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Scoring Results Posted


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That link will only tell you about classifier scores uploaded on-line.

If you club is one of the ones that still sends in paper, the on-line status will not know about the classifier until the scores have been posted in a monthly update.

Thanks for the clarification Rob. I forgot to add that piece


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Some clubs are fortunate enough to have a dedicated stats person at the match AND a place on site to do the scoring. They can even use stage sheets and score as teh match progresses. Others take the sheets home and score them at night. If the match gets put up and away by say 4:30 and the after match dinner is over by 6:30 and the trip home is made by 7:30, that can mean that the stats person has been outside since maybe as early as 0600! Add in putting one's own gear away and such piddily little things like family, work and sleep and the scores may not go out till Tuesday.

That is my target, although I sometimes manage match day, usually it is Tuesday and occasionally Wednesday.

Now before anyone screams, this last match took me over a week. 60 shooters, a meeting of some sort nearly every night and a 4 day family vacattion got in the way.

A few things that would make it more likely to get all the scores out faster would be simple things; like writing your division on teh score sheet and your power factor and just maybe the time it took to to run the stage and all the hits. A small amount of penmanship practice wouldn't hurt either. When you can't tell a 7, 4 or 9 apart and 6's and 8's are nearly identical and then throw in scibbles, cross-outs and spilled soda, well you get the picture. Oh, and just maybe you could learn to add? Totalling the colums is nice, but if you put in the wrong number, stats guy has to back up and re-add the columns. And if you were to add the columns, maybe the fact that you forgot to put in the 8 steel plates MIGHT slap you in the face and stats guy wouldn't have to explain that you would have won IF your score was complete. Same goes for that lightning fast run, all A's, no mikes, no proceedurals and no No-Shoots, but sadly, no time either. Stage goes in as DNF.

All this breaks the rythm and makes scoring a much more time consuming job than it needs to be.

OK, Rant mode off, but I just had to say something.


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  • 8 months later...

I have recently been thinking about this and wondered what others thought as well. We have been spoiled locally as the match results are usually posted within 24 hours (sometimes within 12 hours) of the match even with paper scoring and not the palms. What do you guys typically look at for score turn around and at what point would you start to get annoyed?

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This is NOT Directed at the OP, but rather at all those that have the time to complain about things that they could help out with.

I do the scores for my club. I get uspset with myself if I don't have them out by Tuesday. my aim is by the next night, but I admit that I don't always make that. I'd like to have them out sooner, but life can get in the way.

Our indoor match is now run on the Stage Score system and those are posted the next morning and announced by the end of the teardown. Our outdoor match will be run the same way I the next couple of months.

As far as getting upset with how long the scores take to get posted, if it is less than a week, be happy. It used to take a lot longer and you only got them by snail mail. Now we all seem to be upset if we don't have them by the time we get home from the match.

Seriously, if you have the time to bitch about how long it takes, maybe you need to invest some of that time in helping out. The guy that does the scores at your club is probably also designing and/or building at least one stage, handling registrations, making sure the stages are built according tot he rules and ROing his squad.

This doesn't take into account the time it takes to decipher the abominable handwriting of some of our scorekeepers or contacting people to find out what division they shot in or what their USPSA number is, assuming that they gave us a way to contact them in the first place.

Everyone needs to keep in mind that this is a volunteer sport. No one is getting paid to run matches or to do the scoring. Just for the record, I do understand that there are those that work two matches and when they attend a third, they might do alitle less work, usually those people are well known to the rest of the people there and are given that pass should they decide to take it.Interestingly enough most people that could take the pass don't or at least don't take full advantage as they know the load the others are under and try to do at least something to help out.


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A slight thread drift, but how long does it generally take once USPSA gets the scores in the system to be posted on their site?


Scores are posted on the site immediately when uploaded. It is pretty slick actually. The classifier results are posted on or around the 15th of each month.

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I should also note that I am the one who does the scores for one of our states two USPSA clubs so I know sll to well what goes into making it happen. I was just looking to get some info as far as what other clubs are experiencing.

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Back before widespread use of the computer I received the match scores fron the person who had a computer after he computed the results (usually by Tues) and I had them in the mail by Wednesday which I thought was great! Then people started to complain that they didn't know when the next match was because the results came out too quick - go figure! With widespread use of the computer two days is too much (unless work interferes!)



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I go straight from the range to my PC and send out the results the same day. Out of town guests have them by the time they get home. I used to get annoyed if i didn't have results from other clubs in a week, but now I don't get bothered even if I never see the results. I am just glad USPSA is alive and well in my state.

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I like to get the results right after tearing down the stages, but that only happens with Palm scoring.

Otherwise I usually start hitting refresh on the local website at around 5pm and continue to do so until I fall asleep. If the scores aren't out the next day I start to get pissy

I get annoyed pretty quickly waiting for the scores. the match isn't over until the scores are up, if you can't get volunteers, then pay someone to do it and add it on to the match fee.

Hopefully this year I will be taking over the scoring at one of the local matches, not because the scorer is slow, but because he has been doing them for awhile and deserves a break.

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I like to get the results right after tearing down the stages, but that only happens with Palm scoring.

