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2007 Ft Benning 3 Gun Match

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The most fun I had ROing stage 7 was watching Mr. Trooper class Nealon trying his best to get into the gunners seat of the Bradley with ALL of his gear on................................Somehow he got the idea that that was the start position, and he had to be in his gear. :rolleyes:

I didn't let him stay stuck for long, I just wish I had taken the picture.

Stage 1 was great fun, Stage 2 was great fun to watch, someone else shoot it, My most and biggest congratulations to AMU for pulling off a terrific match, a few logistic problems but we worked through them and I look forward to next year.

We had to DQ 2 from stage 7, one for a safety, and one for a 180, we also had a gun go off during LAMR.

I will repeat what KurtM said, shooters really need to be cognizant of where they are with respect to muzzle control, and the speed at which they are moving.


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Ok, here is THE BOAT stage, please focus on the stage and NOT my shooting!!!!!! I believe I finished 9th in Open on this one and I LOST A SPEEDLOADER to boot, but I wasn't the ONLY one..........OH, SUPER MATCH as everyone before has stated the AMU team has definately created a "MUST" shoot match!!


Here is the swinging Bridge Stage 4


And the M4 3round burst stage 5, I swear that rifle had the strongest TRIGGER I have ever pulled, I had to double check because I thought the safety was still on after I tried to pull the damn thing....


Sorry I do not have any of the stages from SUNDAY 7,8 or 9 uh, lets just say I had TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES!!!



Edited by DrawandDuck
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Hello All

Bob Novak from TechwearUSA here, I would like to join in the enthusiastic chorous of congratulations to Aaron Hampton, Linda Chico, the USAMU (from the top down), the RO's, and anyone else connected with producing the 2008 FB3G.

In my opinion this match may now be the standard by which all others will be judged, and by that, I don't just mean the WOW factor of Stage 1 in which the U.S. Army brought their awesome resources to bear to give us shooters a truly thrilling and unique experience, but moreover, the quality of the stages, and wholeheartedness of the entire effort.

As a match sponsor I can tell you that TechwearUSA is on board for 2009!

Best regards

Bob Novak


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Hey everybody!!

Well now that it's all over... I hope everybody had a good time and were able to shoot some stages that challenged them, hang out with some old friends and make a couple of new ones. I'm glad most people were happy!!!

Here are a couple of PICTURES. For those that didn't get to be here the first few are pictures of the stages from Google Sketch Up.

Good luck everybody,

Daniel Horner

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Edited by Daniel Horner
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Hey everybody!!

Well now that it's all over... I hope everybody had a good time and were able to shoot some stages that challenged them, hang out with some old friends and make a couple of new ones. I'm glad most people were happy!!!

Here are a couple of PICTURES. For those that didn't get to be here the first few are pictures of the stages from Google Sketch Up.

Good luck everybody,

Daniel Horner

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Wow :surprise:

Forget the Nationals, I am going to this match next year!


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This was my first 3 Gun match, and all I can say is wow! Great job to Linda,Aaron, the AMU,RO's and everyone for making this as much fun as it was.

I started the match with two goals: to have fun and not DQ. Happy to say both were accomplished.

Another thanks to the Striker crew for giving as many rides as you wanted. My daughter couldn't get enough.

I work with Mike and Chris Tilley at their range and just so happens tonight Mike put some of Chris's run of the boat stage on youtube

Hope to see everyone next year at Benning


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Taran winning Open class, after getting bumped from Tactical to Open for an equipment violation, is a pretty amazing feat.

What did Taran do to get bumped ?

Several of us thought the shotgun capacity rule in Tactical was "start with no more than 9 rounds" as many other "time plus", IMG type matches are (previous Ft Benning matches too, I believe). So, we all had our 9-round tubes which allow us to top off to 10 rounds total in the gun (only after the start), if necessary.

Some of us found out about the mistake beforehand and plugged our tubes, to limit the capacity (thanks to and under the watchful eye of Kurt Miller).

Taran did not find out until after he shot the stage. Consequently, he had to move to Open class.

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You forget who was not allowed to shoot the AMU match!!!!!!! Also the shotgun capacity rule was the same last year as this year, it pays to not assume, but it also sux that there is no continuity between matches. The easy way is to limit rounds at the start only, then once the timer goes off top off your tube if you desire.


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Nick, unless one of the Army guys has it on video I doubt any of the shooters have - all my squad were running through the smoke confused, under fire wondering if the sustained fire MG was firing over our heads and if so how low - didnt know it was a gas gun then !! Well not me anyway. At the any questions part of the the Striker stage briefing I asked if there was any air support we could call on, I was told that air assets were a negative........... well being British it made me kinda feel safer :lol::rolleyes:

Bit late in responding to the thread, only just got everything sorted after getting home. Brilliant match !! Top designers, Top senior match staff, Aaron, Jeff, Linda, Sandra, Robbie, all the AMU guys, great bunch of RO's (honour to work with you all) and great competitors - I know this has all been said before but having shot some major IMG matches this one is like the girl alien in Species - evolving like crazy and hotter than Hell ! Catching up with old amigos was great and making new ones, ROs and James on stage 7 were great guys, and being refused a beer at 39 years old made a fantastic trip .............

(she was convinced I was 20 !! :cheers:) See you all at Mesa if me and the BigBrownPoodle are lucky.

Many thanks to everyone who made this happen and will definitely be back next year !!

