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2009 Alabama Section Championship May 1&2

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SingleStack should be here shortly and will be off to the match! See you guys and gals there this afternoon or in the morning. Everyone be safe in your travels.


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This match was a blast.

I got to hang out a few minutes longer than Hop but I had to get back home so I can shoot steel tomorrow.

It was great to see some old friends and make some new ones.

Good luck to those that shoot tomorrow.

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Shot with David, and yes we had a great crew - nearly the super squad, dispite me being on it. I shot like $h1t, but had fun with this crowd.

Great match, including the new "Where in the World is Randal Web" game.

Mark K

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Great first state match at Steel City/Brocks Gap from the Alabama crew. Even with the few ugly showers that plagued us in the morning. Randall,Steffan,Peter,Dave,all the volunteering RO's and anyone else involved to make it happen. All did an awesome job. Thanks to Bill for doing stats and to Cindy for doing lunch. We have great section coordinators in Georgia too who absolutely love and support our sport. And to Mark Ramsey/ima45DV8 for accepting the duties of RangeMaster which I knew he could do so well and proud to call him a close friend. Despite the late start due to a missing Match Director.....the match still finished on time. You had us all worried Webby,we thought something bad happened,it was so unlike you to be late and unreachable. Glad you were ok and just overslept. Its alright....that kind of stuff happens. Just always seems to happen at the worst of times.

Hats off to Squad 2. We had a good time. We all fed off each other and made the day fun as hell. I enjoyed shooting with all of you guys. And Thanks to Kevins wife for the awesome peanut butter power balls.

I liked the hoser format of the match. No hard cover targets anywhere and only 5 no shoots in the whole match. Just lots of wide open targets. Made it fun for all classes and skill levels but still just as challenging. Also made it real easy replacing targets after getting wet from the rain.

I also thought the mugs/chalices were a cool idea for trophies. Good thinking Randall. We know you are a fan of the Chalice. They just seemed a little small for your taste.

Look forward to coming back to Steel City/Brocks Gap again next year if you guys are willing to do it again. :cheers:

Randall.....you might should sleep at the range next year :ph34r:

Edited by 00bullitt
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It was a pleasure to shoot with everyone on squad 2 and be in the company of great friends. I can’t wait until the next match to see you all again. Thanks Randal, Mark, the RO staff, Bill and Cindy for all of your hard work. I look forward to seeing everyone soon and hope everyone made it home safely.


Sweet dreams Randal :devil:

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Thanks for a great match and a great squad. :cheers::cheers: I was actually glad we got off to a late start since my holster needed attention after dropping my gun twice in the safe area. :ph34r:

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Might as well chime in, too. In spite of the delayed start and morning weather, the match was a success. Thank you to all who worked it and shot, and I hope we can all come back up next year and do it all over again (except the rain).

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Had a fun time at the match, despite the offensive graffiti on Stage 1.

I sure wish I would have had a dot on my gun ! :wacko::unsure:<_< It took me several stages to figure out what that piece of metal sticking up on the slide of my Limited gun was for....

Thanks for eveyone who worked to put the match on... Fun stages. We had a great squad (4). Both juniors were shooting with us and it was great to see them shoot.

Randall, I need to borrow that horseshoe of yours....

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Jack.....the military acronym for that small chunk of metal on the end of your slide is an MRI.

Muzzle Reference Indicator


Wonder if I can get a manual for it?

Yeah......but expect it to be out dated :rolleyes:

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Ahhh…. Back home, recovered from the match, and associated activities ( :D ). Life is good!

I’m grateful to have been asked to serve as Range Master for this match. I try to take away lessons from all matches I attend and the role I played at AL State was a great education. Of all the staff I had the easiest job at the range as the RO teams were spot-on! **And the biggest thanks go out to the competitors! I jokingly declared the match a “drama-free zone” on Thursday, and damned if they didn’t get right with the game plan. Even the brief but violent rain storm on Saturday morning couldn’t make anyone act in any other way than glad to be at a match. You folks rocked!

I also want to thank everyone who felt sorry for me on Saturday because I had already shot-through on Friday. They must have felt sorry for me not getting any trigger time because I responded to 12 popper challenges (one was a ‘double’ for someone who left two standing for me to shoot). I can’t blame them, though. There was some l-o-n-g steel on stage 7, and low hits were being challenged with regularity. Only one of the poppers didn’t fall to my trusty Glunk, and it was one that had been working loose over the day. I was actually glad to have a valid reason to tweak it a bit. It’s very cool to have all the time you want to hit the “cal-zone” with no clock running, and more so when some smart-ass is Loudly betting money you’ll miss (thanks, Singlestack! :P )



That was about the only real drama we had. It was acting flaky on Friday, and threw some folks into Minor late in the day. There wasn’t enough of a statistical aberration to toss it (4 out of approx. 40 shooters) even though most or all were on the same squad (hint). It wasn’t so much that four went Minor, but that the four are people who’ve been doing this long enough to know to bring Major PF ammo to a match (another hint). I was one of them.

When I had been there earlier in the day I saw the chrono give several errors that locked it up and were corrected only by a reboot (and yet another hint), but even that wasn’t enough to throw it out as invalid. As I stood there listening to a mob of people saying to throw it out (and all of them had made their declared PF), their good intentions were clear but the ‘reasons’ offered just didn’t support that action. Even at dinner I was barraged be well-meaning folks wanting it to go away. I apologize for the way I sounded when I said that discussion was over and I wouldn’t hear any more about it right then.

Despite rumors that I called John Amidon for advice, I didn’t (the thought crossed my mind but I left his number at home). I did however consult the rulebook, Appendix C2. Item 1 gave me what I was looking for:

1. The chronograph(s) must be shielded from the effects of changing sunlight. Setting the chronograph(s) in the shade of a tree, or under a cover which allows a differing amount of sunlight to touch any part of the skyscreens or skyscreen brackets is prohibited. The recommended method for outdoor locations is to use an enclosed “chrono box”. In all locations, the use of either infrared sensors or incandescent lighting provides the most consistent, repeatable results.

It wasn’t shielded (as required) but was set in direct sunlight, and wasn’t enclosed (as recommended). Between that and the errors I had witnessed earlier in the day I issued the ruling Friday night that the chrono would be removed and all competitors would be scored at their declared power factor. *I made a declaration of Minor PF to the Stats officer and had him score me as such to remove any potential whiff of impropriety for removing the chrono results. This match was too good to allow any stink on it.

One competitor who should have been scored Major, was not, because he originally entered as Production and later changed to Limited (Major). The PF designation change from one division to another was simply overlooked. I’ve spoken to that competitor and explained the situation and he understands that by checking the postings before leaving the range he could have helped us correct this before the scores became finalized.

It was Randall’s first go at this, and I hope not his last. Working with him was a pleasure. My only advice to him is to employ more people for next year’s event (he and his trusty sidekick Tonto, er… Stephan, built the entire event by themselves). These guys love the sport and are willing to put blood, sweat and bone into putting on a great show. And I’m assured we’ll be using two chronos, back-to-back, in a box, with infrared skyscreens as recommended.

Sorry for the long post…

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It’s very cool to have all the time you want to hit the “cal-zone” with no clock running, and more so when some smart-ass is Loudly betting money you’ll miss (thanks, Singlestack! :P )

Nothing like a little pressure. :goof:


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Got to shoot Friday, Had fun shooting with squad 82.

Good shooting with you Tony.\


It was good to meet you and shoot with you. Sorry I could not give you more competition.

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