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Micah's Range Diary


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There is more room for improvement then there are things to harp about, but I am shooting better every day. BIG thanks again to Paul for taking over the match this weekend, and to Larry for getting the scores out on the same day.


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Nice video work. Your shooting is solid. But you still need to get the gun up and ready to shoot before you settle into the shooting position. You are still losing time by not having the gun up and ready to shoot before you get into the shooting position. The other thing that you should look at is how you circumvent your stance when you lead hard to the right around walls. You end up putting most of your weight on your right foot and your left foot ends up with just the toes touching the ground. In these extreme leaning conditions its better to crouch lower to lean around the wall while keeping both feet planted. This does two things. First it allows you to shoot from a 100% solid platform so your shooting is faster and hit quality is better. Second it allows you to aggressively exit the shooting position without being off balance and need to shuffle your feet around to enable yourself to accelerate hard out of the shooting position.

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Micah, the shooting looks good. I just wanted to say that your commitment to improving your health is even better. I talked with you briefly at Ohio State and you looked good there. If the camera adds 10 pounds, I don't see it. You look even healthier. Keep it up, see you at Indiana.

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Micah, the shooting looks good. I just wanted to say that your commitment to improving your health is even better. I talked with you briefly at Ohio State and you looked good there. If the camera adds 10 pounds, I don't see it. You look even healthier. Keep it up, see you at Indiana.

What Chris said, Micah. :cheers:

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I really appreciate that Chris and Jeff...quite flattered actually :)

The Indiana match is going to be an endurance run to be sure.

It's funny... I ordered more bullets, and they come in 69 pound packages. I have certainly lost more than 69 pounds, but it was amazing to me putting one of those HEAVY boxes over my shoulder and marching it upstairs. I thought "Holy crap...how did I ever move ANYWHERE with all of that extra weight!"

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I havent lost quite that much weight, but I think the same thing every time I grab a 30lb dumbbell. Its amazing to look at yourself and think about what you were vs what you are. Keep up the good work man!! See you in August at IN Sectional.

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Shot at Milford today...great match, although I had some issues with the plate rack...again. Only two matches stand between me and the Indiana state, so I need to get to it. Video to come eventually.

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At the request of several people, I will be uploading my videos to YouTube. You can follow my channel via the link at the bottom of my posts. Please bare with me as I figure out how the linking of videos work:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I shot the Circleville Ohio match today, and it was a strong warm up for the IN match. My only criticism of my performance is that it seemed a bit too methodical...although I would postulate that the course of fire demanded some care. I shot it clean with 2-3 deltas, so that was another positive.

Fortunately I get to sharpen the saw again tomorrow at the Oxford Ohio match.

And HOLY CRAP it takes forever and a day to upload video to YouTube! I will post it here once it decides that it is finished killing my bandwidth!

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Here is the video from today's match. It was a Bizzarro match where (other than the classifier, the white targets were scoring targets, and the brown were no-shoots). This really only affected me on the pressure plate stage where I flipped out over shooting a flipping white target. I shot fair:


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I was planning on coming but at 5 am it was storming here and the radar looked bad clear across the Hoosier state. I think I could handle shooting white guys except the stage with the brown no shoot targets would have been a mental mess for me. Hope to make the Oxford match in October especially since the college girls will be back at school. Never have drive through Oxford while school was in session and been disappointed.

See you at Indiana next weekend?

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Hey Micah,

Why did you switch from Production to L10 for this match? Just curious, because I know you are primarily a Production shooter. So I figured you would shoot Production because there was more competition in that division than L10.

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That's a good question Alex, but first off CONGRATS on your great performance!

The ring finger on my right hand was swollen from infection to the point that I could not even shake the hands with those on the range. Between the pain, blood, and pus, I wasn't sure that I would even make it to the match. Knowing that I was limping in to the competition for this one, I changed to Limited 10.

The finger is about 50% better now, and I have no doubt that I will be in top form for the MI Sectional and IN SS/Prod matches coming up. I did not get the opportunity to squad with you at the IN match, but look forward to shooting Prod with ya and the two aforementioned matches coming up in the near future.

BSeevers is trying to talk me in to shooting the IL Sectional at the end of this month, so we might be shooting together sooner rather than later bro :)

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That's a good question Alex, but first off CONGRATS on your great performance!

The ring finger on my right hand was swollen from infection to the point that I could not even shake the hands with those on the range. Between the pain, blood, and pus, I wasn't sure that I would even make it to the match. Knowing that I was limping in to the competition for this one, I changed to Limited 10.

The finger is about 50% better now, and I have no doubt that I will be in top form for the MI Sectional and IN SS/Prod matches coming up. I did not get the opportunity to squad with you at the IN match, but look forward to shooting Prod with ya and the two aforementioned matches coming up in the near future.

BSeevers is trying to talk me in to shooting the IL Sectional at the end of this month, so we might be shooting together sooner rather than later bro :)

Ok I get it and thanks for the quick reply.

Also thanks for the kind words, I really appreciate it.

Hopefully I'll see you at the Illinois Sectional!

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That's a good question Alex, but first off CONGRATS on your great performance!

The ring finger on my right hand was swollen from infection to the point that I could not even shake the hands with those on the range. Between the pain, blood, and pus, I wasn't sure that I would even make it to the match. Knowing that I was limping in to the competition for this one, I changed to Limited 10.

The finger is about 50% better now, and I have no doubt that I will be in top form for the MI Sectional and IN SS/Prod matches coming up. I did not get the opportunity to squad with you at the IN match, but look forward to shooting Prod with ya and the two aforementioned matches coming up in the near future.

BSeevers is trying to talk me in to shooting the IL Sectional at the end of this month, so we might be shooting together sooner rather than later bro :)

Didn't you shoot the same gun, same ammo, same everything that you would have shot in production ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Knife to a gun fight? I found an interesting Mythbusters episode pertaining to just that:


Also, no shooting this weekend...I hurt my back moving a teacher on Friday, and had a conference to attend on Saturday. No matter my condition tomorrow I plan on hitting the range and doing some serious training.

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