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Rather than post in the seperate Open and Production gossip threads, I thought I'd start a fresh thread for the whole match report type posts....


Tulsa: I've been nearly everywhere in the United States and to many places around the world. I'd never been to Oklahoma. I found the weather and landscape in Tulsa to be much like it's neighbor Missouri...which isn't a whole lot different than Ohio.

At the shooters meeting, one of the local government officials came out to welcome us and Tom Fee's USSA Range to Tulsa. B)

There are hotels every place in Tulsa. They are all 10 minutes from the range or less. We stayed near the airport (I think everything is near the airport?)

I don't know if there is anything like an amusement park in Tulsa, but there seems to be stuff to do..from zoos to casinos.

The Range: I don't know what to say here that you aren't going to hear a zillion times. If you don't get out there to shoot and see for yourself. Tom Fee has surrounded himself with "our kind of people". (A great move...our people are smart.)

I'm just going to say THANKS !!!

Here is there logo:


Check their website often... http://www.usshootingacademy.com/index.html ... the place is brand new...they are just getting the ball rolling.

Range Staff: Thanks a ton for making the match happen. It was great to see Troy and John get some shooting in. ;) Good work all !! :)

My Squad: I was on Production Super Squad B (if there is such a thing). We had a lot of great shooters. None of these guys were from around my area, so I'd never shot with any of them before (I don't get out much). They all showed quite a bit of professionalism. I'm glad I got to meet them and look forward to the next time we get to shoot together. Smooth operators. B)

My "peeps": I got to spend time with the Littman's, the Balsley's and the traveling road show of Ohio, Michigan, & WV. And, I got to see quite a few shooters that I only get to see once of twice a year. Sure is nice to be out with shooters, with the biggest worries being about the shooting (or when that next beer is coming). It was good. We shall party a second time. :)

I got to meet and see a ton of forum members too. Pretty cool.

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I gotta say that the white USSA-logoed trucks with the dark tint kept reminding me of old sci-fi movies for some reason. I kept expecting "dyna-mega-galacti-corp" security dudes with funky weapons to pile out, and they only did that once.. on the last day with the class-III's.

Other than that, the range facility is great now and when the rest of it is done, it's going to rock. I'm glad Tom's on our side, though it might be tough talking him into a stage in the airplane fuselage next year..

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have heard lots of good things about the facility. for those of you lucky enuf to see it, can the 3 gun nats be held there? are there bays deep enuf to handle 350-400 yd targets?

They can, and rumor is they will in '07! We didn't get to see the long range rifle bays - but they are there! Erik Lund was telling us that they have 200, 300 and 600 yards!

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We didn't get to see the long range rifle bays - but they are there! Erik Lund was telling us that they have 200, 300 and 600 yards!

Kathy, unless I am mistaken, they aren't actually there YET, but are going to be built. That's probably why you didn't see them... ;)

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From the range plan the 300 yd rifle range will go in behind the big bays(10-20) running the length of them. Not sure where the 600 will be. There's going to be a couple of 100 yd ranges and then the area where they were building while we were there. I'm sure that any match that USSA puts on will be top notch and extremely well run. I'll be there for sure next year and probably at least a couple times.

Tom and crew put on a truly world class match. Of course with any match there are always some minor issues. The steel and some of the officiating that was related to the steel were the big ones that I noticed. I have absolutely no doubt that this will not be an issue for next year. When I talked to Tom about it he got this evil little glint in his eye. I'm willing to bet that the extremely minor bugs are worked out and we'll see the best Nationals yet next year.

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EXCELLENT range facilities, they even let DOGS on it.......woooohoooo.

Can't wait for 3 gun nat'ls, i might make them.


Short round, if you could send me a copy of "THE" photo, with babes and big dogs, i'd appreciate it.

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Erik Lund was telling us that they have 200, 300 and 600 yards!

When the range is completed, we will have two 100 meter bays and a 300 meter bay (350 yards for the metrically challanged.) No 600 yard range....yet. :)


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Tulsa: I loved the look and feel of the downtown ---- wide boulevards, freeway offramps, no traffic, modern highrises blending with classic looking federal buildings and libraries, and with two story cinderblock businesses that look like they date to the 40s and 50s ---- but then I'm weird like that. Drove through some gorgeous looking residential neighborhoods around Peoria. Discovered a multitude of good restaurants in that same area. Made a long-ass drive to Fuddruckers south of town, and discovered the missing downtown traffic ---- they're all hanging in the quasi 'burbs.....

If I was looking to move far away, Tulsa would merit a closer look.....

The Range: It's gorgeous! I can't wait to see it finished.

The match: Way different in Stage pace and feel from the last three Production matches. Way more of a shooting contest, less of a physical contest. I liked the proportion of stages --- and specifically the presence of some 9 round courses. Could some stages have presented more options and mental challenges? Sure ---- but there were plenty of shooting challenges.

My match: I'm thirtyfive pounds heavier than last year, haven't been in a gym regularly in most of a year, haven't really practiced (does a total of 1000 rounds in three practice sessions and three or so club matches in the three weeks prior count as practice?) ---- so let's just say that the long shots saved me, both because I knew I could make them going in, and because they depressed the winning hit factors. I finished at 53.11%, up 4.17% from a year ago.......

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Did anyone else notice the nice Welcome USPSA Shooters signs in the airport terminal? I thought that little touch (with professionalism) was really cool.

Absolutely gorgeous range already. Thanks to all that are making that range the finest. I really look forward to more big matches being held there. Was almost irritated with the Shooters Services Staff-ettes. Why do I have to pick the cheese of my $9 sandwich that you're making... can't you just leave if off and give it to a homeless/hungry charity? Where are the hot dudes pracing around to offer Red Bull or Adrenaline Rush drinks...???


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Did anyone else notice .....Where are the hot dudes pracing around to offer Red Bull or Adrenaline Rush drinks...???


<_< well Aha I could bring some Red Bull next time, but I don't know how to "Prac"/pracing. ;)


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