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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. You don't "need" the mag brake, but if you intend to do fast reloads, you will. If you run without it, the mag will at some point get caught on the spring going in. The Stainless steel one is a good choice. I replaced mine with one a while ago.
  2. Probably works like a laptop touch pad. Ever notice you can't use a pen or an eraser, but your finger works fine? The touchpad requires a conductive material, like your finger to work. I'm guessing with the glove on your hand, your finger didn't provide the conductivity needed. Just a guess. For the technical mumbo jumbo, see this: Capacitive sensing: - This is the technology which is most commonly used nowadays. Capacitive sensors detect anything which is conductive or has dielectric properties. Our body has the conductive properties, hence it works. This is not the case when you use a pencil. The capacitive sensitive touchpad has two parts; ground and sensor. When the finger is brought close to the touch pad, then capacitance of the system increases. From the position of capacitors which are charging and discharging at any point of time, the coordinates of point of touch is determined
  3. Don't know this far in advance if I can make it, but it's going on the calendar. I've got a buddy that lives in Montgomery, OH, so I got a free room for the weekend. Just have to break the news to him now!
  4. If he is anything like the "Beverly Hills Ninja", I'm not surprised he got caught.
  5. Thanks BE, glad to see someone like yourself agreeing with this technique. I personally haven't been able to put the principles to work lately, been hard to get to the range for extra trigger time lately. Here is the video I was speaking of, plus some other good tips from Saul. SH/WH is the third one down. Saul Kirsch Tips
  6. Cool, Thanks. Linda's picture is a good representation. If you want to see a little more, check out some of my videos from the SC State Match in April. Follow this link, and then look for others that are labeled "Glenn A Stage#.wmv". The ones labeled "Glenn F Stage#.wmv" are my buddy from the same match. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOCY6EFB2ew
  7. I use the custom ear plugs ( got them in a shop in NC, but they are the same ones that you see in the booth at the Majors ), and I love them. When the temperature drops, I'll wear my MSA Sordins, they are fantastic. I had the Peltor behind the neck band ones, but after a few months of sweating in them, the circuits got all messed up and they started fading in and out. I'll use both the custom plugs and the Sordins when I'm RO'ing an Open shooter, but other than that, it's mostly the plugs.
  8. I know you posted this to gather critiques for your shooting, but I have a question for you. Was that steel set at 23 feet? If it was, it may just be an optical illusion on the video or a result of the video compression, but wow...that looked awful close! Nice shooting by the way. My hands sweat a lot too, I use the Wrist Band/Pro Grip combo myself. I also added extra grip tape last week. Picked it up in Lowe for about $4 for a 25ft roll (more than I'll ever need). But it works really well. If you go that route, its the stuff in the Paint/Tape aisle, not the stuff in the flooring aisle. There is a difference. The flooring aisle stuff is A LOT rougher.
  9. If I remember correctly, there are some videos out there where Saul Kirsch explains NOT canting the gun when shooting SH/WH. Again, if I remember correctly he was showing you to get your elbow down so the your arm is straight a straight line, and the elbow down absorbs some of the recoil. I think I'm explaining it right. If I find the videos, I'll come back and update my post.
  10. Thanks Chris! I just spit out my beer on the computer screen! My current favorite on the show is the Smack Wall! here is another good one....my stomach hurts...I have to stop watching these. #3 is awesome!!
  11. Band of Brothers, by far. The girlfriend has never seen The Shield, so we have been getting them via Blockbuster mail so she can watch them. I'm getting to enjoy them all over again. Just watched Season 1 ep 5-7 tonight. The Shield and Breaking Bad are more series, than mini series, so since you opened that door, I'll add The Wire.
  12. I just did. Go to www.southcarolina-uspsa.org . See you in a couple of weeks. You guys ALWAYS run a great match at MCRC, I'm looking forward to it.
  13. Jack, any chance you'll be posting the stages? I was planning on going down that Friday and watch the action and see the stages before I shoot on Saturday ( even if it was from the sidelines ), but damn work has me in San Diego that week flying home on Friday, not landing in Greenville until 5pm. Stupid work...why do I put up with it....Oh yeah...to fund my hobbby, that's right! OK...never mind..... just posted this and see your response above!!
  14. Two weeks out...any updated info? Stages, squadding? Is the round count really 191? Seems low for 12 stages. Looking forward to shooting this match.
  15. Mark, I need to send the check for my order. I filled out my order on Saturday and Jeff gave me the address to send the check, but I never wrote down who the check should be made out to. Please pass that along and the check will be in the mail! Thanks,
  16. I shoot an SP01. I'm loading Win 1x fired brass, WSP primers, 4.3 gns of TG, 125gn Zero FMJ at 1.150 OAL. At GA State match this past weekend I was 135 PF. That is exactly in line with what I chrono at home. I loaded 1.140, 1.150, and 1.160 and found the 1.150 had the tightest most consistent groups. I only have experience with TG, so I can't really comment if it's cleaner or dirtier than other powders. I can tell you that after a couple of hundred rounds, there is some residue left behind (what I would consider normal). I clean my gun after every other match or before majors. I just figure it's the price of doing business. A little Hoppes Elite on and in the barrel, CLP for the rest of the gun, or Gun Scrubber (the synthetic version), and everything is squeaky clean. No issues at all.
  17. CZinSC

