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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. I thought it was called MSB, as opposed to OSB. Either way, that is what I have on my bench. Been reloading on it for 3 months. No issue with the reloader, only problem is it absorbs water like a sponge. So if I have a bottle of water with me, I reload in the garage so it can get hot, i need to put the bottle on something where the sweat from the bottle doesn't cause a stain on the bench. It's more than a stain, since the surface is paper, it absorbs in and causes a bump. If you cover it with laminate, it might be a good idea. I've experimented in one corner with a sealant, seems to be working, just been too lazy to coat the whole surface. Here is a picture of my bench.
  2. What am I looking at on cost of a spare? Around here, SC, a refill from a place like Lowes is $19. No idea what a spare would cost or how much I should be paying.
  3. Title says it all. Got home from work, two nice burgers in the fridge ready to go, fired up the grill. Warmed it up, cleaned the grate from the last use, put the burgers down, went back inside. Came back out to flip, and grill is cold. There must have been just enough propane for about 3 mins. Had to pan fry the burgers....now the whole house smells! The really sucky thing is it wasn't a surprise. Last three times I used it, I kept telling the GF, I need to fill that tank, it must be low.
  4. Has anyone heard about squadding for this match yet? Sent in the app last month and haven't heard anything yet. It's a little over 5 weeks away and I'm curious if my buddy and I got our 1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice. For that matter, I didn't make a copy and now can't remember what order I put them in!
  5. You betcha! I may even break out the extended based pads and try my hand at Limited ( minor ) for your visit!
  6. Using a 550B, tonight I was getting some powder flakes sticking to the powder funnel (specifically the part that bells the case). What could be causing this? Humidity? Case lube? Is it anything to be concerened with? When seating a bullet, I noticed several times one or two flakes on the rim of the case. Should I not worry about this, or is that something that needs to be fixed? Loading 9mm, using 4.2 gn of Titegroup, Win 1x fired brass, tumbled and cleaned.
  7. They do, but I'm reloading Zero 124FMJ ( which I've mentioned above are actually 125 ) and I'm loading to 1.150. They feed reliably and I have had no problems at all. I went all the way up to 1.160 and had no issues. Based on my own accuracy, I chose to load to 1.150. I'm using an SP01, 4.2gn of Titegrouop.
  8. I know full well that you should not mix differnt powders. My question is, can you mix same exact type of powder? I have a handful of TiteGroup left in the hopper, and a new bottle ready to go. Can I just add the new bottle to the old? Or should I flush the hopper and start new? Which brings me to the next question, how low can the powder get in the hopper before you have inaccurate throws?
  9. After reading a similar thread on this subject, I adopted the “No empty mag back on the belt rule” myself. They go in the pocket. At the end of the round, I watch the scoring, pick up mags, then go immediately reload. I’m out of action for one, maybe one and half shooters, then I get back in and paste/score/RO whatever is needed. That way I know I have nothing to worry about on the next stage.
  10. At Area 6 this year I got a 136PF with my CZ SP01.
  11. CZinSC

