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Multi-gun Nationals

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Looks like these are the finals:


1 Michael Voigt RD4 GM Open Major No No 1664.5911 100.00%

2 Jerry Miculek A15336 GM Open Major No No Senior 1610.1536 96.73%

3 Matt Burkett L2135 GM Open Major No No 1577.3056 94.76%

4 Chris Tilley TY38861 GM Open Major No No 1508.0255 90.59%

5 Tony Holmes A6924 M Open Major No No 1464.1541 87.96%

6 Don Bednorz L2570 GM Open Major No No Senior 1462.2724 87.85%

7 Ronald Walter Filho L2047 M Open Major No No 1416.9152 85.12%

8 JoJo Vidanes L1993 GM Open Major No No 1404.7252 84.39%

9 Jake Kempton L700 GM Open Major No No Senior 1325.5679 79.63%

10 Chris Endersby L2678 M Open Major No No 1293.3451 77.70


1 Taran Butler L2354 GM Tactical Major No No 1656.5525 100.00%

2 Daniel Horner RD48668 A Tactical Major No No 1623.8717 98.03%

3 David Neth TY43057 M Tactical Major No No 1437.4896 86.78%

4 Mark Hanish TY34253 GM Tactical Major No No 1427.4652 86.17%

5 Carl Carbon TY21955 M Tactical Major No No 1348.0079 81.37%

6 Mike Seeklander A30288 GM Tactical Major No No 1323.9647 79.92%

7 Bennie Cooley TY21122 M Tactical Major No No 1319.6110 79.66%

8 Robby Johnson A53963 U Tactical Major No No 1291.4425 77.96%

9 Chuck [mp] Anderson FY39640 M Tactical Major No No 1283.6786 77.49%

10 Barry Dueck A53129 A Tactical Major No No 1283.3968 77.47%


1 Ted Puente TY42094 M Limited Major No No 1646.0213 100.00%

2 Bruce Piatt A1529 U Limited Major No No 1622.7950 98.59%

3 Angus [HM] Hobdell X[none] GM Limited Major No Yes 1405.8110 85.41%

4 Mark Richman FY25470 M Limited Major No No 1366.2735 83.00%

5 Phillip [HM] Brodahl A41434 B Limited Major No Yes 1360.2758 82.64%

6 Kyle [HM] Nice A41623 B Limited Major No Yes 1338.3591 81.31%

7 Robert [HM] Wright TY34339 M Limited Major No Yes 1226.6289 74.52%

8 Randall Hecht A46941 C Limited Major No No 1209.8540 73.50%

9 Daniel Earnest TY33868 A Limited Major No No 1197.0600 72.72%

10 Darrell Humphrey L982 A Limited Major No No Super Senior 1120.2323 68.06


Place Name USPSA Class Division PF Lady For Age Match Pts Match %

1 Shawn Carlock U Open Major No No 242.3999 100.00%

2 Mike Voigt U Open Major No No 236.0959 97.40%

3 Matt Burkett U Open Major No No 217.3250 89.66%

4 Gordon Baladad U Open Major No No 152.6162 62.96%

5 Geoff Linder U Open Major No No 139.3143 57.47%

6 Carl Carbon U Open Major No No 128.2230 52.90%

7 Rod Current U Open Major No No 124.1777 51.23%

8 Ronald Walter Filho U Open Major No No 119.3181 49.22%

9 Chuck Anderson U Open Major No No 115.1682 47.51%

10 Tony Troutman U Open Major No No 102.3866 42.24%

11 Tom Adair U Open Minor No No 95.7072 39.48%

12 Oren Silas Peterson U Open Major No No 82.9955 34.24%

13 Earl Jull U Open Minor No No 78.5971 32.42%

14 Cheryl Current U Open Major No No 70.2132 28.97%

15 Danielle Kohler U Open Major No No 57.2243 23.61%

16 Nathan Swan U Open Major No No 55.3308 22.83%

17 Robert Thomason U Open Minor No No 51.1441 21.10%

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Holy cow! Ted Puente sacked Bruce! Is the sky falling yet? :P

Way to go Ted! Nice shootin' man! :)


Also...congrats to Shawn for laying down the whoopass in MOR! I'll bet a whole bunch of .260's go on order after this... :lol:

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Congrats to my friend and training buddy Ted "The Squirrel" Puente on his 1st National

Championship Title, he has worked very hard this year, I'm sure we'll see his name

at the top for matches to come!!!

