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Brass Catcher for practice?


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I'm looking for a smaller one that would work for silhouette shooting.


I'm thinking the solution is to just set up a vertical screen with mesh that has slack in it, about 6ft tall.


Going to see if I'm really into silhouette, first, so my first brasscatcher solution will be my bro! haha... little does he know... well - we also get a spotter, so maybe he can spot for me. He's not great at it, though.

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Trust me. Just pony up for the daa/ced one. 


I bought one when it came out. A friend had built his own out of a golf net. 


One session using mine and he immediately ordered the daa one too. 


Its awesome.


its super easy to setup. Takes like 1 minute. The net is nice and thick and the rear edge is about 6ft high so it’ll catch even high ejected brass. We use different tubs under it and just swap out the tub for each shooter. 


Its easy to move too. 


Its useless for shooting on the move but most of our training is done standing...


it gets like 99% of my brass. I love it. 


Yes its pricey but all the homemade ones I’ve seen sucked in comparison and those seem to catch only 60% or so. 


You wont regret it. 

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2 minutes ago, BeerBaron said:

Trust me. Just pony up for the daa/ced one. 


I bought one when it came out. A friend had built his own out of a golf net. 


One session using mine and he immediately ordered the daa one too. 


Its awesome.


its super easy to setup. Takes like 1 minute. The net is nice and thick and the rear edge is about 6ft high so it’ll catch even high ejected brass. We use different tubs under it and just swap out the tub for each shooter. 


Its easy to move too. 


Its useless for shooting on the move but most of our training is done standing...


it gets like 99% of my brass. I love it. 


Yes its pricey but all the homemade ones I’ve seen sucked in comparison and those seem to catch only 60% or so. 


You wont regret it. 


I hear ya, Im just worried it will be too large and obnoxious, it looks ginormous on their site. Thanks for the input, I will check the measurements of the position Ill be firing from, first. 135$ isnt bad at all, to me. Yes, their margins are huge, but the matches are higher round count and I want my 10mm brass!

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6 minutes ago, BeerBaron said:

It’s pretty big. I’d say probably 6ftx6ft on the ground. The side closest to you is about 3ft high and rear edge 6ft high. It’s very easy/fast to pack and unpack. 


About how big would you say it is packed up on the case? Like length and such? I've already always got targets and stands in the back of my Jeep for when I got shooting, don't know how much room I'll have for it to stay back there if it's too big lol. Still though, I definitely plan on buying the CED one at this point. You pointing out that your buddy immediately bought one after trying it vs. his self-made one was just the push I needed.

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It’s not bulky at all but it’s pretty long. I drive an bmw m5 which has a larger than average trunk and it just barely fits diagonally. It’s also not really heavy. Maybe 12lbs? But yeah it’s probaly 6ft long in the carry case. Oh, it comes in a handy carry case. In a truck or suv it ‘should’ fit ok. 

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On 3/2/2019 at 10:18 PM, dansedgli said:

I swept up 800 cases just before. fml.  Where did you order yours from? 


Found on DAAs website here.


Was just about to buy it but had to buy a couple cases of bullets after Gallant finally got some .40 in stock. Heads up too, shipping from PA to me (NV) is like $30 for UPS Ground, so be ready for that if you decide to buy. Either way, I'm picking one up for sure when I get paid on the 15th. Did the tarp scooping thing one last time this week and I'm pretty well sick of it lol. Will update here with a sort of update/review after taking it out a couple times. 👌

Edited by tacomandood
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I made a brass catcher out of 1/2" PVC pipe and some Ts, Crosses and Ells.  I built a 24" wide by 30" high rectangular frame with two extended feet to sit on a shooting bench and bought a couple of yards of polyester mesh from Joann Fabric to act as the netting.   I solvent welded the base pieces together but left the remaining joints as slip-fits so I can disassemble it for storage.  I have about $20 in it and it works well for both PCCs and pistols.

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  • 2 months later...

Back here with an update (now that it's been a couple months).


So, all I can say is that it does exactly what it's made to do lol. It's SO much nicer not having to scoop brass from a tarp or pick them from the ground. With the CED brass chute, I'm getting at least 90% of my brass straight into my collection bucket. The only times I don't get my brass on the net is when I move too far away (duh) or am swinging some wide transitions where the brass is landing more to my front than it is to the right. Still, they tend to land in the same spot in such cases and picking 20-30 pieces and throwing them into the net is still easier than picking up brass from a whole session. 


The only downsides to this catcher are mainly issues with where I'm using it. Lately, it's been quite a bit windy where I've gone shooting, and the net still tends to catch in the wind pretty well despite being somewhat open. I'd say you're good with just setting it up to about 10-15mph winds before needing to either weigh or stake it down. Another issue I've had, though a very minor one, is that dust does get caught inside the tubing when collapsing/expanding. It hasn't gotten to the point where I couldn't push or pull it out, but it is a bit of a nuisance. Fortunately, you can just pull the legs all the way out and blow out the inside if you really needed to.


