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Everything posted by titandriver

  1. BDH --- hypnotize 'em with that big ol' Hanna charm & watch 'em fork over pasters, paint, props, timers, targets, and maybe even provide full time RO's!!!
  2. Flex --- if you can save enough pennies, come on out & shoot the Glock match next April and I'll show ya how it's done! In actuality, the Gem County Rod & Gun Club has in excess of 500 members in a community of fewer than 10,000 people; 95% of which only use the range to sight in before hunting season. Their yearly dues in fact subsidize our IPSC matches as well as the SASS matches held there. I have never had to ask for anything, they simply go out & buy stuff like plate racks, Texas Stars, cross-over poppers, etc. and ask if I will be able to use them! They also gave my wife and I , at our last shooters appreciation man-on-man match, a $500 cash certificate and $250 worth of goodies for our efforts over the past few years. Simply put, the GCR&GC recognize and appreciate any and all efforts that enhance & fortify responsible gun use and ownership. It certainly doesn't hurt that the BOD has NO axe to grind with any shooting discipline and are some of the finest men & women on any BOD that I have ever dealt with; I wish the same could be said for all our gun clubs across the USA!
  3. Gem County Speed Shooters, Emmett, Idaho charges $7 for our monthly USPSA matches; which includes a classifier stage and four other stages; and $5 for our monthly steel match. Once yearly we have a "Practical Shooters Appreciation" man-on-man steel match, which also includes a huge BBQ afterward, at no charge to all competitors! The annual Idaho "Glocks Only" state championship match will again hold the line at $20 for 2005. We expect again to pay out a minimum of $800 back to the competitors for this match. Is this a great club or what???
  4. Just to clarify two things in my post, nothing personal against Jake, only the attitude he expressed. Secondly, the people that I refuse to be a lackey for were NEVER asked to perform slave labor! They were asked to help tape targets, brass, set & paint steel and to stay with their squad until the entire squad was finished. Sounds like common curtesy and respect for your fellow squadmates instead of "slave labor" to me! I require no one to help set up or tear down, only that they adhere to the above common curtesies. In accuality, we have only a few who behave so rudely. They are the ones who never want to shoot first on a stage unless it's the final one of the day. They shoot, sign their score sheet and head for their vehicle and leave. That may be acceptable behavior at your range, it's not at ours. Consequently, I feel no pangs of guilt, nor that I am damaging our sport, when turning away this type of individual. And mind you, this type of behavior has been demonstrated by them over a period of time, these aren't novice shooters being turned away.
  5. Funny that this thread appeared again after what transpired at our club yesterday. We hold two big matches annually at our club, Gem County Speed Shooters, in addition to two monthly matches. After dealing with folks that have the same attitude as Jake over the past fourteen years, to wit: I paid to shoot so no one is going to require me to do anything", we decided to refuse to accept their entry into the match. This way, not having a place to shoot matches will only suck for them! And guess what? They weren't missed one bit! Rich Redovian Owner of two businesses, one ranch, Idaho Section Coodinator, Gem County Speed Shooters Match Director, father & grand father, work a minimum of 70 hours per week, whose time is not as valuable as some other self important people.
  6. Gawd, I am such a slug!! A 1.1 draw must've been what killed me eh?
  7. Shot this today in Nampa, Idaho. Open, 2.14, down two. Close to 100%?
  8. Ron --- I don't know what exactly you mean by "whooped up" on 99-04 with your Open gun, we just shot it at GCSS last week; shooting my Open blaster I dropped nine points in 12.60 and it felt pretty damn slow to me! Looks like it'll come in close to 100% so I guess it wasn't that bad! Get your act cleaned up in time for Jackson, only a couple of months away!
  9. Thanks Kyle. By way of explanation, the Division tags correspond as follows: Open=Full size Glocks, Limited=Compact framed Glocks, Limited10=Sub-Compact framed Glocks, Revolver=Non-Glock firearms. The match was running so smoothly and ahead of schedule that I had to grab my gear and hustle to the stages in order to get 'em all in before it was over! It was a great match and hopefully Robin Taylor will get permission to print his article in the next issue of _Front Sight_.
  10. Check out the Area 1 page on the USPSA site, click on major match results and there you go! I shot the entire match in the last hour of the day, not conducive to shooting well!
