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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Are you in FACEBOOK?

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I thought I just read that Facebook made a user take down all the info he posted about a firearms business of his posted on their site.

I don't know... I just joined a group of Competition Shooters that has photos of a bunch of guys with guns...

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Uuuuhhhh . . . no.

This forum is as "interactive" as I get online.

Hell, I don't like talking on the phone, much less my cell phone. I don't like my Treo, and I can't stand texting.

When I retire, I'm moving out to the woods where electricity is more of a concept than a necessity. My latest gadget will be a new fly rod, or perhaps a new barrel for the Thompson Center.


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Uuuuhhhh . . . no.

This forum is as "interactive" as I get online.

Hell, I don't like talking on the phone, much less my cell phone. I don't like my Treo, and I can't stand texting.

When I retire, I'm moving out to the woods where electricity is more of a concept than a necessity. My latest gadget will be a new fly rod, or perhaps a new barrel for the Thompson Center.


Count me in.

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Uuuuhhhh . . . no.

This forum is as "interactive" as I get online.

Hell, I don't like talking on the phone, much less my cell phone. I don't like my Treo, and I can't stand texting.

When I retire, I'm moving out to the woods where electricity is more of a concept than a necessity. My latest gadget will be a new fly rod, or perhaps a new barrel for the Thompson Center.


I'm in the same list as gm iprod and j1b... count me out, please. I get all of the "social networking" I need right here on these forums without the added grief from my spouse of being accused of looking for a "hookup" :P

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  • 2 years later...

I use it. But I have eliminated a lot of 'friends' that I don't know. I use it as a method of communicating with the shooters that attend my match,....

But mostly I use it to bug Chris Keen and Micah.

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just joined... <_< It is creepier than I even guessed

Why do all my schoolmates look so old?!

They must be hanging out with my old classmates. They're freakin' ancient!

I uess I'm in the minority here - I really enjoy facebook for finding and staying in touch with people I went to school with, old friends who've moved away, former bandmates, etc. I've even exchanged more than a little shooting info with other shooters on Facebook. I don't worry too much about privacy issues, because I only post things I'm willing to have printed on the front page of the newspaper. I learned long ago that the best way to keep a secret is not to tell anyone.

Besides - my cousin pointed out that he has a huge list of acquaintances/relatives/customers/neighbors that he feels obliged to stay in touch with or share news with, and he can eliminate 50 phone calls with one Facebook post - "Jr. made the all star team!".


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I heard you have to be in the picture with the guns. It can't just be of the firearms. Anyway if you have your profile as only visible to your friends, who's going to rat you out?

Not true I see alot of pictures of just guns on Facebook in public profiles. There is even a page on there called USPSAGuns.com and that's all they have (pictures of guns), you don't even have to sign in to Facebook to see it and these pics have been up for more than a year.


Edited by PeterMor
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