Congrats to all the other winners as well.


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I drove up this morning (Sunday) to spectate but that turned out to be silly. When I got there at 10AM a couple of people were finishing up stage 12 and that was it. Walked through all the empty stages. Looked really cool. After an hour heard some shooting and hustled over. Saul Kirsch was having Chris Tilley(?) run the stages with a camera on the bill of his cap. He was having trouble but finally got it working at stage 3 which was a fast shotgun stage. Saul showed us a little of the footage and it looked really cool. He said he was making a Nationals DVD. Can't wait. Watched them do 6 stages. Not a bad consolation prize.

Hopefully this shot of Chris shows up.



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Also...congrats to Shawn for laying down the whoopass in MOR!

I had the pleasure of being squadded with Shawn for MOR and got to watch his awesome run on the LD stage. He went one for one one some real tough targets that few else could even hit with multiple rounds put at them.

I was able to capitalize on the lasered target range data and wind dope Shawn graciously offered after he and Carl Carbon scoped the LD stage out. I took that dope, put it on the scope and managed to get a pretty decent run out of the same stage chuck-n-shootin' a gussied up hunting rifle in .270 with a relatively cheap 3.5-10x scope on it (Leupold Vari-X III).

Shawn handily took 3 of 4 stages and really should have had stage 1 to boot, but made a small mis-step on a paper target that cost him that one. I was more than a lot impressed by him taking 3 of 4 from the likes of Burkett and Voigt.

BTW, I also got to watch Angus Hobdell's awesome run on the LD rifle stage in the main match. He took an AR-10 with standard A2 type iron sights using outa-da-box PMC ammo that wasn't really sighted in very well and rang every single steel target in 70 seconds flat with only 3 pickup shots. His one mike was on a paper target because of holdunder issues, not on one of the 360 yard steel plates others left un-hit. He took that stage handily in Limited against all comers. Absolutely awseome piece of iron sight riflery.

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Major congratulations to my local shooting pal Carl Carbon on another top 10 3gun Nationals finish!

Another good bud and gunsmith extraordinaire Shawn Carlock who was truly out of practice for the main event put all of the big dogs on the trailer in the MOR match (he does keep those skills honed)

The big news is my fellow Heavy Metalist Angus Hobdel's 3rd place Limited overall finish @ 85% using Heavy Metal gear!!!

Well done all of you

Dam I really wish I coulda be there!!!


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It was a good match, good stages even with the small bays on 4-6. This was my first 3-gun in Tactical and I had a terriable match, 10 mikes total, 5 on the first stage alone, not a good start. Tactial is tough, I'm going back to open where I know what I'm doing! Best stage finish for me was 4th on Stage 4, Perimiter Patrol even with a mike on one paper. I guess I was beatin feet and fast on the trigger. Maybe there's hope for me in tactial yet!?

Thanks to all the match staff for making it fun and to the orgainzers and sponsors for putting the whole thing together.

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weather was great. was just happy my 1100 ran after breaking it the day b4. other than splitting my head open entering that cubby hole on stage 5, i had fun. ended up 20th open, but got my 15 minutes of fame on the long range rifle. smallest looking targets i ever shot. think i ended up 6th on that stage-yep, with my $59 simmons "benny hill special"-think i'll keep it..

was great to see kathy (shooter grrl) and her hubby david again. everett and tom, you guyz and the crew did a great job.

so, where's next year's match???

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Congrats to all the winners, especially Ted Puente. It looks like Taran better look out, he and Daniel seemed to be shooting in a different league than everybody else in Tactical.