    Foot pain

    This thread is likely to turn into a discussion and closed, so if you have any questions about gout, PM me, I have it and can give you tips about what to avoid. Like you, I had "foot hurts" pains for years. Went to podiatrist who fitted me for orthotics. Two years later I had more issues, went to orthopedist, he did the blood tests and confirmed it was gout all along. Since then I've been on medication and mostly pain free, some flare ups here and there, but not like it used to be. If Dr confirms gout, you'll need to watch your diet, possibly take meds, but you should be pain free once you do that. I know, from experience. By the way....I HATE GOUT! Talk about pain....ugh.
  18. I haven't seen anyone post videos from the match, so I'll post mine for those that couldn't attend and would like to see the stages. Just don't expect "GM quality" shooting! Sorry for the video quality too...I'm now in the market for an HD cam. And finally thank you to everyone that put on the match and to all of the volunteers that worked it!
  19. That is funny! Good stuff! Kind of reminds me of "...but ours goes to 11"
  20. I loaded up 3 batches of 9mm, all with 4.3gn of Titegroup, all Win 1x fired brass, Win primers, Zero 125FMJ bullets. I set the OAL's at 1.140, 1.150, and 1.160. I got my best groupings with 1.150. So that is what I am currently loading all of mine at. When I was loading MG 124JHP, the OAL was 1.115. At 1.116 they were OK, at 1.117 they wouldn't drop free from the barrell.
  21. CZinSC

    Axe Detailer

    Love the guy right at the end sitting in the crowd with the pair of blue balls!
  22. God I hate those backwards staplers! That HAD to hurt! As I recall, the scene went something like this..... "Hmm, staples don't seem to be coming out. Let me hold it in the air like a gun, and squeeze the handle (while holding the "back" bottom"), and make sure a staple is even coming out." Ka-Chunk **wait about 1.5 seconds for reality to catch up to brain** "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  23. CZinSC

    Watermelon anyone?

    Love the Amazing Race...watch it every season. This is absolutely hysterical!!!
  24. Well, since you tee'd it up for me... You have a svelte athletic body? I've been wanting to get me one of those! Where do you keep it? After following you around a couple weeks ago I'm betting you keep it in your back pocket. You sure you don't have two of them things? Ever take them out and wash them? Should I stop now? You sure? Gomer...that's the best you can come up with? All that traveling must have your turned your brain to mush. Or maybe it was all of those motorcycle "mishaps" that did that to you? You do realize that you're supposed to make it around the track without crashing right? Listening to your stories reminded me of the scence from Days of Thunder, when Harry Hogge tells Cole Trickle "alright..while we're still under caution, i want you to go back on the track and hit the pace car." "Hit the pace car?" "Hit the pace car" "What for?" "Because you've hit every other G-D thing out there, I want you to be perfect!"
  25. How could anyone be so stupid to staple their own finger.....Oh wait....I did that myself back in December. To stick with the Hate rules....I HATE borrowing a friends staple gun only to find out that it operates the reverse way of mine. End result, half inch staple that went all the way in on the palm side of my index finger at the first joint. One Tetanus shot, one $20 copay, and dumbfounded looks on the Urgent Care staffs faces and I learned my lesson, the hard way!
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