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Having To Fib To Keep My Job


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I am NOT discussing nor debating a political issue here, but relating a life experience that galled the crap out of me... please don't reply in a manner that will get my thread nuked.... I had to get this out of my system.

I had the audacity to lapse into forgetfulness yesterday afternoon coming back from lunch where I went to an indoor range for my lunch hour to practice strong/weak hand shooting. I forgot to take off my Team CZ USA hat,and strolled into the break area next to the building. Yes, this is one of the hats Angus Hobdell sent me when I got my SP01 from him. It was casual Friday, and everyone is in all manner of casual dress...jeans, flannel shirts, hats, etc. One particularly noxious troll-like being observed my hat upon my head and immediately accosted me.

"Is that a shooting related thing there on your hat? You know guns and and anything depicting them are NOT allowed on the property."

I detected an impending myocardial infarction in progress, and took half a second to let his veins bulge out on his forehead and hopefully rupture.

In a flash, it came to me.... I calmly relied that "No, it stands for Computer Zone USA. You know, the store that is replacing Comp USA since they are going out of business."

"Oh. Okay".

I said it with a straight face while gnawing my tongue into shreds, wondering what the troll would do if he knew of the minor arsenal in my range bag that was secured in my trunk in MY car on company property. :surprise: The Horror!

I felt bad having to back down from the confrontation to such an irrational and illogical thought process, but dammit, I have a mortgage to pay and eating is one of those things I kinda have to do. After 8 years here, even though the pay is outstanding, I am damned tired of being the only one who leans closer to 3:00 rather than 9:00. I wish the wife would complete her nursing school so I can drop this employer like a burning bag of doo.

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I work for a major money center bank with many similiar policies. When we moved into our new offices, I was offered a choice of wall art. I chose a hunting scene, snipe hunting in fact, and it went up, no problem, no questions asked. I thought it was the best revenge.

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You are faster on your feet than I am, and smarter too.......

I don't have it in me to tolerate fools, I wish I did. It causes problems in work and life in general. I would like to be able to do what you did at the appropriate time, even though it would burn me up. I would have responded with a GFY or something similar, and had to deal with the consequences.

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I guess I'm lucky.

I work 30 mins away from my boss, I don't deal with the public anymore, and I can wear whatever I choose.

I think friday I wore my LaRue hat, and STI T-shirt and blue jeans.

Life is good !

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...and it's actually a real business, in case they check up on you...


Now that is funny!

For the future you may have a "canned" response.

"What, this hat? Well it refers to my sexual preference. Why are you bringing this to everyone's attention. Why are you doing this to me? Now I have to report your sorry a$$ to HR for sexual harassment!"


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"Is that a shooting related thing there on your hat? You know guns and and anything depicting them are NOT allowed on the property."

Wow, I wouldn't have expected that kind of anti-sentiment in Florida. It's common enough here up North, but thankfully not where I work. That was a great reply you came up with.


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This has made me rethink my position in regard to guns in the work place. I may now have to get more in line with the mainstream and limit my employees to only carrying one firearm to work. I know its not quite where they want me to be but isnt it a move in the right direction? :lol:

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With everyone carrying just one OPEN gun with a bigstick in it I think you are headed in the right direction Chuck. If they only carry the one in, the one in the drawer and the one in the corner and the one on the shelf don't count because they are already there.......

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...and it's actually a real business, in case they check up on you...


Now that is funny!

For the future you may have a "canned" response.

"What, this hat? Well it refers to my sexual preference. Why are you bringing this to everyone's attention. Why are you doing this to me? Now I have to report your sorry a$$ to HR for sexual harassment!"


:devil: That's right if they want to go pc then out pc em. :devil:

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Hey, that's what we call a "white lie" and my mother told me that white lies were OK...!! :lol::lol:

I get MY mild revenge out in public by wearing my Citizens Police Academy pin and t-shirt. And then there's my license plate: I figure I could say, "If you have to ask (what it means), then I probably shouldn't tell you." But that might be rude. I still haven't thought of a non-rude response. I need to get busy on that. Those that know what it means don't ask about it anyway, so that's cool. Silent gratification prevails.

Brilliant response to the troll!!! My kudos many times over!! I would, however, have trouble explaining my blatant SiGARMS cap....... Or my Oregon Firearms Academy cap.....

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Drones working for The Man don't need honesty coming their way. Honesty need only be given to those who deserve honesty.

Honesty toward someone who will or can harm you with your own words is a sign of no wisdom.

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That was some fast thinking indeed.

Everywhere I go for work has a sign at the gate saying no firearms ( or alcohol :) ) on premises. I need to think each time, " Do I still have my range bag in the trunk ? " because, like you, I need my job and they have been known to check.

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Next week you should wear a Pink Pistols hat/t-shirt. Let the mofos try to fire you over THAT. I'd have the ACLU lawyer's business card ready and waiting in my pocket.

Never miss an opportunity to let a dumbass squirm, I say.

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