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As I type this my Mom is lying at home dying of cancer. How cruel this world is at times. Her strength has been inspiring, she has never once complained. Back in March she came down with what she thought was the Flu. We almost lost her to congestive heart failure due to a viral infection. Got that cleared up but when the test came back from the fluid they removed around her heart it revealed cancer cells. She started chemo and was doing well. Then she had a stroke. A very mild one but yet a stroke. She made a very quick 95% recovery from the stroke and re-started chemo. Then she came down with phenmonia (spelling?) abd a urinary track infection. Got that cleared up and then her gall bladder became blocked and they had to remove her gall bladder. All during this time she was unable to continue her chemo. Then the latest news, about 10 days ago, was that the cancer had spread to her brain. They decided to try radiation but she was unable to continue due to her down hill condition. So this is going on 9 months of hell for my Mom, and all she cares about is that her children are OK. How selfless in a selfish world.

I guess what I hate most is the Doctors who won't give you a straight answer, those stories will be for another "I Hate".

I will be off for awhile as I sit by my Mom's side.

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I can only offer my sincerest sympathies. I have been down this road a couple of times personally and countless times professionally. This may sound a bit off key but relish in the incredible strength that is possessed by your mom. It never ceases to amaze me how at the very precipice of one of the most evil of diseases the human spirit rises to in every way to meet that challenge.

Best wishes and prayers, Craig

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There is absolutely nothing that anyone can say that will ease your anguish. I know this from experience. All I can tell you is that you and yours are in our prayers and that being with your Mother during these times as much as possible is very important now and in your future; Every second is precious. Love and honor her the best you can.

And , yes, dealing with the Doctors sucks. They are impartial and unemotional during one of the most emtional times in your life. It's not their fault, they have to stay professional because they could not perform at their best if they get too emtionally attached.

Take comfort in the times you have and have had with your Mother and know that we all care for you and her.

God bless and comfort her.

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Paul -- I'm sorry for your pain. I wish I knew how to ease your anguish but that's well beyond me. If I could, I would.

What I'd like to offer you is the same gift you gave me when I read this.

Today I got to spend the day with my Mom for the first time in a long while. She's become extremely frail and I know she isn't long for this world, but I had that brief time with her that I will cherish forever. Despite her physical deficiencies she is so strong that I feel like a child again in her presence. Ever the teacher.....

Thanks to you, I will not overlook the gift of those few moments.

Find peace.


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I'm so sorry to hear of your situation. Cancer has impacted many of us on this forum. And it's awful every time another member declares it's grabbed another victim. As terrible as cancer is, it made me realize what a gift each day we have with our loved ones is. You and your mother are in my prayers.

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I understand how you feel.....there is really nothing anyone can say or do to help much at this time..you must be strong and resilent....Know all your friends and loved ones are there for you...use them, call them, cry to them, let them help you...whatever it takes..

You and your family are in my prayers...


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