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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. All the best to you Phil. And what a birthday present BTW: winning the steel challenge! You still da man. Happy Birthday little buddy.
  2. Happy Birthday Flex! Don't the years seem to go by faster as we get older? Looking forward to seeing you at the Nationals, take care...
  3. To all you guys who missed it, was a great match. The stages were fun, the staff kept everything moving (no back-ups), and boy what a cool range. The shuttle for shooters was great and pretty much required. It was awesome actually having an Area 8 match, remember all the drama earlier in the year? Thanks to all the hard working staff and congratulations to all the winners! A big thanks to the match sponsors, especially i-SHOT. It was good to see some of my favorite shooters that I haven't seen in a while and to meet some new ones. It would have been nice if I shot better, but it's all just practice for the Nats anyway, right?
  4. That's just insane. Take all the hard work you guys put in to make the stats run so efficiently, then double it because of the scoring glitch. Insane... Thanks again, you're the best.
  5. You'd think that the "Rodney Dangerfield of practical shooting" would give us production shooters a little more respect than that... ...I demand that you change the title of this thread Phil! (In my best Arnold voice) Do it now!
  6. A while ago someone posted a thread about all of these match comments being just a love fest and not being very constructive in nature. I thought very long and hard so as to come up with some constructive criticism, but alas I'm at a loss. Great Match and a job well done. To all involved in making this happen, thank you very much! A special thanks to Helmie at i-SHOT and the other sponsors as well. I really enjoyed myself, sadly not because of the shooting, but because of all the great people at the match. I didn't make any requests but It was nice to see that I got squaded with a great group too. OK, I just thought of something; Maybe you could avoid a multi-string stage next year as they do tend to be a little slower than most other classifiers...not that I'm complaining. See you next time, Todd
  7. Chris, I do my own trigger work and I had the same problem this year. It doubled on me at a club match and at the SC sectional. Then it started tripling repeatedly so I had to do something about it (I had about 7000 rds and a lot of dry fire on it)... I replaced the striker and that helped but didn't completely fix it. I also had to replace the trigger bar (cruciform) as well in order to get enough engagement. It would be helpful to get the orange armorers back plate so you can check the engagement surface. I don't know if Ralph has a *000 round guaranty or anything, but I'm sure he'll get you back up and running. You may find it easiest to just buy a new trigger kit, 100% reliability is worth a few bucks. Regards, Todd
  8. I do this a lot too and for some reason I find it sooo amusing. I guess it's just one little way to stick it to the man... It just goes to show you what a perverted world we live in; even the poor little old cup o' joe has fell victim...
  9. Congratulations BJ, well done! Best to you and your family too.
  10. Yes, I'm pretty sure that it's the exact same stage.
  11. A great match and well run. The weather didn't exactly co-operate, what with the high winds and all. There were doors flying open and poppers falling down all over the place on Saturday, but the match staff handled everything really well. Much thanks to all who worked so hard to pull it off! Thanks to the match sponsors as well, especially i-SHOT and MLE enterprises. I just noticed that myself and can't help but wonder how he did it. If it was an error in scoring, it cost me the match win. Well, even if it wasn't an error in scoring it cost me the match win if you look at it that way. I reworked the math without Steve's run since it totally blew the curve (assuming he would have come in around the top spot with a 6.5 hit factor) and, ....well it just doesn't matter I guess. If I would have shot better I wouldn't have to worry about it, would I? But anyway Steve, how did you shoot that stage? Congratulations to the winners, better luck next year to the rest of us.
  12. Tension and conscious thought are the enemy on this one. We shot this in Fredericksburg the other day. My run didn't feel that great to me, just ok... the cadence could have been better on one of the targets. 1 Todd Sindelar 20 GM Production 100 0 6.79 14.7275 100.0000 100.00% Steve, a miss....wow. Seriously, was it a double or do you know where the shot went?
  13. I got my Warren sights from i-SHOT too, they're the best! Right now I'm using the Warren model (just personal preference, the Sevigny model is great too though...) with a .105" f.o. front. I switched from a f.o. front sight to a black serrated about 3 years ago because I was allowing the dot to distract me. I put the f.o. front sight on this year because it was the only sight with the correct width & height that I could get my hands on before the SC Sectional. I really like the set up as it is and will probably keep it for a while. The dot doesn't seem to bother me any more...
  14. Glad to hear that it wasn't worse George. Thanks for sharing your story and the pics (they came out rather nice). Hope you're feeling better soon and back out on the range in no time. Note to self: keep body parts away from both ends of boom-boom stick.
  15. Ouch! At the tender age of 36 that doesn't apply to me yet, but somebody out there just got their feelings hurt. Congratulations Matt, good work!
