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Giving Up Irons For Good...

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I have decided to give up iron sights for good due to failing vision. I can't shoot tightly clustered targets much beyond 10 yards to save my butt (double vision and visual acuity), and I struggle horribly on field courses while running around with goofy glasses. On the bright side, in spite of a six month layoff, my draw, splits, and more importantly my transition times, are at an all time best . I can still race from Box A on the low round count speed shoots.

I am on the verge of GM in a couple of divisions and the card would pretty much be in the bag with just one decent classifier. Part of me wants to get the GM card while I can still shoot the scores. Another part of me wants to just quit while I am ahead because that seems like the choice that exhibits the most class. What would you do? Give it one last fling or hang it up and leave well enough alone?

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Damn, Ron...Go for it! How many years of work does it take for you to feel you have earned a GM card!!!? You show great class with every sentence you write and post here and for even thinking about the choice that exhibits the most class.

My .02! :)

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If after being completely honest with yourself, you believe in your heart that "I can still shoot the scores" then I say put forth the effort go for it. If you honestly cannot, then you are just going to send yourself down a very frustrating road that will cause more harm than good in the end. Only you can be the true judge.

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I see alot of "Go for it!!"'s here but I say that if you continue having fun at it then do it but if the vision issue aggravates you to the point where you are not enjoying it then it is unlikely you'll get to GM. Simply put; Do what makes you happy. I'm sure that's what got you into the sport so that's probably how you should leave it.

Good luck in whatever decision you make.

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I don't know you Ron but I do know that none of us are getting out of here alive. You have put the time and effort in and if it gives you any amount of personal satisfaction to make GM then go for it. On the day the good lord calls me home I hope that I have no regrets.

The people who would begrudge you that or deem it classless are not the type of people I would like to associate with.

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Who are you kidding, man? You can't completely give up irons.....that's unAmerican.

My advice is to shoot whatever you feel like on any given day without regard to results or percentages or classification. Just shoot it as your vision allows. Having watched you shoot, you'll throw down a 100% sooner or later and get a GM card. Don't send it back. Frame it, then get another.

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Tough call Ron. You are so close in a number of divisions. (How did you get a high over 95% and not get the card already?)

If you do go open...well, you know how the classifiers work...keep one of those iron sighted guns handy in case you want to throw down a run as a re-shoot in another division.

But...yeah...go for it!!

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How did you get a high over 95% and not get the card already?

The score was thrown out. I shot the classifer minor and it was scored and sent in major, there was also an administrative issue, so I had it toasted the following month. When Bruce had the score deleted his parting words to me were, "Go forth and grandbag no more." I know how he intended his remarks, and they have merit.

The reason I posed the question is this. I won't be competing in any of the iron sighted divisions so why bother throwing down a GM classifier solely for the purpose of getting the card? Sam and I visited about this a while back, and I concluded there is a difference between self satisfaction and self aggrandizement. I know there are folks here who would say something to the effect of, "Show the classification system some respect and leave it alone." But they are probably very hesitant to post.

For me, I always shoot at least one, maybe two classes below my card when I shoot a big match. Classifiers play into my strengths, where field courses emphasize the areas that really need improvement. There is a huge disparity between what classifiers test and what a typical field course will test. A GM card and an A class match finish just seems wrong on so many levels.

Thanks for the input.

Edited by Ron Ankeny
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Do you still enjoy shooting USPSA? If not, do something else. If so, just keep doing it. Hell, there is a guy at SWPL who used to shoot with Jeff Cooper still active. You got a long way to go. Besides, there is a 2 for 1 sale going on. Get one of your classifications into GM and you get a free SS GM too!



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I still love the game. I am just going Open Division to rid myself of the constant frustrations. I didn't think about the two for one sale.


That's what I am doing. But to keep things interesting, I will shoot classifiers twice with an iron sighted gun just for the fun of it. I don't have your issue of proximity to GM but I don't want to give up completely. I am playing with glasses that are single vision set to the front sight. Better than before but the jury is still out. I do like the dot though... :D

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