. You all did a wonderful job and I thank you from my heart for your hard work. I hope that this constructive criticism is taken the way it was intended... Regards, Todd
  16. Great match. A big "thank you" to all who helped to make it happen. Great job Smitty, congrats!
  17. At least you didn't have a stuck case, I would have felt somewhat responsible for that. As bad as it was for you, I was inspired by how well you took it bro, thanks for that. See you at Area 6.
  18. Mine moved too.....honestly....
  19. What a great match! It never ceases to amaze me how much hard work everyone puts into a match of this caliber and how glad they are to do it. Even the weather was great for those of us blessed enough to shoot on Saturday at least. Heart fealt thanks to all involved. Oh, and sorry about that terrible odor that I left behind. It was from my 'stinky' performance and it should clear up soon. Good to see you all....
  20. Hmmn.....mag capacity, now there's a can of worms. The Glock 17 mags can easily hold 18 rounds if the retaining plate is left out and new 13 coil springs are not used. By not limiting mag capacity, the door was left open for "gaming" or an "arms race" in IPSC in contrast to USPSA where everyone is loading 10 or less. It's just that now it's turned ugly since the whole "I'm taking my ball and going home now" antics....
  21. I'm not trying to start a flame war, so please don't read that tone into this... I don't see how adding a light/accessory rail to a pistol makes it "racelike". It's a Production gun for goodness sakes. Is it the weight, then say so. Is it the thumb safety, then say so. Or does it just not look like the other Production guns? We need well defined rules, not vague terms like: spirit of the game, racelike, unfair advantage, competition style, etc... There are several issues here and not to beat a deceased equine, but... 1) The whole Approved, no just kidding Not Approved thing. and 2) Criteria based approval vs. Arbitrary List Based approval. Nobody likes to be treated unfairly and to have to hear "because we said so" as the only justification. Anybody who knows me would know that I would feel the same frustration with this issue if I had a "special" interest or not. It's the principle of the thing. I just hope that the damage can be repaired. Regards, Todd
  22. Phil, I'm quite certain that Nik is correct and the phrase you pasted is from the "new" and recently modified gun list. It seems that he even has the paper trail to prove it... Regards, Todd
  23. This has got to be one of the most frustrating things that's come about in IPSC in....well, in IPSC history. I can only imagine how I would feel if I were a gun company executive/owner or such. We've got enough on our hands fighting outside battles with public opinion, legal restrictions, environmental protection issues, and do I have to even mention law suits? We just can't keep changing the rules and slamming doors in the faces of our shooters and sponsors. Some clearly defined requirements need to be set in stone and once a gun is on the list it should remain on the list. Turning coat after the fact is a seriously low blow.... I have enjoyed all the input so far, thanks. All this preaching to the choir has made me hungry, I'll catch y'all later.
  24. I guess that's not including your finish from last year's Nationals.
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