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Everything posted by titandriver

  1. Okay guys I need to be motivated to participate in the Point Series. I live in southwest Idaho, a pretty far piece from any major point series matches. Given the price to register for the point series, major match entry fees, travel expenses, motel & dining costs, ammo costs, and miscellaneous expenses; what can I expect to reap as a reward if I happen to win my division/class? Somewhere in there is an answer to your question!
  2. Dogger --- if it was a '67 it should've had a 400 inch motor; the 455's didn't come out until either '69 or '70. I bought my first new car upon graduating high school in '68, a 68' Olds 442. Four barrel, four speed, dual exhaust. 4:33 rear gears installed as a dealer option. It cost me a whopping $3400! Never did figure the gas mileage but it never got more than 5,000 miles out of a set of rear tires!
  3. H. Banana --- maybe it was just the wrapper that was made in China
  4. KimberKid sent me scrambling for my Chrono book and I found that the max load for my Alfaro .38 Super and N105 was 10.4grs with a Zero 121JHP. Average velocity was 1515 for a PF of 183.3. Man, those were the days!
  5. Dave --- in my Alfaro-built gun, (1998 build) 5&1/2 inch barrel, two blowholes, I used 9.4grs of N105 and a Zero 121 JHP at an average velocity of 1426. Gave me a 172.5 PF when I chrono'd it last year. Was a pain to load on my 650 so I went back to 7625. I load to 1.235 OAL.
  6. JJ --- a very generous offer indeed, thank you. I have absolutely no accuracy, tumbling, or bullets hitting the comp problems with the gun. I can send a copy of the video to anyone who wants it so you can see for yourself. It is taped from beginning to end without interuption so there is no "doctoring" of the tape possible. Next best thing to my being in the room! Since the comp is sweated on I'm thinking it would not be easily removed and then put back on. I only added to this topic about reloads because it is the only thing I can think of that is different between my results and Bobby's. Thanks again!
  7. Dadnabit BGary, how can it be priceless if'n I gotta send 'im a buck PLUS shipping? Kind of a moot point since I tried to beat it into a plowshare and ended up with a pruning hook! De-stankify that one Kansas Lawdog!
  8. Thanks for the replies guys. I especially liked Chucks (Lawman) ! Think I'll just beat it into a plowshare Chuck! I kinda glanced at the comp when I got it back and didn't see anything unusual so I loaded up ten rounds & shot 'em; fully expecting them to either tumble or hit the comp & disappear without hitting the target. Absolutely no signs of tumbling or hitting the comp. I load up twenty more and repeat, same result. I loaded up another fifty and repeat the test, no problems. So I load up forty more & have my wife video my shooting the last forty rounds, paying particular attention to the target. No tumbling, etc. So I think WTF? How is it possible? I sent ten loaded rounds with the gun along with load data. After he reported problems I sent a thousand Zero 125 JHP's out of the same batch I had loaded for him to try. That's why I wondered about reload error. He did say he tried other peoples loads & loaded ammo with the same poor results so I am at a total loss here! Keep those answers coming, one of 'em's gotta be right!
  9. I sold the gun to Bobbyblaze and did in fact refund his money for what he said was a bullet hitting comp/bullets tumbling/can't keep 'em on paper problem. After getting it back I went out and shot 120 rounds through it without any problems at all! I sent him a video of me shooting the gun at 15, 25, and 50 yards with all shots staying in the A-zone on paper and also hitting a MGM "mini" popper at 25 yards shot after shot. No tumbling, no bullets hitting comp! My question is this: how is this possible? Could simple reloading errors cause such a dramatic problem as the ones he experienced? Could the altitude & atmosphere between my place & his be part of the problem? Any one experience anything like this before? I'd like to sell the gun but I don't want to go through the same problems with someone else. Give me some ideas please! Thanks.
  10. Fourth Annual Idaho "Glocks Only" State IPSC championship 23 April '06, Emmett, Idaho and Idaho State IPSC Championship (Level II) 21 May '06, Emmett, Idaho. Put both of 'em on your calendar, the Glock match fills up fast!
  11. It was either Mike Martolin --- he used to shoot with Wil Schuemann when Wil lived in Carson City --- or Cal (fill in the blank) who started in fast-draw, tore up IPSC for a while then went back into the fast-draw game where he is currently. Guys' name was Cal Eilrich, from either Reno or Sparks.
  12. Ditto on the NightForce --- I'm running a 3.5-15x50 on my Vais-built .30-.338. I'm smoking 190 gr. Berger VLD's at 3220. Great medicine at 1000 yards!
  13. Shot this for the first time ever today. Open, 56 points, 4.54, HF: 12.3348. 1.01 draw & pathetic 1.41 reload
  14. John --- thanks for the kind words! When ya can't shoot worth a hoot ya gotta make up for it someplace! Just happy that someone noticed a poor ol' codger puttin' one foot in front of the other a tad bit faster than a few of the other guys that were bustin' ass on our squad! Congrats on the big win, you can really let the lead fly with that Brazos' --- we all thought you were shooting an Open gun when you first loosed that opening salvo! Rat-a-tat-tat --- awesome!! See ya in Missoula.
  15. Thanks Gary! That's what I get for not reading the rules & mission statement. Sounds fair to me.
  16. Gary --- you stated that in three years an evaluation of this proposed division will take place, by the BOD I assume. Could you please tell me what criteria will be used by your evaluation team to determine success or failure? Thank you, Rich Redovian FY10937
  17. Just a guess; http://precisionworkbench.com. It's what I use anyhow, and the download is free!
  18. I'm using H414 in my 260 with a 24 inch Krieger barrel and 140 MK's, average velocity is 2884, loaded to fit the short action magazine. I believe H414 & WW760 are either the same or nearly so.
  19. Gary --- if our club decides to run this provisional division, where in the EZWinscore program is this provisional division? We usually have competitors in all five current Divisions at our monthly matches; any suggestions? Thank you,
  20. Hmmm.......don't know any in Las Vegas, if you make the detour to Idaho I can show ya around the mounds of IPSC stuff I still have layin' around!! Hope you & your family have a great Christmas Stuart! Eric is out of the military after eight years and is staying with us for a while, you sure wouldn't recognize him since you saw him last! I'll send ya a pix later. Rich, Carrie & Eric
  21. Hmmm ... sounds like the exact format of the Idaho "Glocks Only" state championship match! Twenty dollar entry fee for nine stages, 220 rounds, $100 to each of the three division winners plus trophy plaque, $75 & $50 to second & third place finishers, balance of $800 paid back in $20 increments as far down as money allows. Merchandise donations raffled off before final results. Vendors ask me if they can donate items, nothing is solicited. The match sells out fast so someone must like the format!
  22. Think we got ya beat Ron, closest traffic light to me is 28 miles. And our "stop" signs are yellow instead of red --- just kind of a reminder to slow down & look both ways before pulling out!!
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