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Paris Hilton - Free at last!

Flatland Shooter

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First her sentence was cut in half for good behavior. They advised that by showing up to her court date, she was a "good girl" and deserving. Showing up a half hour late is not pertinent.

Now after serving three days, she has been freed for "medical reasons". (I guess she is sick of incarceration.) She will finish the remainder of her sentence at home wearing an ankle bracelet.

For anyone who seriously thinks the justice system is blind, consider using the "Paris Hilton Defense" the next time you are in a jam.

Another strike against Kalifornia.


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It seems as if she has been behind bars forever! :lol:

I am sure this was demanded by the 50 photographers that became unemployed when she went to jail, and had NOTHING to do with celebrity justice.

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CNN is reporting that the "medical condition" is that she was refusing to eat the jail food, and they were "worried about her health" if she didn't eat anything.

If that's true, I wonder how long before every *other* inmate figures out that a hunger-strike is in order?


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I like Sarah Silvermans take on Paris in Jail....."The Guards, in order to make Paris feel at home, painted the bars to look like penis'. I am just afraid she is going to crack her teeth.."

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Absolute BULLSHIT! When was the last time someone was let out early (2% of their sentence) just because they got a rash and felt the cell was too cold cause the blankies were too thin? It's JAIL not the honeymoon suite at the Hilton... I hope it sets precedence for all the other crazy mofos incarcerated to be released just to prove a point to the Sherriff's department there. :angry2::angry2::angry2:

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"...It's JAIL not the honeymoon suite ..."
That's the whole point, dammit!!! I had a feeling something wimpy like this was going to happen. This is revolting. Utterly revolting. :angry::angry::angry: Kinda nice to see the word "skank" in use again, too. Always did kinda like that word. <_<
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I read somewhere that she was bored in jail. I bet if they had put her in general population, "Large Marge" or somebody else would have ensured an end to her boredom. :surprise: That wasn't very PC now, was it? :rolleyes:

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Two things I really hate......innocent people punished for a crime they did not commit.

guilty people getting away with a crime...with money or fame


Yeah, What he said.

That's why if a celeb (or anybody for that matter) is not remanded to custody immediately upon sentencing (go to jail...do no pass go) it gives them time to come up with an out. Where's that BS smiley when you need it??? :angry2:


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