Aside from those things, I'd highly recommend just getting the thing to improve your quality of practice time out on the range. Obviously, this is less useful if you're doing movement drills, but you can still at least get the brass from one of your shooting positions, which saves some time in the long run. Here's a quick time lapse of disassembly, for reference. Size is decent when packed up as well. I can either lay it in the back of my jeep, or across the leg room in the backseat. With a car, I'd imagine you'd need to lay down some of the seats, but it would still fit most cars with ease. Let me know if you guys have any specific questions about it.

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4 hours ago, LeviSS said:
CED makes a big mesh brass mat/tarp.  It's $40 and I can't justify the extra $110 on the brass chute when I'm not sure it would be that much easier or better.  Plus, the mat takes up much less room when not being used.


I’d recommend you just go buy some large moving blankets for $5-$10 then if you’re considering that. Roughly the same size, and since they’re a bit heavier they don’t flop in the wind as much as a tarp would.

The brass chute really is a luxury more than anything. Similar to the paster gun, it’s not necessary when you shoot, but it’ll allow you to focus more on shooting and less on menial things.

Again, some people really couldn’t care less, but to me it’s essentially buying back my own time. Let’s say it’s ~15 minutes saved each session, and I go out shooting 1-2 times a week. In just a month I’ve saved roughly 1-2 hours of brass picking time in my already-tight schedule. In a year, up to 24 hours; a whole day! Couple that with the time saved with the paster gun and I don’t question my investments one bit. Just depends on if you find the same value for the price you pay.


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First time seeing this. Going to have to pick one up to try it. For $150, it seems like it will save anyone lots of time doing classifier or movements drills and are doing the majority of shooting from a certain spot. 

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On 5/24/2019 at 3:13 PM, FatPanda said:

For $150...

I mean, it's $150, but don't forget to factor in the $30+ in shipping. So really, about $185. Still worth every cent if you ask me.


On 5/24/2019 at 1:32 PM, Sarge said:

I just lay out a cheap tarp then fold it up with brass on it. Then just pour in a bucket

I like the brass chute net too because it shakes out a lot of the dirt and rocks that get funneled into the tarp and my bucket when I would do that. A dumb, nitpicky thing, but it's nice not having to worry about picking rocks and other trash out of my brass when I'm loading it up for cleaning. A lot of dumb kids bringing bottles out and shooting them where I'm at too, so I've been nicked a couple times by glass. Luckily, I didn't contract any diseases.. yet lol. 🤷‍♂️


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9 hours ago, tacomandood said:

don't forget to factor in the $30+ in shipping.

The amount of times I’ve paid $30 for a $10 item in the firearms industry is astounding. For something that large I’d gladly pay the $30.

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On 5/28/2019 at 10:44 PM, tacomandood said:

I mean, it's $150, but don't forget to factor in the $30+ in shipping. So really, about $185. Still worth every cent if you ask me.


I like the brass chute net too because it shakes out a lot of the dirt and rocks that get funneled into the tarp and my bucket when I would do that. A dumb, nitpicky thing, but it's nice not having to worry about picking rocks and other trash out of my brass when I'm loading it up for cleaning. A lot of dumb kids bringing bottles out and shooting them where I'm at too, so I've been nicked a couple times by glass. Luckily, I didn't contract any diseases.. yet lol. 🤷‍♂️


That's also the thing I like about the brass mat vs. the moving blankets you mentioned.  Rocks and debris fall through, non-absorbent, lighter, and the corners have places for weights if you're having trouble with wind.

Edited by LeviSS
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Used the catcher yesterday.  Small issue, one of the Pole lock pins was pressed in and not in the hole, so I had to use a hex key from my tool bag.  I fixed it when I got home and had access to the tools needed.


Huge time saver.  Took about three minutes to set up and another three to take it down, and about three seconds to bend over and pick up my bucket of brass.  I did miss with a bunch when I didn't alter my position for weak hand drills, so those cases fell a little to the front of the catcher...took a couple of minutes to pick all of those up.  Overall, I think it's worth it, and I'll offer to let my club use it for Steel Challenge, at least for one stage and if they like it they can buy their own.

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  • 1 month later...

I bough the CED brass catcher for like EUR 140 or so (USD 160).  First practice: the locking buttons cracked so the poles could no longer be fixed in vertical positions. Used some screws to bypass that with moderate result.  Second practice: the thin aluminum base post crumpled and partially tore like a piece of paper near the center junction.  All this while carefully moving the assembled thing around the range for 5-10 meters and just generally handling it.


The "madeinchina" quality and design of this thing is incredibly poor and completely inadequate for the purpose (and the price). 


I am thinking of buying plastic pipes and building similar frame for pennies and I could use the net from CED catcher.

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I bough the CED brass catcher for like EUR 140 or so (USD 160).  First practice: the locking buttons cracked so the poles could no longer be fixed in vertical positions. Used some screws to bypass that with moderate result.  Second practice: the thin aluminum base post crumpled and partially tore like a piece of paper near the center junction.  All this while carefully moving the assembled thing around the range for 5-10 meters and just generally handling it.
The "madeinchina" quality and design of this thing is incredibly poor and completely inadequate for the purpose (and the price). 
I am thinking of buying plastic pipes and building similar frame for pennies and I could use the net from CED catcher.

Are you sure it didn’t break from rough handling? My mate has had one for 6 months now, it gets used multiple times per week, dragged all over the range and it’s fine.

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