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Dates for 2008 Nationals and Major Matches?

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I know this has been discussed before, but there is NO legitimate reason we don't ALREADY have dates set in stone for 2008!!!

It is getting close for me to start making my work schedule for 2008, and I would like to be able to block weeks off for Single Stack Nats, Limited Nats, etc....

I have seen a thread where Area 6 is April 18 - 20, 2008, so that is a start!!!

Without going on an X-RATED rant here, WHY don't we have these dates posted so we can make plans????

This will NOT go unnoticed when I cast my votes in the next few weeks. I hold not only the president, but also the BOD responsible for this poor performance!!!

I hope this is a wake-up call to get tis done in the next few weeks so those of us that have to plan way in advance can try to work it out!!!

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Well... depending on the results of this year's election, you might get a Pres who focuses on getting these dates nailed down earlier. That's been one of the differentiating points between the candidates....

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Well... depending on the results of this year's election, you might get a Pres who focuses on getting these dates nailed down earlier. That's been one of the differentiating points between the candidates....

This will NOT be lost when I cast my votes.

Some of the powers of the present and past have taken very little into account for those of us that actually have work and family schedules!!

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I hear yah.

I am a teacher and would like to be able to shoot nats next year. The thing is if it during the school year it will take a lot of planning now on my part.

EXACTLY!!!!! NOW!!!!!

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Where I work, we pick all our vacation for the year the first of January. I wish every major match was scheduled by then. At least this year the Nat'ls was set by the time we picked. I had to guess on the others. It seems the sooner they could schedule them the better. Working for a living makes it hard to get to matches. :unsure: MLM

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I think taking care of this situation with your vote in the upcoming election is the only way change will happen.

Lack of concern for the members should be a sure sign it's time for change.

I believe this issue is the responsibility of just one person; although several ADs are pretty vocal about the need to get the dates out early, they can't officially do anything about it.

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I know this has been discussed before, but there is NO legitimate reason we don't ALREADY have dates set in stone for 2008!!!

It is getting close for me to start making my work schedule for 2008, and I would like to be able to block weeks off for Single Stack Nats, Limited Nats, etc....

I have seen a thread where Area 6 is April 18 - 20, 2008, so that is a start!!!

Without going on an X-RATED rant here, WHY don't we have these dates posted so we can make plans????

This will NOT go unnoticed when I cast my votes in the next few weeks. I hold not only the president, but also the BOD responsible for this poor performance!!!

I hope this is a wake-up call to get tis done in the next few weeks so those of us that have to plan way in advance can try to work it out!!!

You are right it should have been in the What I Hate forum. Unless I am reading the Bylaws incorrectly the President is solely responsible for Nationals date & venues so why are you adding the BOD. Do you really think the Secretary of Defense is able to convince President Bush to do something different in his war on terror? How do you know that the BOD has not tried to get Michael to get dates established further out? Do you know which ranges have submitted bids and what dates they are offering?

So you select a new person for president & he gets elected, how long are you going to give him to come up with dates a year in advance? ASS-U-MEing that clubs want to deal with a president who you want to replace and a new president who may not want to honor commitents, how would you negotiate for a venue? Should your new president accept a multi-year contract at a new location or should our current president be given the latitude to do his job until he is replaced?

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should our current president be given the latitude to do his job until he is replaced?



Give me an F'ing break!!!!

This is NOT a new complaint from the members. The membership has been ignored up to this point in regards to planning shooting around our family/work lives. I have NEVER been one to throw a stone in this fight, but ECXUSE the "F" outta me, our esteemed current President is a professional shooter who has no idea or does not care about the memberships needs as regards to long term planning of major matches.

YES, YOU my man, hit a MAJOR nerve!!!! Whether you meant to or not, I don't know, but this is something that has been discussed in years past and NOTHING has been done to make it better!!



I see NO excuse for this to not be done several years in advance.

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Going out on a limb here,

The current BoD could have changed the bylaws. Unfirtunately we do not know if it was discussed to change the bylaws and what benefits pro or con were placed on the table

Thye have made other bylaw changes.