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Not to take anything away from Taran (or anyone else for that matter) but we all better be practicing are slackjawed stare so when Daniel learns how to shoot we aren't caught behind the curve :D

I got to shoot with him and his dad last year at RM3G and at Nats and he is capable of simply amazing stuff.

Edited by smokshwn
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Daniel Horner is an awesome shooter already and he is just gonna' keep getting better ;-)

I was lucky enough to be squadded with the AMU at the 2006 USMG and let me tell you, Daniel Horner is a pleasure to see shoot. He's well focused, smooth, fast, gutsy and a really nice guy too! This young man is going to take the competition shooting community by storm once he gets even better (as if he hasn't made a really big dent in it already).

If you want to see the absolute pride of our youth today, this young man is it!

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Just got home from Albany. What a fun match! I didn't shoot it, just worked it and had a ball. Great to put lots of faces with folks here from the board. For those that didn't intro themselves...I was on Stage 2.

I sure was glad that the weather cooled down for the match days. We were having trouble staying hydrated Monday and Tuesday during setup. I went through my 3L hydration backpack by noon on Tuesday and was still behind the hydration curve.

I saw the mountains of water and gatorade in the stats shack for the staff and from what I heard it was all gone by the end of the match. I know I had to develop a taste for "blue" gatorade (blech!) starting Saturday afternoon. The berry isn't bad but blue....ewwww.

Now waiting anxiously to hear where/when next year's match is!

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I LOVE 3-gun shooting!!!! :wub:

Having said that...........

The USPSA Multi-gun Nationals for 2006 will go down as a near miss to a whole bunch of folks..........

I will not take anything away from the winners, and all who competed my congratulations to them, as for in 2006 they are the BEST !!!!!


Many of the best names in 3-gun/ Multi-gun shooting are missing..........for many reasons, but most I have heard was because of Location!!!!!!

THESE are the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS........things need to be done to keep this from happening again, I know it is hard to find venues to host matches..........especially 3-gun/multigun but it is too popular and there are too many people who know people ect for Location to be a factor in turnout to the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS.

Maybe once TOM FEE gets the USSA up and running it can be moved there, Clarks range in Louisiana has been the sight of one of the first 3-gun Nationals, and I'm sure there are others out there that are perfectly capable of handling a match of this IMPORTANCE and magnatude to make it where Location is not a major factor of participation.

I already hear you guys out on the Western side of the US saying........"We always have to travel".......and again it all boils down to a place to host it........Maybe we need to sell our swamp land in Oregon/Washington where ever it is and buy some in Oklahoma, Kansas, or somewhere else Centraly located and build our own range to use as a place to host "Nataionals" type events and other "big" matches, or even small matches......rent it out and make it work for us??????

Sorry for the long post,(Mods) if this needs to be moved to the Hate rants please do so but I did not mean for it to be one......just something to get some thinking started (and not Political either).


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Well Hoppy

Mr. Voigt at the shooters meeting was asking..pleading.. for somebody to call him and say "our range would like to put this match on". He gets lots of folks saying "I'd like to have it at my range or this range or that range" but nobody will step up and say they will do it.

Lots of complaining and no solutions.

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It's already been said no matter where you hold it it's gonna be too far for a lot of people to drive to.

I ain't going next year if it's in Kansas or Oklahoma or Louisiana. I'm sure a lot of people won't go either.

And frankly... what shooters did not go who are actually contenders in winning a division?

Other than KellyN or KurtM in Limited the usual people who normally or is a contender to win a Division was there. Butler continued his dominance. Voigt won another Open title and last year's Open champion Jerry M was there as well.

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Shawn Carlock looks to be the MOR champ this year with Mike & Matt divying up 2nd and 3rd (couldn't tell who got which from just the stage results).


Did you notice what Shawn was running? Scope? Reticle? Stock?

When I was talking to him he said he mentioned he used the HS mag system. I didn't know he had won the match so I didn't ask him about the other stuff. :P

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