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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. oh...duh Sorry to hear that and I hope all is well now. BTW, I was jus trying to let you know how it sounded to me at first. It's all good!
  2. Troy, First of all let me say thank you for all that you and the rest of the staff did to make the Nationals the best that it could be under the circumstances. By that I mean within the format and guidelines laid down by the powers that be. I was a little unsure at first how to take your comment to me at the awards ceremony. When you handed me my plaque, instead of the usual "good shooting" or "nice job" you went, "wow..." I'm sure you didn't mean any harm, but I was kind of surprised by it. While I'm on the subject, I also think that Eric G. was dissed pretty badly. I just thought that he deserved a little more respect and recognition for winning the match. This is not directed towards you, I'm just putting it out there. I'm not even going to go into the prize table issue right now. I'll address my concerns with that issue in the future with the people responsible... Once again, I sincerely thank you sir, and the rest of the staff for a great match. Hopefully the next one will be more accommodating to more shooters (if that's possible). Regards, Todd
  3. Tightloop, Thanks a lot! I think we all had a great time, in spite of the negative parts of the match that we all overcame. I have to give a big "Good Job!" to three of my home boys who did really well; Ron Francisco, BJ Norris, and Tommy Thacker! Glad to see all the other BE'ers out there on the range shooting, as well. My biggest disappointment of the match: I really thought that this was Phil's year to win it. Oh well, his time is coming... Regards, Todd
  4. Detlef, I don't know if that's a knock on Dave, meaning that he can't hang with the Limited guys, a knock on me saying that I suck and only shot 85% of Dave, or both. I don't know you well enough to know how to take your comment. Either way, no worries. I know I didn't shoot a good match, but with 5 mikes and 2 no-shoots, I guess I should be happy with 4th. By the way, I think you were supposed to shoot with us, what happened? Regards, Todd
  5. BD, That's so true, so I actually do practice 2-3 times a month when I shoot matches. Thanks for the reminder. I am going to the range after work this morning to get in a little training time. I can't wait... Nik, Glad to be of some service. Jake, Don't be too hard on yourself. You're doing well and seem to be on your way up for sure... It seems to me that many of us will never be truly happy with how we shoot because we're striving for perfection (or something like it). I've come away from stages mad, thinking about what went wrong, why I shot 3 or 4 C's. Then people will say, man that was an awesome run.... I have to continually stay focused on the positive. I'm battling with that and I am going win! See you on the range, Todd
  6. Wow Jake, that's impressive. Must be nice. Now listen carefully.....(silence....cricket chirping)......That's the sound of me not practicing. Should be an interesting match, see you there.
  7. ...and now for something completely different. I'm with you guys, very funny stuff. I've always loved their stuff, but I have to watch it alone. The wife and kids just stare and yawn....
  8. Erik, I feel you on this. What I try to do is to fire the third shot mentally. This forces me to see the third sight picture and thereby, call the two actual shots. It's amazing how fast your brain and eyes can function. I know what you're saying about "outshooting the gun", at least I think I do. I do not have to go down range to score my targets because I already know where the shots went. I saw the gun fire, and that's that. It's just a matter of "how acceptable or refined was the sight picture when the shot broke?". That especially applies to shooting on the move. Even though I see all this happen at the time, it's hard to perfect because it's all happening so fast (the limit of human function). Oh the joys of trying to compete at the top level of the game.... Todd
  9. Thanks to everyone who made the match possible, it was great. Especially to shoot an Area match when it wasn't raining. Congratulations to all the winners (Division, Class, and Category)! Thanks Phil, for everything. Yes, I was feeling really badly after trashing that last stage (#10). The two other misses (one on stage 4 and one on stage 5) didn't help matters, then a mike/no-shoot on the last stage?! It was a really fun match though and it was good to meet some new people as well as see old friends again. Looking foward to seeing everybody next week at the Nationals. Safe travels...
  10. Russ, It's a mark on the inside edge of the mag well to help you look the mag in. Todd
  11. Paladin, I heartily agree with you. I became aware of this over 20 years ago while doing a lot of down hill skiing. Many times, newer skiers will try their hand at an advanced hill (Black Diamond/Double Black Diamond) and what they see is a viscous beast with big teeth (moguls) waiting to devour them. What I saw was a friend telling me "follow me down this pretty staircase, it'll be a blast!" Now, which skier got eaten up? There is definitely power in positive thinking, but progress doesn't stop there. That's what I keep telling myself anyway... Regards, Todd
  12. I'm with you there Skipper. I need the match too and won't have a chance if it doesn't go through as a point series match. Warning: Thread Drift- -me after getting my wisdom teeth out yesterday...man, I hate it when that happens!
  13. Thanks for noticing Russ. Dave S. and I were talking after the match and he said if I had tied him on the Obligitory Wall Stage then I would've come out at over 97%. Once again I proved that lack of consistency guarantees a loss. It was a great match though, thanks to all the match staff!
  14. Thanks a lot guys. I'd have one too Flex, but the Chief told me I shhouldn't do that any more while I'm on the job! P.S. Happy Birthday to LongHair1957 and sgoddard too!
  15. Bill, What caliber do you shoot, you can borrow my supercomp gun if you like. Let me know if I need to bring it. Regards, Todd
  16. Sterling, You've got that right, she rocked! That girl is going places, and I predicted it from the start. Look for her to finish in the top 8 ladies at the Nationals and to be a serious contender for the shootoffs! Regards
  17. Just flew back today and boy are my arms tired. I just can't say enough about this match, it was awesome! I shot on Sunday and the weather was fabulous. The stages were superb, the staff was friendly (some way more so than others...), and the location ( near Stowe, VT ) terrific. Congratulations to the winners and a big "Thank you!" to the Alexander family for their creativeness and warm heartedness. They are one the big reasons why I love this sport so much. The results are up on the USPSA page. On a side note; I didn't win, but at least I shot better than I did last week... It looks like I'm on my way up out of that slump I've been in.
  18. I agree with you dirtypool, some movement with the option of shooting while on the move would be nice.
  19. I haven't shot it yet, but I agree, it looks like fun. Not to waist time on a chicken and egg debate, but I'd have to say paper first. Just my .02.... I look foward to getting out and trying it soon....
  20. Absolutely a super match. Congratulations to the winners and much thanks to the great staff. My squad seamed to have been cursed though.... Oh well, I guess it was good practice for the next match. I did manage to get my head out of my butt for my last stage of the match, stage 2. That took a tiny bit of the sting away. One of these days I'm going to start practicing for real....
  21. Flex, Thanks man, and a big congratulations on making GM! Phil, "...when I say, 'who's da masta?' you say 'sho nuf!'..."
  22. Happy Birthday KF, and many happy returns.
  23. That's pretty good Skipper, you're the best. I went to the range this morning to chrono some ammo and figured I'd see what I could throw down..... .....2.14 with my production rig (along with a 2.16, 2.18, & 2.22). Oh well, I guess I'm not a Jedi yet.
  24. Has anybody looked at the new classifiers yet? Wow, 03-13 has swingers! I wonder how the new HHF's will be established and how long it will take. Some interesting new stages though....
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