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When Steel Shoots Back...


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Shot a match the other day and the daggum steel shot back! Owie! All the great guys there helped pack up my stuff and get me to the ER (I was in charge of stopping the bleeding since I was the most qualified. ;) ). Arrived at the ER for a four hour wait... after digging around in my arm, leaving for a 'code blue' then returning to dig around some more, Dr. "Tag" gave up on finding the 'foreign body' and referred me to a surgeon.

OOOUUUCH!!!! The top cut is from the jacket, the bottom cut is what they had to make to get it out.


I was so touched when another shooter came to the ER to check up on me and bring me my brass... he said they even cleaned the blood off it for me! The group at that range is just THE BEST!!! THANKS GUYS!!!

And a special thanks to piper!


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Damn, sorry to hear that. It also serves as a reminder of why we wear glasses. Flesh heals, eyeballs not so much.

First George, now you. I really hope you guys don't start a trend.

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Damn that sucks!!! How is your forearm? Do you still have full range of motion with it (no muscle damage)?

I was at a match a few weeks ago and this guy was shooting a straight up pepper popper and the bullet zinged straight back by my head. Startled the hell out of me! I always get hit with flying shrapnel so now I stand behind someone else.

Wish you the best.

Edited by Cjblackmon
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Damn... and OUCH... Just curious, if you know - what was the condition of the steel target that caused the splash?

Hope everything heals nicely and all ;)

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One may say karma sucks....one may also say karma from photochopping certain people in a horrendous and terrifying way sucks even worse. ;):P

Seriously though that sucks. Glad your ok.

Shoot steel long enough and it's bound to happen.

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That does suck big time. A couple years ago I had one bounce back and hit me off a 10 yd. Bianchi plate. Turns out the entire jacket peeled off, but remained in one piece. I was shooting alone at our local club which is located in someone's backyard, he was kind enough to dig the entire jacket out of my stomach with a pocket knife. Fortunatly I had plenty of protective material (gut) there to help out.

Heal up quick

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Ouch! I have had my share of little bruises and minor cuts from shooting steel but never anything that had to be cut out of me! One of our club members did take a ricochette from a slug in his "member." Apparantly he split right open :blink: Now we have a rule about slug shots on steel and it involves a LOT more distance than the old rule.


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I really feel for you :( , and hope you 'll get better soon.

As somebody else pointed out, it would help if you could describe the situation where this happened (distance, angle, bullet, steel target new/cratered etc.), to help us prevent this from happening again.

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Thank you for all the well wishes! I'm healing just fine and there isn't any permanent damage other than the scars... which I think will heal nicely. The jacket made quite a surgical cut, better than the surgeons! :)

The culprit was a tiny piece of steel in the shape of a bowling pin at about 12 yards. I'd never seen it at this range before. From what I remember, the steel was in good shape (no pits/dings/craters)...? I was shooting 124gr JHPs at about 1400fps. I think that prop was removed from the range while I was transported to the ER.

I really think it was just a fluke and the circumstances would be difficult to replicate. Seriously, that piece of jacket had to come at my arm at just the right angle to slice it like that. Needless to say, we won't be trying to replicate it anytime soon. ;)

Or... it could be karma... :huh:


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Been there, done that, got the scars to prove it! I got a nice chunk last year one day before leaving to the Steel Challenge(piece of steel I knew I should have been using, but was in a hurry... <_< ). Fortunately it was much smaller than that and I dug it out of my stomach with my CQ-7......luckily I didnt get infected, but I have a lot of ...er..um....protective tissue around that area shall we say.... ;)

Glad you are ok, Sharyn~!


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Hi Sharyn,

Glad you're relatively ok. Can't wait to see the set to music movie of the trip to the emergency room. ;)

Speaking of flying projectiles, saw a weird one yesterday. Someone in the next bay fired a round into the berm that apparently impacted an old lead 230gr .45 bullet that was already there. This caused it to fly up into the air, over the top of a 15 foot high berm and then come down right on the crown of one of our shooters heads who was sitting on the tailgate of a moving truck at the time. The bullet was obviously an old one because it was badly oxidized everywhere except for the cavity where it had been hit by the new bullet coming in.

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