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My new license plates


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I am not sure thats a good idea. Not everyone loves the Police you know. You could be drawing attention to yourself, when you don't want it. You could also be endangering your civilian family members or other passengers.

I appreciate your concern for me and my family but since I have a G-ride, I rarely drive my pick-up. Most of the time I only drive it to matches anyway. If someone decides that want to violate the law because of my license plate or my profession, I'll be glad to show them the inside of a jail cell :roflol: Lets face it, if they will knowingly do something to me or my property just because of my LP, then they're probably a turd anyway and need to go to jail.

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I think they're going to look great on my Z71 :cheers:

That's a sharp looking license plate! Pics of it on the Z! :cheers:

Thanks Ari,

I'm looking forward to it. My Z71 is Silver/black, so the black/white LP should look really good on there.


I can't believe anyone would actually have adult beverage cans at a major match :surprise: I've been told to leave those at the hotel. I'm sure those were already empty when they arrived at the match :roflol:

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I have had two occasions where I was singled out as a LEO because of my association with a Police Motorcycle club. The first time the person let his car drift into my lane and then he accelerated off. A check of his booking record showed a lengthy criminal history along with a assault on a PO. The second time a person pulled along side and brandished a handgun, then sped off. In both instances I was flying our colors and I strongly believe the subjects recognized the patch as a Police Motorcycle Club. Because of these incidents, I very seldom wear our colors, unless I am riding in a large group of my fellow LEO buddies.

I hope you didn't take offense, I didn't mean any. It is a cool looking license plate..... Enjoy

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I am not sure thats a good idea. Not everyone loves the Police you know. You could be drawing attention to yourself, when you don't want it. You could also be endangering your civilian family members or other passengers.

If you have an aggressive problem with a fellow motorist please be sure to unload and show clear before holstering. :roflol: :roflol: It's your duty as a LEO to keep our streets safe for law abiding citizens.

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The man lives in Texas, that pools been chlorinated.

This is the reason why he has nothing to worry about...you don't mess with Texans...You really don't mess with a Texas cop, and you just plain need to be shot if you mess with a Texas Ranger!

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I can't believe anyone would actually have adult beverage cans at a major match :surprise: I've been told to leave those at the hotel. I'm sure those were already empty when they arrived at the match :roflol:

Yeah, I gotta figure some good citizen picked them up off the side of the road and just happen to have them in the back of their truck.

Then some hooligans happened along and took them out and did their trick.

(those types would probably cut parking meters off their posts...and whatnot) :ph34r:

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What's Chuck Norris like in person? I'd love to work with that guy!

His ranch is in Navasota, Texas near College station and shares a property line with my ex-roommates parents. You would never know it was his unless you knew that his ranch was named "Lone Wolf Ranch" and were *REALLY* looking for the gate as you drove by. From looking at the pictures he has really cut a lot of the trees down that were on the fence line since I was last there in the mid 90's



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I have driven with my LEO friend to matches. I get a kick out of being in his unit. Every chance I get a 'sqawk or hit the horn' while in the parking lot at the match. WHAT A KICK!!!. There are a lot of units at the A2 matches. Just plain fun.

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I wouldn't mess with him. There is an old saying in Texas.

One riot, one ranger.

'nuff said.

There is also another old saying in Texas: "There ain't nothing there but steers and @#^^*@, and you ain't got no horns boy!" Take it as the joke it is, I have no beef at ALL with LEO'S!

The old saying I liked the best was told to me by 85 year old Texas friend, many years ago: "A Texan is a Mexican gone broke on his way to Oklahoma."

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