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Friday Flamer

Shooter Grrl

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I hate thieves, especially in my neighborhood. bigJoni woke up this morning to find her card broken into. Smashed out the window are ripped out her stereo (we just had it installed a month ago) and all her CD's, and they also took a load of DVD's out of her trunk that she was planning on shipping today. This is not unusual in her apartment's parking lot. Her boyfriend regularly runs off losers he finds just walking/biking around, scoping out the bikes and cars. Makes me wanna stake the place out with a baseball bat.


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Couple of months ago, took my girl out to bennigans for lunch. 1:45 pm in a crowded parking lot and my truck gets broken into and cd player stolen. Not to mention anything else that was loose.

No one saw anything.... <_<

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I hate thieves, .... Makes me wanna stake the place out with a baseball bat.



Dats what guns are fer ;)

OH, I forgot, the rest of the country has not yet adopted our new "liberal" law that let's us SHOOT criminals!!! Gotta love the Sunshine State :D

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i hate drawstrings! was watching the hockey game last night, and after many beers, held it as long as i could. at the commercial, fleet-footed it to the bathroom...my back teeth are floating at this stage. much to my displeasure, the drawstring on my sweatpants is in some kinda double-polimar-half-hitch-trucker's knot! i won't explain further...not fun. :lol:

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I hate FEMA and the give it away attitude that they both promote and support in their dealings with disaster victims. I hate that they allow people to manipulate the system and continue in their practice of non self sufficiency and the "you owe us" attitude that is so prevalent in neighborhoods that have recurring disasters occur. I hate that FEMA helps to allow people to remain in areas that will again end up costing WORKING American taxpayers more billions of dollars the next time the same damn thing happens. I hate that most FEMA employees tell anyone who will listen that the insurance policy they shopped for with nothing as a criteria except for bottom line cheapest will pay for everything but the fillings in their teeth when the FEMA people for the most part have never read any policy and damn sure have not read the person's that they are giving advise to.

Let em eat cake.

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I hate that 3 weeks later we are still trying to get our money (just under $10,000) from a production company in Southern California for the work we did at a large Concert up here in the SF Bay Area.

They were supposed to hand us a cashiers check onsite, but only produced a company check. We grudgingly acceded to go ahead as it was a Saturday and no option was easy to deal with at the moment. We deposited it on Monday and on Tuesday found that they had issued a stop payment on the check. Arrrrghhh! next time we actually pull the gear innstead of continuing the load-in. Sheeeeshh!

No more Mr. Nice Guy :angry:

We have no intention of letting them off easy :ph34r:

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I hate FEMA and the give it away attitude that they both promote and support in their dealings with disaster victims. I hate that they allow people to manipulate the system and continue in their practice of non self sufficiency and the "you owe us" attitude that is so prevalent in neighborhoods that have recurring disasters occur. I hate that FEMA helps to allow people to remain in areas that will again end up costing WORKING American taxpayers more billions of dollars the next time the same damn thing happens. I hate that most FEMA employees tell anyone who will listen that the insurance policy they shopped for with nothing as a criteria except for bottom line cheapest will pay for everything but the fillings in their teeth when the FEMA people for the most part have never read any policy and damn sure have not read the person's that they are giving advise to.

Let em eat cake.

Ditto. I also hate all the dam PETA reps that were down in New Orleans who gave me and my squad hell while we were trying to help people. All we did is try to work w/ them in rescuing people and animals. More than once they had to be escorted off for hindering our operation b/c they thought the animals were more important than getting sick and hurt people to safety and medical attention.

I love animals as much as the next guy, and we rescued a bunch, but IMO they are not as important as the people were.

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I hate and despise poachers.

This is the third time this season I have had to deal with scum who think trespassing and illegally taking and harvesting untagged deer is regarded as hunting.

This time the DEC set up a sting on my property and caught the crapsuckers red handed in the process of dragging the kills out.

It makes me more than sick because I am a sportsman foremost and a hunter second.

It's been said about $3400 in fines and the DEC kept their guns.

Not even close to what they deserve in my book.


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Daily Dipshit Driver Rant!

Yesterday, a metric buttload of snow fell on the Sierras. Today it's beautiful blue skies. Up Mt. Rose highway (431), there are multiple signs with flashing lights that say chains or snow tires required. I'm toodling up the hill over the limit when I see slush and back off. Soon thereafter, my truck gets all squirrely and I realize the slush froze into ice. Back way off, engage 4WD. Pick up hitchhiker who wisely left his 1970s Cadillac land yacht parked on the side of the road. Somewhere between 6 and 7 thousand feet, the road turns into an inch or more of packed snow. Lousy plowing job by the Nevada DOT.