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  • 1 month later...
I'm going to re-kindle this very HOT topic ......... because it sure would be nice to know when ( and where ) next years Nationals are going to be held. And the Single-Stack Nationals as well.

You Trouble Maker!

Just kidding, As I start my new job next month, we have to pick our vacations in November or December. Me being low man on the list, I will most likely get some crap week that no one is shooting at all that week. Although my wife says that we are going to the beach on vacation time, I would rather go shoot, but don't tell her that.

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I'm in the same boat as many of you, and have been nagging Mr. Voigt to "pick early, pick often", but to no avail. I don't know what the problem is, but it's definitely a problem. And, it won't get better this year, I'm afraid.

Again: president@uspsa.org


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I hold not only the president, but also the BOD responsible for this poor performance!!!

Area-1 2008 dates are "almost there" - we've already announced it will be in June, in the Portland area, just waiting for confirmation about which weekend (probably the second, but don't book a hotel just yet)

As far as the Nationals goes, I don't get a vote on the dates.

The current BoD could have changed the bylaws. Unfirtunately we do not know if it was discussed to change the bylaws and what benefits pro or con were placed on the table

We've discussed a number of things over the years, up to and including a motion (that I made) calling for the President to make the next-year's Nationals dates known no later than the end of this-year's Nationals. The motion failed.

My own personal opinion is that the Nationals dates (and venue and other factors) should NOT be decided by the Board. In order for that to work, you'd have to get 5 or more of the ADs to agree on the dates and place, and ... well, suffice to say, getting consensus on *anything* is not an easy thing to do. At present, it makes more sense to have the decision made by the president....


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To add some fuel to the fire - with USSA coming full online - I can't see any reason to have nationals anywhere else.

The range is just about smack dab in the center of the US, has easy access to a major airport and hotels (some better than others ;) ) and has (or will have soon) all the amenities on site to host a major match.

I see no reason why we can't have the match schedule for '08 out right now.

Preach on, Z.

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To add some fuel to the fire - with USSA coming full online - I can't see any reason to have nationals anywhere else.


And lets make it a combined Nationals, pick your division and go for it. Lets get more than 350 shooters, lets aim for at least 500, maybe even 750. That would easily knock about 30-40% off the slot price.

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I agree that we should have a combined Nats and try for 500 plus shooters. Lenghten it out to 5 days if necessary. I also think it should be held at Tulsa, middle of US and airfare doesnt get too out of control for anyone. From one corner of the country to the other gets very expensive and almost doubles my airfare.

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One of the things to consider with a single pick your division nationals at Tulsa is will they have the parking issue fixed by next year. Having almost 380 shooters meet up at the change over period was not plesant. Having 500 meet up at that change over point would be even less plesant.


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One of the things to consider with a single pick your division nationals at Tulsa is will they have the parking issue fixed by next year. Having almost 380 shooters meet up at the change over period was not plesant. Having 500 meet up at that change over point would be even less plesant.


Granted. Even less fun in the rain and mud. ;) However, based on the progress we've seen to date, I'd bet it's worked out by next year.

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One of the things to consider with a single pick your division nationals at Tulsa is will they have the parking issue fixed by next year. Having almost 380 shooters meet up at the change over period was not plesant. Having 500 meet up at that change over point would be even less plesant.


IMHO - The parking at Missoula was far worse than Tulsa. If you got parked in over by stages 10-18, you were parked in for several hours after you were done shooting since they were parking people 3 deep.

Barry (Quincy) can handle a 500 person, 24 stage "run what ya brung" Nationals. They had 497 people at the 2004 Handgun Nationals. I'm sure Tulsa could work the parking situation out and handle one too.

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Tulsa could park you way away & have those cute little girls in the golf carts drag a trailer full of shooters back & forth. :surprise: Kind of like Disneyworld or something. Just keep the shuttle going.

I am sure the current pres. isn't going to choose a place or time for the nat'ls until he finds out if he will continue to be the president. If he is voted out, then he gets to punish us for not voting for him. If he keeps the job, then it is just like normal & again, those of us that work for a living have to try to guess when & where so we can schedule our time off.

I guess we'll know about who is the president in just a few short weeks. :rolleyes: MLM

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