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My complaint with most "scary" movies is that they aren't because of the "doofus factor."  OK, you're in an abandonded house, and scary things happen.  And you don't leave?  Or find a weapon?  Or phone for help?  Puleeeeze!

I find movies that are scary where the people involved do all the right things, and it still goes wrong.  And they adjust and try again, and it gets worse.

Scary?  I'll vote for Aliens.

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I found the Sarah Michelle Gellar murder scene in Scream 2 very upsetting. The woman wasn't stupd, she did everything a smart person who kept their head could have done in her situation...and she still got waxed. If a woman with that much guts had had a gun she could've turned that psycho into dogmeat in about two seconds.

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The Shining,  scary movies shouldn't have to have millions of hollywood dollars to make it scary.  Actors create scare.  Blair Witch was the most recent attempt,  good flick but too hyped.  By the time I saw it I was ready for the odd ending, and the fact that it wasn't real.  Too bad,  great idea.

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I saw "The Cat and the Canary" with Bob Hope, 30 years ago and that scared me at the time. More recently, "What lies beneath" -Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfeiffer.

Duane, the really scary part of what you said is the concept of Governments rendering their honest citizens defenceless with draconian gun control.

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Alien is a nice, taught, scarefest that managed to combine a great sci-fi setting with shocking gore and glue the entire thing together with unnerving suspense.  Even the poster for the movie was frightening.  The egg, a familiar comfortable image, floating in nothingness with that "In space no one can hear you scream" tag line was a perfect tease for the film.

I have seen a couple of the sequals and, while they were good, I didn't enjoy them as much.  They were action flicks not horror films.

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"Duane, the really scary part of what you said is the concept of Governments rendering their honest citizens defenceless with draconian gun control."

Not really. I mean, I agree that's scary, but that's not what the scene in the movie was about. The Sarah Michelle Gellar character wasn't the sort of person who would have been carrying a gun inside her college dorm, period. And why should she? Most serious gun nuts - even those who carry a gun all day while out in public - take the thing off when they're in their own space. Now I'D have been carrying,  but then I'm the sort of weirdo who's armed just about any time he's not behind locked doors in his own apartment.

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Man, looks like you guys already named all my favorites.

Scariest movies: The exorcist. Event Horizon.The Shining.

(The "Ernest" movies are pretty scary too, though)

Best scary movies: Alien series. Night of the living dead.

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I saw JAWS in the theater.  Probably my first scary/thriller in a theater.  The scene where the science guy dives into the water to check out the wrecked boat...finds a big shark tooth...then the body comes out of the hole, and we think it is the shark...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

When I was 10 I saw "Night of the Trifid's"  Man, I woke up with nightmares for weeks.

I thought "The Serpent and the Rainbow" was a pretty good scary movie.

"From Dusk til Dawn" gave Mona a good scare, we had to leave the lights on for a couple of nights afterwards.

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  • 1 year later...

Since we have been talking about movies lately, I thought I would bring this one back to the top for refreshing :D



Night of the living dead

The Exorcist (I couldn't turn the light off the night I finished reading this book in a Naval transient Barracks in Guam 30 years ago)

The Shining

But my all time favorite was a "B" movie back when Vampires seemed to be ruling the screen during the late 60's. "The Return of Count Yorga" (I think I got the Count's name right) had an extreme fright factor that just scared the bejeezus out of me in my mid teens. Opened with a foggy night (nothing suprising there!!) and a character walking away from you. Looks like he is in a rain coat, everything is shades of grey.....Then he spins around and displays his blood red satin lined cape and opens his mouth with 743 teeth, two of which must be 3 inches long. Damn.

Theater had to re-upholster the seats after that movie had its run.

just the thoughts of a scared teenager.


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