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Prayers needed

Merlin Orr

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My friend and fellow adjuster Ken Crounch fell from a roof today in Brownsville TX and is in very critical condition tonight. He has severe brain trauma with a bad fracture of the skull, broken upper and lower orbits, nose ribs and arm. He has undergone brain surgery and the doctors just told me it's in God's hands...

He has sat at my dinner table many times in many states around the country.

I am devastated tonight.

Prayers go out for him and his family

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Merlin, I'm very sorry to hear about your friend and prayers and good thoughts are on the way. I work in a Neuro/Surgical ICU and if I can answer any questions or translate any medical/nursing lingo or help in any other way just PM me.

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Recently, while I was in the ICU after major surgery, and while the good Lord was determining my living or dying, many of my fellow shooters came by and stood around me, praying for my recovery. I barely remember any of it, as it was twilight for me ... But their presence and prayers, and the prayers of all of you aware of my condition, brought me the strength to pull through.

Merlin, we all are with you in this, praying and sending great healing energy towards your friend Ken, and we know the good Lord will watch over him.

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My friend Ken is holding on. His condition is still grave but his brain swelling is still under control and pneumonia has not set in. The Dr's now are saying 3 more days and the brain swelling should be resolved. He has many other injuries to battle but the one for his life is all we are worrying about right now.

Thanks for the prayers and support from all of my friends and the great people of our Forums.

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Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery to your friend.

I hate to read/hear about things like this in general, but being in the business makes it worse. We haven't had one fall in some time, but it is just chilling to hear. We take too many risks in our line of work.

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Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery to your friend.

I hate to read/hear about things like this in general, but being in the business makes it worse. We haven't had one fall in some time, but it is just chilling to hear. We take too many risks in our line of work.

Prayers sent.

Dave and Merlin,

in the immortal words of Sgt. Phil Esterhaus: "Let's be careful out there!"

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An update on my friend Ken Crouch's progress with his head injury. His recovery has been very rapid and it appears that he is going to recover. The doctors still are cautioning that there is a long way top go but he is now speaking and stood with help for a few seconds today. I have spoken to him daily for the past 3 days and he does now recognize people but still is a little confused. Tonight he was flown to Baylor Hospital in Dallas TX to continue his recovery. He will be having facial surgeries starting next week to rebuild his nose and eye orbits.

His family and friends pass along their deep appreciation to all of you who have offered and given help and prayers. Please continue to offer up your prayers for his family and for his full recovery from his injuries....


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