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I have video from the match including the Striker from 2 different perspectives. I've been on the road for the past week on business. I will post it here when I have it all captured and edited.

I also have some good video of Mike running one of the stages with a PKM belt fed.

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Sorry I am so late posting. A few of you knew that I had another major match the weekend after Ft Benning. I finally unpacked today. There are several people I want to thank, so this will be a long post:

Sandra Orvig - She spent half the year asking me for more work to do. Sandra handled all the preliminary contact and registration details for our match staff. At the match, Sandra took charge of registration, organization and entered nearly all the scores in the new scoring program on Saturday and Sunday (I was on our back-up program - the old Excel spreadsheet). In addition, she kept things in stats entertaining. She is the original sunny personality. I simply cannot image what I would have done without Sandra.

Lee Dimaculangan - After Lee helped in stats last year, I specifically asked Aaron if he could be assigned to help us again this year. The work in stats is repetitive, tedious and detail oriented. It starts at 6 AM every morning and can go as late as 10 PM on the days we do registration at the hotel. Lee entered all the Friday scores. He maintained the cheerful attitude even when things got crazy in stats.

Jeff Cramblit and all of our RO staff - Our staff came from all over. We had the 3 British shooters, as well as staff from Arizona, Idaho, Minnesota, and Colorado and most states east of the Mississippi. Over 60 percent of the staff from last year returned to help again. What a great group! And we actually had a waiting list to be on the staff.

Stage 1 & Stage 6 staff - While all of the staff worked tirelessly to make sure the match ran smoothly, I need to say something about the staff on Stage 1 (the all active duty team led by Greg Wilson) and the group on Stage 6 (Max Michel, Alan Shepard, Dan Overcast, Mark Silva, Matthew Broccious and a crew of active duty personnel).

Saturday night at 6:30, I sat down with Aaron Hampton and Robby Johnson to assess the status of these two stages. We had 90 shooters who needed to finish Stage 1 and 96 that still needed to shoot Stage 6 on Sunday. In the previous two full days of shooting, only an average of 70 shooters had made it through the two stages. They were 20 to 30 shooters behind every other stage. Anyone with common sense would have been discussing whether or not to toss out those stages. Fortunately, we had me, Robby and Aaron, so we dispensed with common sense and, instead, we were figuring out how to keep them in the match. We decided to throw more staff on the stages, re-write the schedule, tighten up communication with the stages, and put Robby in charge of any squad shifts. If there was an opening, he would move a squad there. And the next day, Robby and the staff on those two stages did the 'nearly impossible.' Yes, we finished about an hour and a half late. Yes, we had to shift some squads around and some shooters were inconvenienced. Yes, it was a bit chaotic at times. But we finished the match with all 9 stages! We started awards while it was still daylight.

Robby Johnson - Robby was the Range Master on Friday, so that Jeff could shoot the match with his friends. On Sunday, as I mentioned earlier, Robby took over 'match flow' and personally made sure every shooter could finish the match.

The shooters from the waiting list - It took FOREVER to start moving shooters off the waiting list this year. By August, I was beginning to think I had overestimated the number I needed to have on the list. I was absolutely determined to clear that list. In the end, everyone who stayed on the list got into the match. And with the very frequent contact via email & phone, I made several new friends.

Aaron Hampton - If you loved the prize table, thank Aaron. He singlehandedly worked the entire year to put together that spectacular prize table. And that would be while he was working through all the other match details. The amount of work and time required to organize a major 3 gun match at a civilian facility is daunting. It is about 2 times harder trying to do it at a military facility. I cannot tell you how many times during the last year, he ended a conversation with either "the sponsors are going to love that," or "the shooters are going to love that." Those two thoughts were the guiding principles of this match.

He was always open to suggestions that would improve the match. Aaron gave me total control over registration, squadding and stats. Periodically, he would ask me how it was going, but he trusted me to get it done right. Aaron occasionally commented that he did not want to be the "worst match director I'd ever worked with." Far from it. He may be the best match director I've ever worked with. He can call me anytime he decides to do another match. If he could just get that return phone call problem solved. . . .

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2007 Ft Benning 3 Gun Match Statistician

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Finally had a chance to quit grinning from ear to ear about a great match and do some typing. :cheers:

Aaron, Lee and all the AMU guys & gals did a fantastic job in creating a first class event that I will remember for a long time & grin every time I think about shooting it as my first major 3-gun match. I learned more in this one match than years of shooting locally.

Stage 1 Sniper Hide made the wait worthwhile, shooting an M24 then my rifle on a whole bunch of self resetting Larues in that setting was a blast.

The darn boat on stage 2 Patrol Boat River must have a spell on it to make shotguns malfunction. Or could it be they are called SHOTguns for a reason? <_<

Stage 6 Designated Marksman finally allowed me to stretch my rifles legs and shoot some long range rifle. I want way more long range in the future. How pure LR rifle with 500yd.+ shooting from the tower to make things interesting, with bonus targets by the tanks??? :surprise: An MOR side match would be a blast.

The pontoon bridge was a great idea, as was all 3 guns on stage 9, with speed, precision and power all rolled into 1 stage.

Finally Meeting Linda and that "cute" blond Sandra started out the match weekend great.

Linda, Sandra or Aaron e-mail me about the airline tickets a few months before next years match.

I am already looking forward to next year. Thank you all.

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