Otherwise I usually start hitting refresh on the local website at around 5pm and continue to do so until I fall asleep. If the scores aren't out the next day I start to get pissy

I get annoyed pretty quickly waiting for the scores. the match isn't over until the scores are up, if you can't get volunteers, then pay someone to do it and add it on to the match fee.

Hopefully this year I will be taking over the scoring at one of the local matches, not because the scorer is slow, but because he has been doing them for awhile and deserves a break.

When I was doing the scores for a couple of clubs I would have results ready by the end of the match or no later then that evening. This was before palm scoring btw.

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I like to get them the night of the match. I guess I'm spoiled as most of the matches around here turn them out pretty quick. If I don't get them for couple days I would be bummed out but not mad.

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I want to get them the night of the match, but if I don't I cope. Our match results are usually posted the night after the match completes. Our IDPA club results are usually posted the night of the match. I find myself getting antsy on Tuesday, but I don't EVER complain. I am the match director for one of the USPSA clubs and if I complain, I'll have to tally the scores- along with everything else. My hat is off to the scorers- along with everyone else that helps set up, sign in, RO, tear down or otherwise help with the match. :cheers:

When I started shooting, I had to wait until the next month's newsletter came out to see my scores- so even a 4 day wait (the longest I can remember recently) is really quick.

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With our current scoring program, I am able to input and post all the scores in about 2 hours (for a match with 50 shooters)... my goal is to have them posted by 7pm the day of the match. Usually, I get them out quicker...

At our larger matches, I have a couple people inputting scores throughout the match, and the scores are posted within an hour. I then go through them and double check them over the course of the next couple days, for entry errors (it happens, we're all human).

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Without Palm:

We are remote at our club, no building, no power, no phones.

After the match is torn down and put away (4:30) we go get lunch. (6:00), I then drive home (7:00) and unload the car of my gear and the match gear that doesn't stay at the range. (7:30). Then I start to enter the 40-70 shooters names and other data into the match, I load the stages, generally 7 stages at our match, then I start deciphering the hieroglyphics that pass for numbers in the time box and try to determine which of the stray marks on the score sheet are the hits and which are just slovenliness. Usually, having been on the go since about 6;00 am I am falling asleep long before I get the scores all entered. After work and supper Monday night (8:00) I get back to the scores. Usually I will finish them and post them late Monday night, occasionally Tuesday or Wednesday as I do have business and meetings at night that take precedence over USPSA.

Rarely have the scores languished past Wednesday.

With Palm:

We will preregister our shooters, the scorekeepers will input all the data, I will sync the Palms and then sync the master Palm to the laptop and I will be able to announce the provisional winners right then and there. I still will need to run the update as there could be people that were not preregistered and were not in our database prior to the match. Scores will easily get posted the same night. My workload will be reduced by up to 3-4 hours a match.

Anyone that wants to bitch about anything relating to the quality of the stages or the number of rounds or the quantity of movers or lack thereof or the officiating or the time it takes to get results better be working their ass off. If all they are using it for is a way to rest the remainder of their collective whinny ass self, then I have no use for them.

The preceding is only partially in jest.


Edited by Jim Norman
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Anyone that wants to bitch about anything relating to the quality of the stages or the number of rounds or the quantity of movers or lack thereof or the officiating or the time it takes to get results better be working their ass off. If all they are using it for is a way to rest the remainder of their collective whinny ass self, then I have no use for them.

The preceding is only partially in jest.


I agree with you here Jim. It is not easy to run a match, score, RO, design stages etc.

I put a lot of effort in running a match or designing stages that I hope that my fellow shooters will enjoy. I know that my match results suffer because of this, but I do my best to ensure they get the match that they paid for. I hope for the same when I go to their club

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I agree with you here Jim. It is not easy to run a match, score, RO, design stages etc.

I put a lot of effort in running a match or designing stages that I hope that my fellow shooters will enjoy. I know that my match results suffer because of this, but I do my best to ensure they get the match that they paid for. I hope for the same when I go to their club

Mike- you run a good match. I appreciate it. I'm sure it does impact your performance doing both. Although I haven't run USPSA matches- when I've run an IDPA match or even just SOing- it takes your mind out of the match sometimes. The Palm system does make things easier for sure... it's a bitch reading chicken scratch!

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Anyone that wants to bitch about anything relating to the quality of the stages or the number of rounds or the quantity of movers or lack thereof or the officiating or the time it takes to get results better be working their ass off. If all they are using it for is a way to rest the remainder of their collective whinny ass self, then I have no use for them.

The preceding is only partially in jest.

My club has a husband/wife team (Thanks, Jack & Debbie!) They usually get them out about one hour after the match. We recently bought palms and the software, so we will have them at match's end. In regard to "whinney ass's" I think every club must have some. We have a great core team and we work VERY hard to put on a quality match. Since my open heart surgery, I am usually done before the match even begins. So I pity the whiney ass that doesn't do anything and speaks negativly about said match. Did I mention that the core group gives wonderful attitude adjustments!


Weld County Practical Shooters

Greeley, CO

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forgot to mention that some shooters feel that they are paying customers and don't have to work at all. I say B.S. and we are better off without them!


I think to many shooters forget the fact that this is a volunteer sport. I have two young daughters and time is always short. Most times I have to travel for an hour and a half to the matches and we always try to get there in time to help with anything we can. The only people that have the right to complain are the people running the matches without enough support from the shooters.

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