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Everything posted by titandriver

  1. Flex --- I wish you would have seen the site about six weeks or so ago when First Stop listed all the guns that came out of this collection, there was truly some cool (and high dollar) pistols and some very unusual stuff. He had a single stack SV six inch barrel/slide that had the same type of ports/comp that SV uses on it's IMM gun complete with Docter sight that was a factory SV -- if it were anything other than a 45 I'd own it today, it was certainly one of a kind. I have bought high end rifles & pistols from them and I am certain that Mark would refund in full if there was anything that you felt was unfairly or incorrectly described about your purchase. Mark said the Sight Tracker I bought from them was "as new". In fact, I don't think it had ever been fired except at the factory. I'm not certain about that Frazier-built pistol, but if Mark says it's "as new" then my experience with them tells me it is. Does it look like some cheesy add ons were used? Absolutely. I'd be ditchin' that magwell & sight system though!
  2. Randy --- First Stop Guns is the first place I look when trying to locate "upper end" guns and they have a lot of 'em! Call or e-mail Mark so you can by-pass the other guys there. Mark isn't an IPSC guy so he won't be able to tell you much about the guns features but that can be a good thing when it comes to deals on 'em.
  3. Guys --- this pistol came from a collection of 160 guns that First Stop guns in Rapid City S.D. bought recently. Included in that collection were lots of custom built pistols and several SVI's including a loaded-with-every-option stainless Sight Tracker that was virtually brand new that I paid $1999 for plus $25 shipping. Boynty77 bought an SV Limited 40 from the same lot that I would bet was in like condition as mine. First Stop also has two SV single stacks (a 5 inch & a 6 incher), as well as a Brazos Pro SX Limited 40 (guy had a C-more installed & ported from Brazos) as well as many others. If Mark says it's like new, then it is! Since I was out of state when mine got to me, Mark gave me a 30 day inspection period, until I got home to see it, and offered a full refund if I didn't like it. I have bought several guns from First Stop over the years and have never been disapointed with either the items or the service. I'd say buy with confidence!
  4. I am apparently employed by the U.S. Goverment, the state of Idaho, the state of Wyoming, Owyhee County, Idaho, and Park County, Wyoming as nearly all the proceeds of my paycheck goes to one of those entities and has for the last forty-one years!!! Sure hope they've been savin' some of it for my retirement. Lookin' forward to the step up from cat food & crackers! Occupation: tax payer
  5. Josh --- they are the same hole pattern. I have a slightly used one for sale for $60 shipped if you're interested. Rich Redovian Idaho Section Coordinator
  6. Hmmmmmmm ..... free food too? And beer, we like beer! I might not be able to take the class but I'll be there for the pajama party and food fest!
  7. I think ya got it backwards; make them the last ones to shoot on your squad. That way you leave the targets untaped, steel down & unpainted, activated targets unset after your last "worker" shooter is scored. All of you who do the work can then leave the line to load & clean mags, prep for the next stage, etc. The non-workers, if they want to shoot, will then be forced to tape, set steel, brass & RO themselves, undoubtably perplexed that no one is helping out. They'll get the hint eventually!
  8. They are in Whitebird, Idaho, used to be located in Utah. Ed & LeAnn Woslum (sp?) are the owners. They used to hold a 3-gun match there and I believe still builds both bolt guns & semi-autos. I think he calls his place the Yellow Wolf Ranch, check the white pages for his phone number or go back seven or eight years worth of _Front Sight_ magazines; he used to run full page ads. I've purchased one AR-15 barrel from them years ago and can't remember anything particualarly remarkable about it.
  9. Guess I'll be the only guy to have something bad to say about him. He moved away from here nearly fifteen years ago and I lost a great shooting buddy as well as a fellow "techno-junkie"! If he didn't have the latest & greatest, well, it was already enroute and soon to be in his hands. Truly one of the good guys walking the planet!
  10. 'Dawg --- 44grs. of Varget & a Sierra 175 out of my AR10T gave me a 5&1/4 inch three shot group at 1000 yards a week & a half ago. 11.25 twist, haven't chrono'd yet so have no idea of velocity. If it keeps this up I'm gonna sell my 260 Rem bolt guns!
  11. Mike --- I load both 168's & 175's to 2.810 for my Armalite 10T. Using 44 grs. Varget, 175 Sierras', prepped brass, & Fed. GMM primers I shot a 5 inch three shot group at 1000 last Wednesday. Helps that I've got a thousand yards plus range on my property, give that load a try next time you go to Parma.