    Funny Names

    I used to work with a Mike Hund ( remember the old Mike Hunt joke? ). Well anyway, one day I tried calling him on the phone, but in my haste I dialed the wrong number. Since he always picked up the line, it was a work number, i was surprised when a female answered. Not recognizing the voice, I politely asked "May I please speak with Mike Hund". to which I got "Excuse ME?!"...."yes, Mike Hund please."...."You're an a$$hole, grow up!" And she slammed the phone down. Since I wasn't making a prank phone call, it took me a second to realize what had just happened. When I finally got a hold of him and told the story, he was laughing his butt off at me.
  12. In addition to what Bart said, make sure you weigh the Zero bullets. I recently got two shipments from Shooters Connection for Zero 124 FMJ, and they actually weight 125gn. So you may want to weigh the ones you have, and if they are in fact 125, make sure you work up the loads based on that info.
  13. When I left the range today one of the banks had a thermometer and it said 100 degrees. Thankfully the humidity was low-ish.
  14. That's a great idea! I like the way you think Mike! It will be hot, but as long as there is gun powder in the air I will be I will have extra water in the cooler if any one needs one. Wow, didn't know it was going to be that hot. The good news is I checked the weather and there will be a refreshing 1 mph westerly breeze. So it shouldn't feel any hotter than 97.
  15. Welcome to the forum, and I hope to see you at the range in Spartanburg. Lots of fun, and as Sperman said, good bunch of guys. I will be there this Saturday. Bring plenty of water...there is only one bay with shade, and even then very little.
  16. I try to shoot both matches, unless the girlfriend has other ideas. I will definitely be there this week....she's out of town! So I will try to get to the 1st Sat match next month. It's a good group of guys shooting at Spartanburg. We usually finish up anywhere between 1:30 to 2:30. I'm a big guy, so kind of hard to miss, If you don't see me, just ask the guy checking you in to point me out. Hope to see you there. ** bring lots of water...there is hardly any shade at all. Glenn
  17. Shot it this past Saturday. 24 pts, 7.48sec, HF 3.2085, 49% ( I'm a C shooter, so it was right for me ) I shot it standing up.
  18. Yeah, I'm going out to test some more today. I have the loaded at three different lengths to test accuracy and felt recoil. Which ever feels best, most accurate, I'm just going to start loading 'em up. I used to shoot at Allen Arms alot, now I mostly shoot in Duncan at the private range, where the USPSA matches are, Spartanburg Practical shooters. That way I can drag out the chrono, and do whatever I need to do. I haven't shot any IDPA, just sticking with the USPSA.
  19. I won't rule anything out, so you may be right. However, each one was an exact 1.160 testing. Then exactly 1.163 fully loaded.
  20. Sounds like that is my issue. When I'm adjusting the depth I don't have the other stations loaded. Next time out I'll make sure I do that. My guess is I will see the discrepancy go away. I'm using once fired Win brass. I'm not worried about the .003 in the grand scheme of things. I kept them as is, and will be happy to shoot them. My question was more of Why does that OAL change by that .003 after testing it as set prior to actual loading. As others have recommended, I will need to try that with all stations full and see if that .003 disappears.
  21. Sorry, I don't have any experience with either, I only have the SP01. But, just in case you weren't aware, you may try also posting on the CZ Forum Site. Loads of CZ owners there that would probably be able to offer all the info you are looking for. CZ Forum Site
  22. I'm having some difficulty adjusting the OAL on the 550. It takes me a long time, and a lot of trial and error, and then I just when I think I have it set, I'm still wrong. What I am doing now is, take an unprimed case, bell it without powder, then advance to the seating die. Do this a couple of times with the locking ring loose, dial it in to the right length, and then when it's perfect, lower the handle all the way down, so that the bullet is in the seating die, preventing it from turning when I lock down the ring. Run another test round, again, perfect length. Then I start loading. With loaded round, I'm getting a length .003 longer. What is causing this? Is it the primer, or is it because I now have shells in all the stations, its just enough to not get the same length? What is the best way to dial in the OAL you are looking for?
  23. CZinSC

    Whale Wars

    Ady Gil..and yes, it's toast. Japs trimmed about 10 feet off of the front.
  24. CZinSC

    Whale Wars

    Paul Watson, head of the Sea Shepherds, was actually part of Greenpeace. He branched off of them because he was too militant.(this is what I remember from seeing on TV, I could be wrong). Anyway, i watch Whale Wars every week, decent show - I watch it for entertainment value, but to keep with the theme of the Hate forum I will now add to the rant. I HATE how inept these guys/gals are! They are ridiculous. Every time they try to do something, it takes them forever, and the Japanese either get away, or get the whale ( watch last season when the Japanese pulled two whales onto the processing ship as the Sea Shepherds watched and cried). My girlfriend started watching this season and I warned her..."be prepared, these guys are like the Keystone Cops, everything they do seems to get screwed up". She watched one episode and was shocked how right I was.
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