  16. Brian, you guys had your hands full with that stage and you all handled it magnificently (that's what we've come to expect from you, though)! Seriously, look at the stats as far as number of shooters at this match compared to other matches. It rivaled past national matches! Last years Nationals had only 22 fewer shooters in Production Division. 367 shooters in 2 1/2 days has got to be a record or something. Once again, great job to all involved. Thank you. It was good to see everybody again too, you too Tighty. I just wish I shot a little better....
  17. Great match. Big thanks to all who made it possible, especially the R.O.'s, man they had some long days. Congratulations to the winners and those who didn't have to shoot at bagged targets in the rain.
  18. Sorry to hear about that Spook, But if it's any consolation, I believe that you handled the situation well on many levels. When I started IPSC shooting in 1994 it seemed that almost everone that had any shooting skill also had the ego problem that your 'friend' has. I almost quit because they were so unpleasant to be around, but shooting meant too much to me for me to allow these other peoples' problems to dictate my future. I'm still shooting and I believe that most, if not all of them are long gone. There is something inherently wrong with people who act like that. It is fixable, but the repairs do not come easy, partially because the people often do not know or care that they have a problem. His Kindergarten report card probably read: 'runs with scissors' and 'does not play well with others'. I hope your arm is OK and you're feeling better soon. Regards, Todd
  19. What a great match, congratulations to the winners. Much thanks to the RO's, staff, and all involved in making it happen. I want to thank i-shot as well for sponsoring the match and the team... great owner, great company, and great range bags! What a group of shooters too (the match seems to have a cult following of sorts)... I'm always amazed at how wonderful you all are, It was awesome to be in your company again! It was a great way to open the season up, thanks again to all the match staff. Nemo, You are awesome man! It was cool to see you and the boys out on the range. Congrats to you and Nelson Jr. on your wins! Thanks for being an inspiration and a great ambassador for our sport. Sorry we didn't get to talk, hopefully next time... Jack, the same goes for you and yours, great job! It was nice following your squad, impressive to watch all the juniors...good job with the gun handling! Thanks again South Carolina crew for a totally satisfying match experience. OK, love fest over, back to reality..... Turtle, out.
  20. Thanks for the kind words guys. Jake is da' man though! If I can just shave 1.22 seconds off, I'll beat him to the goal. Hey, if I do that, can I collect all that money that you guys were talking about putting up? Yah Flex, but I think you won the stage though! You da' man too.
  21. Jake, I think that you've really helped a lot of shooters with this quest. You have motivated others to become better by showing us all what you are capable of. Great job bro! I saw the video and it looked pretty sweet. BTW, I had a bunch of solid runs myself the other day, my personal best being a 4.21 w/ solid hits (production rig of course). The targets were steel, so I've no 'proof' but, I did call good hits... See you on the range
  22. Considering that I'm a GM that carries a subgun I guess I can put in my $.02 worth... Bob makes some really good points. I would add that an Open IPSC gun is very impractical to a SWAT officer. There are many times though that we will use pistols instead of our primary weapons (HK 416's). I believe that the pistol indexes a little faster (in some instances) and it's better in close quarters so as to keep the weapon away from the bad guys reach. Sticking a gun in somebody's face might look cool on TV but it's not really a smart thing to do... You know you're fast but action beats reaction every time. I will say that depending on the course of fire, the subgun may very well be the way to go. Say maybe, a 30 rd field course w/ targets ranging from 3yds to 100yds. It would be fun to see how things work out. Maybe let every shooter shoot every stage with both guns. It would turn a 5 stage match into a 10 stage match but I think that would be the way to go...
  23. 1 Sindelar, Todd 4 GM Production 62 0 7.44 8.3333 70.0000 100.00% I shot this one with Russ last Sunday for the first time. I dry fired it pretty consistently in about 7 seconds the day before and just tried to keep that pace during the match. I ended up pretty close which was cool. I was about 4 tenths of the pace and I believe that was after the load, as the sights didn't settle quite right and I had to be patient and re-adjust the sight picture before breaking the shot. The 8 points I dropped were from 2 C's and a D. The D was on the far right open target and was from over swinging a bit...Ended up 95.xx%, woulda been 100% if I would have stopped the the sights on the A zone instead of just BROWN for the last shot. Oh well, lesson learned, "Don't loose focus (give up) before the last shot breaks". This one's all about vision, focus, and patience/follow-thru. Good job Russ BTW, I told you that the M card was coming soon!
  24. Way to go Russ, it looks like the M card will be coming soon...
  25. That is really good news! Shooting is great and a lot of fun, but it is the people that make this sport what it is. I wonder if those guys are still going to have the Sectional Match that they had planned for the last weekend in September? Good job to everyone involved in taking the initial steps to making this important match happen! Thanks.
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