  12. WOW!!!! How about those Boise State Broncos now!!!
  13. Mike --- I meant to say I reduced the crimp so the 200 gr. Accura's (now Extreme) would shoot out of my Glock 20. They always shot well out of my Glock 24 no matter the crimp. I will find out how they shoot in my Glock 29 after I get the Vanek drop-in kit for it and get some 10's loaded up. Gonna start with a light crimp and go from there. I'll give you some of my bullets to try if you want, let me know & I'll bring some to the Emmett match Saturday.
  14. Prof --- Johnny has moved to: 5401 Longley Lane, Bldg B #61. Not certain if he kept the same phone #
  15. Have him check out: www.jacksonholegunclub.com. Lots of info there.
  16. Dude, that's a duck-billed platypus disguising itself as beggarweed! Keep your distance, they have been known to attack when photographed --- don't ask me how I know!!
  17. Dave Sample (aka "Captain Eagle")!!! You built a comped 40 S&W single stack for me back in 1991. In fact, I still have the letter dated 12 April, '91 and four pictures, one of which is your match gun at the time, a 10mm Centaur. It was marked "not for sale"! The other three were of Bob's Para-Caspian 40 S&W comped gun. As expected, everything was flawless and many is the time I wished I had that gun back! When I was deciding on a gunsmith before you built that 40 S&W for me, the two page letter I received from you made me realize that your were the man! Your brutal honesty and this line: "I will need your NRA number. If you're not a member I won't do any work for you because you don't deserve to own a gun", told me that you were a man of principle and a man to be trusted! Great to see you on this forum, thanks again for the great pistol! Rich Redovian Melba, Idaho
  18. I buy my N105 from Recob's Target Shop in Wisconsin, $21.95/lb. Shipping (to Idaho) and Hazmat add's approximately $3 per pound. E-mail: recobtgt@chorus.net Web site: www.recobstargetshop.com Phone: 1-800-359-4571
  19. T-loop --- near as I can figure it's to keep us old farts shoulder & elbow joints loosened up! Now if I can just see well enough to toss it through the port!
  20. Speakin' of "old school", I hear tell that the Cheyenne Shootout is goin' waaaaay back, gonna use a whistle and a stop watch, none o' this new-fangled electronic timer stuff! And Ara 's cleanin' up the ballistic pendulum, no need for a chronograph at this match!
  21. I can add a little bit of info here; West Coast sold to a company in Nampa, Idaho which is about 3/4 hour northwest of where I live. The company called themselves Accura Bullets and the product line was called Accura Bullets, West Coast Series. This company's primary business is suppling performance cast bullets for black powder hunters and shooters. They were apparently supplementing that line with the Accura bullets. I am not certain where the bullets were actually produced, in Nampa or in Nevada. What led to the demise of the Accura line, at least according to the gal I talked to, was negative feedback they received from some customers. I'm sure that wasn't the whole story but that's what they told me. All I know for certain is that they sold me 10,000 200gr 40 caliber bullets for $223, tax included, when they quit the plated bullet business last year. I went back the next day to buy the remaining 40,000 but they were gone along with all the other Accura bullets they had left. Don't know who bought 'em but they got a hell of a deal!
  22. Aaackk, called out by Flex! Actually, I am beyond buried with work and with the ranch, I've been a durn poor lurker even! The Idaho "Glocks Only" state IPSC championship match follows the basic precepts put forth by DP, to wit: no classes, three Divisions: Full Size, Compact, & Sub-Compact (using Glock, Inc. for reference) no gun restrictions except 140mm mag lengths, everybody gets scored Minor. This match has been wildly successful for the past five years and has filled to capacity (100 shooters) the past four years. Seventy-five percent compete in the full size Division with Compact & Sub-compact about equal. We have some of the top shooters from the Northwest enter this match, Chuck Anderson (Lawman) really kicked our asses this year, with Tom Kettells & Dave Neth about 10% back. I have yet to hear any complaints pertaining to the "no classes, pick your Division and run, shut up and shoot" format that we employ at this match. We award $100-75-50 to the top three in each Division plus trophies. We pay back the balance of 50% of total entry fees to the shooters by refunding entry fees, this year to fifteen shooters. So yeah DP, put on the "No Where to Hide" match, I think you'll be surprised at the number of people who will be begging you to do it again next year! Stage design can really negate the comps/optics shooters, in fact we have very, very few who even bother with 'em anymore. Score 'em all Minor & let the best man win!
  23. T-loop --- why do you think it is better than a 1050? A long time IPSC shooter, who got out of the game a few years ago & now is preparing to move out of state, wants to sell it and I'm undecided whether to buy it and at what price. I've been using a 650 since they first came out and love the darn thing. Just curious if there might be something slightly better as I load approximately 40,000 plus per year. Thanks,
  24. Anybody have an idea what one in good shape would be worth? Thank you,
  25. Thanks Chuck! If it's not being too personal, how much have you recouped by being in the point series?
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