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For the third time in my life someone I love and care lots about has cancer...I am trying to remain upbeat and positive but as everyone knows it is very stressful...she was diagnoised with breast cancer on Friday and goes in for surgery tomorrow...

Boy do I hate this disease. Life is too tough enough to deal with for over half a century without having to cope with something like this in your "golden" years... :angry:


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Keep up the good thoughts. I am battling it now and doing ok its a long road but after seeing someone else at work go through brain cancer and the doctors gave her 2 weeks to live over a year ago I am convinced that a positive attitude is key.

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Me and my wife, Sanet, is fighting this thing together. Actually she is fighting and I am doing whatever I can to make life a bit smoother for her(main cheerleader). Take whatever positive you can and run with that. Do not ever focus on the negative. Cancer can and will be beaten. I keep a X-ray of her breast with the cancer on my side stand so that I can pour all that is negative into that. I wont BS you, it is tough. She has had 3 ops and a series chemo therapy. Watch for the orange stuff, that is the stuff with the worst side effects. Most of all stay positive. She will need your strength to beat this. Don`t go looking for the cause, it is energy wasted, much rather spend your energy on positive things.

I don't know if you are a Christian but if you are, make use of the structure in your church to help carry you in this tough times. You might even consider joining a church. Pray without stopping.

Most of all be assured of me and my families prayers to you and your loved ones.(Even if you belong to another faith, I don't care).

Here is grubby old South Africa we have a saying: Cancer CAN be beaten! My prayers go with you.

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I am really sorry you are having to deal with this.

I know exactly where you are coming from.

Cancer has decimated my family over the years.

It is truly a shame that such a devastating disease is so common.

Stay strong and give as much support as you can.

It does matter.


Edited by 38superman
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Cancer is one of the most incideous diseases.

I lost my Dad to cancer in 1974, but worse yet I lost my wife to Breast cancer 18 months ago (after the third time).

The only advice that I can give (and it sentiments some of the replys above) is be there and be strong even if you don't want to, it becomes encouragement for your friend. Also and just as important be positive all of the time.

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