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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. Right at about 50 lbs. for my loaded Glock 22 carry gun. Oh yah, that's including my duty rig with flash bangs, light ballistic vest, and loaded HK subgun. Now with the heavy vest, helmet, and nightvision were talking some serious weight...
  2. I am so psyched that the new episodes are back on. I love this show! I think it's actually Season 2.1 though, Erik. They were calling last years episodes 2.0, go figure.
  3. Easy there John, this is a family sport! Let's face it, guns (especially Open Guns) are not 100% reliable under ALL circumstances. And because most of us love to figure things out, we analyze our equipment and try to find out what we can do to make our guns 100% reliable under CERTAIN circumstances. Then we modify our ammo and gear accordingly. If there's even the slightest chance that your gun is going to malfuction with your 170mm big stick, then you're not going to use it unless you have to. I know that nobody wants to admit it, but let's be honost, Open Guns malfunction and they tend to malfunction more with big sticks. Most of the time, as Jake stated, it's not even necessary to reload to the bigstick. Just my observations from attending a lot of matches and seeing what happens to the best of 'em. Happy New Year All, Todd
  4. 3QT, Don't know if you saw it yet yet, but this is one that's worth seeing on the big screen, I believe. I'm not a big movie goer, but we (me, the wife, and the kids) all loved it. The kids are teenagers now but they remembered the stories from when I read them to them years ago. Hopefully there'll be more movies to come... Regards, Todd
  5. Pete, Clays is great for .40 minor (it's what I use), but as previously stated, it's not the best choice for .40 major... What charge to use is going to depend on what bullet you're using and your COL. I use a 3.0 gr charge for a 180 gr jhp with a COL of 1.135". It's about a 132PF which works my G22 quite well with a 12lb spring. That should give you a reference at least... Regards, Todd
  6. "...It's not like we're shooting for a new car or anything!" -Angus
  7. I wasn't there, but it probably went like this: Fire 1st shot to bolt lock (w/ 1 in weak hand), Load one in the chamber (weak hand), Close bolt, Grab three/load three in the tube (weak handed w/ all 3 in hand at once), Fire last shot (one handed). He keeps his strong hand on the pistol grip all the time (usually). Heck, he probably did it standing on one foot as well. Lets see if Phil can shed some light for us though...
  8. Most of us have read the reports from the gun spring gurus and we don't want to be bothered by the facts. For me, being a cop I'm naturally....well lets say cautious about anything thats been out of my immediate control. So between that and a mild case of OCD, you can add me in there with Mr. Sunshine. I don't load 'em til right before I'm going to shoot the stage.
  9. A lot of good comments here.... It seems to me that both the shooters' ability (and comfort in his abilities) and the stage itself dictate what technique to use. I tend to use the the method that Jake described (not the one we saw in Flex's video ) most of the time. It's the same one used by Max and the guys in Scorch's video (nice one, BTW). I've seen Phil use the lean out technique hundreds of times and he's pretty incredible. But I've seen it become disasterous for him as well (i.e. step out, call the shot, oops, step back in, shoot again, etc.). I will only use that method if the last shots are very easy, meaning I can get definate double alphas quickly. I think that in the last video, the stage was setup as to prohibit the shooter from "cheating" by leaning out as the last shots are fired. The doorway was probably blocking the view of the targets. That's why all the shooters used the explosive "step back/lean forward" method.
  10. Welcome Howard and good luck with that revolver thing! I'm sure you won't regret getting involved in the forum or USPSA(any division), all the best to you. Regards, Todd
  11. Popper Calibration, good topic for you Russ. Your airsoft gun and match gun shoot about the same pf, don't they? BTW, my brother said I can borrow his Boxster if you want to 'test' your new ride..... NT
  12. Yah, no kidding. I usually do weighted pullups (body weight plus 20-25lbs) with fewer reps in the gym, but when I use the outside exercise station in the city, I'll do pyramids up to 7 or 8. Not even close to 100 and I'm still toast... If you can do all 100 pull-ups, you're definately the man (or woman)! The push-ups, sit-ups, and squats are no problem though. There, now I feel better about myself. NT
  13. Sounds like your typical SWAT/ SF sort of workout (what my school did at least), good stuff indeed. Thanks for the info, I'll definately check it out.
  14. or my personal favorite from Unforgiven... MUNNY It's a hell of a thing, ain't it, killin' a man. You take everythin' he's got... an' everythin' he's ever gonna have... THE KID (trying to pull him-self together) Well, I gu-guess they had it... comin'. MUNNY We all got it comin', Kid.
  15. from Unforgiven... "...you have just shot down an unarmed man." "He should have armed himself if he was gonna decorate his saloon with the body of my friend."
  16. Ouch...well....just ouch. I guess it wouldn't have been quite as bad had I not dumped over 75 match points on the last 2 stages of the match. You're the best, I'm the worst. You're smart, I'm stupid. You're handsome, I'm not too attractive.... Great job and much thanks to all the match staff for making the best of the situation. (VERY BAD conditions) Congratulations to all the winners too. Regards, Todd P.S. Boy am I stuffed, that humble pie is really filling.
  17. I received my ammo back the other day, thanks Ivan. When can we expect to see the refund checks? Regards, Todd
  18. Wow, a chance to go up against TAGO (the almost great one), Awesome! I say lets dance. And I don't want hear anything about me having an equipment advantage or some other such nonsense. I know what you are capable of with your duty stuff. Dave, sorry to hear that you can't make it. I totally understand though. Regards, Todd P.S. Thanks for giving me my ninjaturtle props, Skipper.
  19. Far be it from me to try to one up BENOS, but I'd like to add the following point: I also believe in flipping the gun and using the strong thumb to hit the mag release. An added benefit is that you're constantly training yourself to readjust your grip. This will bleed over from the reload to the draw for those times you get a less than perfect grip on the gun out of the holster. You'll be readjusting and not even realizing it, because it has become second nature. That also leads to faster draws because your not "worried" about getting a perfect grip, just an acceptable grip. Regards, Todd
  20. FWIW, Dave S. uses a G34 when he's in the US.
  21. So, who's going to come to Fredericksburg and shoot? Dave O, Bucky, Dave M, are you guys coming down? We need some more Production shooters. Hope to see you all there. I'll be RO'ing all day Saturday and shooting on Sunday. Regards, Todd
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