Later, as I'm coming down the mountain, there are multiple stuck cars coming up. BMW sedan (RWD?), little old lady, no chains. Honda Civic (FWD), young man, no chains. Right across from the westbound Civic is an eastbound SUV stuck in the snowbank (at the end of a turn, dipshit clearly was going too fast and locked up the brakes). Somebody's trying to tow him out with a strap. Traffic in both directions is stopped due to both lanes being blocked.

We finally get going and the dipshit behind me in a Subaru is tailgating me while I'm in 2nd gear in 4WD on an icy, twisty, downhill road. I pull over and let him pass and see he's on his cell phone as he hauls ass by me. I hope to see him crumpled in a snowbank with that phone stuck up his ass, but my prayers are unanswered.

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After many years of patience and suffering, I've just pretty much come to the conclusion that I loathe winter weather and dampness. Totally sucky, painful and unpleasant.

George: Sue the hell out of them for well beyond the billing involved in the original job. Suck them DRY!

The rest of you theft victims: Pay whatever it takes to live in better neighborhoods. Period. The risks of living in risky neighborhoods is just too great. Slightly higher rent may be viewed as the price of your personal security insurance... not to mention your peace of mind... and the constant replacement of your goods... and your insurance company's glaring looks every time you make a claim. :wacko:

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I hate the fact that the majority of drivers seem to think the expressways are parking lots every time rain drops hit their windshields.

For krissake, it's just water. As my dad used to say about rain: "Unless you're made of sugar, you aren't going to melt!"

Buy some tires with tread, get your stupid foot off the brake and DRIVE!

Edited by bountyhunter
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I hate dopey developers that delete a pile of tables and sequences out of a production schema and then try to cover it up which only makes matters worse. I hate that I have spent the last two days beating on this oracle database trying to get all the right things restored...16 hours over the last 2 days when I'm only supposed to be working 4 hours a day!!! I'm so tired I can't even make another coherent sentence...Sigh...Time for an attitude adjustment!

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I hate guttless wanna be politically correct retailers that refuse to let their employees say Merry Christmas and insist on using happy holidays. It is not a holiday tree it is a Christmas tree. Just what damn holiday are they making all their money off of? I guess I am buying my kids freakin holiday presents?! Happy 25th day of December to all in the Benoverse! I'm off to torment their employees by saying Merry Christmas over and over to them until they freak out and run me out of the stores......

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I hate ordering something from a vendor located in the same state as me and not hearing back at all until I call them and find out that an item was back ordered.

I hate that when I did call them up it was like pulling teeth to actually get someone to talk to.

I hate that I sent them an email cancelling my order and not receiving any confirmation that they received my cancellation.

I hate that when I finally do get ahold of them to cancel my order they don't apologize and put me on hold 2 or 3 times before I cancel my order..

I hate that I received an email today stating that the item I ordered on the 17th has finally shipped even though I sent them an email and contacted someone at their company to cancel my order.

What I find strange is... I received a letter today from them containing a check for the amount of my order.. and so far I have no record of them charging my credit card...


Can they really be THAT stupid?


Edited by sargenv
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Ahhh, the taboo thread for me. I've tried so hard over the years to avoid Friday Flamers because despite my problems I know deep inside that I am blessed. I still know this to be true but . . .

I hate that I didn't see what I should have to stop something that has impacted more people and caused so much grief. I know everday I can do better and I hate that in this instance I did not do better.

I hate that I've not included Alaska in my wife's life. While I've not excluded it, I've not included it which basically means I've not shown her what makes me who I am.

I hate that I predicted in May that life would be different for us in less than a year and I hate that I was right.

But in the end, I love. It is all I can do, all I can rely on today. My heart is me, and that's just the way it is going to have to be.


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I hate today..

Today was a tough day..Its been a week and my family is separated because my wife's father lies in a hospital bed trying to recover from a heart attack and she is by his side.

It is the right thing, but it is tough on us and tough on our kids.

I really hated today..

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I hate customers that don't pay their bills.

I hate the lawyer from Maastricht for not paying his bill. We did a honest job on his car and he's two months due.

I emailed him twice, phoned him several times, voicemail, no reply.....pffff....talked to his secretary. Mr. So&so is in a meeting right now... Yea, shure.....

this sucks!

And I'm pissed....

I'm going to pay him a visit! Vis a vis! (french)

This venting in a Friday Flamer really helps. Fresh start for oncoming week, thanks ShooterGrrl! :D me is kattituded.

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I hate that I didn't get to see two wannabe-speed-racer-boyz crying in handcuffs on the side of the road while their race machinezz burned to the ground in crumpled piles nearby yesterday.

Stupid crapheads darn near made me lucky-Pierre in a 5-car highway pileup. Only the skill of the _other_ drivers reacting to their ultimate stupidity saved their sorry butts from meeting the jaws of life. Go do that somewhere only you will die when you screw up next time, please.

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