  11. Jake --- shot this today, what's the % on this: Limited (Glock, so really limited!) 57 points 5.30 HF: 10.7547 Shot at ISPS, Nampa, Idaho Thanks
  12. The "Glocks Only" USPSA state champioship match, to be held 25 April in Emmett, Idaho is full. If you heard of, or know of, anyone who wanted to shoot this match but hasn't mailed in an entry, tell 'em they waited too long! Thanks.
  13. Allen --- how many cases of Montana Gold 124's did you have to buy to get them for $40 per 1000 shipped? Looking at their current prices in the latest _Front Sight_, if a guy bought at the three case price of $179 per 3750, that figures out to $47.73 per 1000 shipped. Just wondering how ya did it! BIG OOPS!! I used the JHP's in the above example. If you used the FMJ's at $171 it comes out to $45.60.
  14. Luke --- nothing is illegal about the stage you've shown. The penalty targets are clearly marked and of a different solid color. Looks like fun!
  15. Big Dave --- had the exact same thing happen on an SV Open gun; turned out to be a bent ejector. The slide was a "pre" interchangeable breechface model and I really had to take the file to the new ejector to get it to work properly. Weird, the gun functioned fine for over 10,000 rounds before it somehow got bent. Should mention that it bent top-to-bottom not side-to-side.
  16. One or two pieces of masking tape over the mike done it for mine!
  17. Well, I knew what he was talking about! Got my Titan & another sled in the upcoming Boise Roadster show. Hopin' to sell one of 'em so we can shoot the Buckeye Blast again! See ya in Missoula!
  18. Nate --- could be? I thought it was a done deal. See ya there!
  19. Man, if that's "tinkering" just think what you could do if you really put your mind to it!!! My brother owns a cabinent shop and puts out some incredible stuff, I'm sure he would like what you built! See ya in Dubois sometime this summer.
  20. Hmm.... just read 4.1.4 again. As I understand the rule, penalty targets are only "marked" or of a "different color" to ALWAYS differentiate them from the actual shoot targets. If the same numbered/lettered no-shoot targets will also be the same numbered/lettered shoot targets, totally dependent on the number/letter drawn by the shooter, what has changed? I guess what I'm thinking is that the rule prevents one target from being a shoot target for one person and the exact same target being a no-shoot target for another person. Seems like a shout out to John Amidon is in order!
  21. I've got to disagree with all the above testimonies; they do not go any where near far enough in their praise of Charlie's trigger jobs!!! His work is absolutely the finest available for Glock triggers and Charlie has got to be one of the nicest guys to be found anywhere! If you are contemplating a trigger job for your Glock, well, get of yer can and send it to Charlie! You'll soon be worshipping at the altar Vanek!!!
  22. Jon, I guess I would ask: what does the rulebook say concerning questions #1 (unmarked no-shoots) & #2 (random chronographing)? I would think that any competitor attending a Sectional Championship or above would reasonably expect the match to be run exactly according to the current rules. I'd check with either your section coordinator or your area director to see what they think about the matter. Or contact John Amidon for the complete lowdown on the two questions.
  23. One big problem with designating targets as "no shoots" dependent on a "color of a chip" or the "design on the face of a die" is that it is totally against the current rules in a sanctioned USPSA or IPSC match! See rule 4.1.4 in the 14th Edition red book. "Paper scoring targets and metal targets used as penalty targets MUST be clearly marked OR of a solid color different from scoring targets".
  24. My load: Alfaro-built SV, three port, three "blow holes", Zero 125 JHP, Fed 100, 7.0 grs. 7625. Avg. vel.: 1342, Extreme spread:10, Standard deviation: 03. Wifes load: Limcat-built SV, four port, no hybrid-type holes, Zero 135 FMJ, WWSP, 6.3 grs. 7625, Avg vel.: 1262, Extreme spread: 17, Standard deviation: 06. Standard disclaimer: these loads are safe in my guns only! Start low & work up!
  25. Ron --- I totally agree with you and L2S, dump all the categories! If you want to see how it will work, shoot the Idaho "Glocks Only" state championship match April 25th. This match was wildly successful last year & promises to be so again this year. I'll PM you with a flyer, pass it around to your Wyoming buddies please. Anybody else wanting to know more about "heads up, run what ya brung" matches get in touch with me.
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