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Everything posted by titandriver

  1. Sure wish I had my '70 Challenger T/A back! That and a '67 Corvette fastback coupe. Totally trashed both of 'em to make 'em drag cars --- gotta say it was fun though!
  2. rr (Road Runner?) --- don't forget to cut the firing pin spring. Because of the ICBF the spring needs to be about 75% of the length of a standard spring, at least that's the way it is in all my ICBF SV's.
  3. Homie --- this is an all USPSA match with the following exceptions: three Divisions based solely on frame size as denoted by Glock, to wit: full size, compact, sub-compact. No classes. Everybody is scored minor regardless. Mag length is limited to 140mm's, you get caught using a longer one and it's a match DQ. Lost brass match, although you can stay & pick after the stages are torn down. That's it! Oh yeah, EVERYONE WORKS! If you can't help pick mags, set & paint steel, tape targets, or help score, please stay home! We limit entrants to 100 and we have very few left. If we get your entry after we hit 100 we will put you on the waiting list. We typically take around 105 or so entries and 95 or so actually show for the match so everyone who enters will get to shoot. Se ya on the 27th! Rich Redovian Match Director (with an army of volunteers!)
  4. Worth doing? No. Armalite used to do the conversion but I don't believe they offer that service anymore. I picked up three new Armalite 20 rounders for $100 at the Bozeman gunshow, couldn't convert M14's that cheaply!
  5. Gee --- scopes don't count! It wasn't the handle, it was the crank that connects to the main shaft --- pot metal crap I guess! Kinda gasped for breath when it broke, never seen it happen before.
  6. This is getting "spooky" ; after breaking the crank on my 650 I had 'em send me two. Got it sitting at the ready, just in case lightning strikes twice! Good luck at your match!
  7. Damn Spook, I thought I was the only one adrift on a sea of mechanical failures before a big match! I've cracked slides, frames, comps, barrels, and scope mounts, usually just days before heading out. I have paid plenty to get my junk moved to the front of the line. I also find bawling like a fresh branded calf when talkin' to 'em goes a long ways too! Especially when accompanied by a big ol' wad o' greenbacks!
  8. Shred --- you could be wrong about the first match held, but I'd bet the ranch the herd would be thinner than hell for the second one!
  9. Z-man -- I think a similar thing was tried in the early '90's by a guy from SoCal or AZ. They used only steel and various shapes & colors as I recall. Entry fees were pretty steep but so were the winnings if you actually won the thing. It died pretty quickly, guessin' cuz there were far too few "pros" willing to put up the cash for the entry fee. Unless industry sponsors put up the cash prizes, I'm thinkin' there aren't very many folks that could afford to pay all the associated expenses to win such a pittance. Get those pots up to $100,000 or more and a lot more could concentrate solely on shooting instead of working full time & shooting part time.
  10. TGibby nailed it, the Emmett, Idaho USPSA club charges $5 for a monthly steel match and $7 for a monthly USPSA match. We also put on the annual Idaho "Glocks Only" State Championship match for a measley $20 for a nine stage, 260 round match every April.
  11. Weird --- at the Gem County Speed Shooters USPSA matches in Emmett, Idaho we have TOO many folks both helping to set up and tear down! As the MD I rarely get to help tear down as it is usually done before I am finished taking off my gear. Been like that for the last seven years; an embarrassment of riches I suppose!
  12. J-Ho ---- guess I shoulda said one particularily onerous jackass then; figured there was more than one, I just ain't met 'em yet! "Glad everything worked out but I think I see the problem with your accounting. See, down here we have a lot more than just one jackass. I think you need to work on your jackass counting skills. "
  13. John --- I'm sending it out to you as soon as I get home -- '06 March. Thanks to Mr. Bruce Gary for the Roupe grip, and some of your magic, the Dawson may be on the selling block after all! Talk to ya soon!
  14. Funny you mention that, it was one of the things they "alluded" to during the final hours of the audit. Since my '06 books are in far better shape I welcomed the scrutiny. They dropped that as well, the higher ups could tell this turnip was bled dry already! I've got two 260 Rems, one with a Lilja and the other with a Kreiger & Vais brake -- smokes 87 grainers at 3500fps and devastates those yodelers!
  15. After two and a half months and $2000 to my accountant, the IRS, after initially wanting over $17,000 more for 2005, could only come up with a measley $200 shortfall. It was promptly forgiven as being "inconsequential" so I owe nothing, nada, zip! I want to thank all of you who expressed sympathy and interest in purchasing guns that I thought I was gonna have to sell. To the one jackass in Texas ---pffffffffffffftttt!!! Thanks again guys, you are truly the best of the best!!!
  16. Eric --- that was a great idea and I incorporated it all day yesterday whilst waiting for what was supposed to be final results of the audit. I hosed stuff with rifle, shotgun, and pistol from early morning 'til the afternoon, nearly wore out my plate rack & the rest of my steel! Now I can sit and stew in Wyoming for the next few weeks, outta be ripe for some blasting after that!!! I had a Week From Hell at the Evil Empire... count me in! B
  17. Left twisting in the wind, kills an impatient SOB like me! Another four weeks of agony to endure.
  18. Chrono'ed some on 10 Feb., temp: 50 degrees, elev: 2900, SV "dot tracker AET barrel. 4.3 grains E3, WW once fired case, CCI SP, MG 180 FN, 1.185 COAL. Ten shots, extreme spread: 17, Avg Vel: 938, standard deviation: 05, power factor: 168.9. I sight my iron-sighted pistols at 17 yards offhand. I was able to keep ten rounds in the upper A box slowfire. Works for me!
  19. Ron --- not knowing a lot of the Wyoming shooters yet, I'm guessing you'll attract more non-USPSA shooters at the SC champs. There will more than a few .22 shooters also I suspect. Can't imagine you'll lose very many competitors at either match by having the two matches that close together. We're not suffering a shortage of entries for the Glocks' Only match even though the Spudgun is three weeks later. In fact, I'm certain both matches will fill to capacity. See ya in Casper if not sooner; nuttin' to do here but work and shoot Trap!
  20. Ron --- is the state match gonna be in Casper?
  21. I believe Mark still has an SV six inch SS as well. Same price or a little less. Go to the Guns America site & click on custom 1911's.
  22. I'm guessin' he bought it at First Stop Guns in Rapid City. They were asking $2099 for it. I'm also guessin' that it was like brand new, as advertised. Mark comes up with some really good stuff, fairly priced.
  23. Wow, not only a DQ but at least a one year suspension from using the range!!! Since I'm gonna be stuck in Cody for a while, when will you start shooting in Shoshoni? I wanna witness these unsafe actions in person. See ya soon I hope!
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