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One Day Vs Two Day Area Match Format

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There has been some discussion around Area 5 and whether it should be a one day match, or two day match. Since I just got home from Area 4, I heard lots of comments supporting both formats. Things like....

"Even though it was tough, shooting this match in one day allowed me to shoot, and then 'move on down the road"......

"It nearly killed me shooting this whole match in one day because of the weather"....

"I'm sure glad I shot this match in two half days. That gave me a chance to see some of the local stuff (like casino's), and more importantly, be fresh and rested, for the second half of the stages"....

All these comments were pretty much direct quotes, so while we can never please everyone... cast your vote! ;)

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All these comments were pretty much direct quotes, so while we can never please everyone... cast your vote!  ;)

Actually, you often can. Offer a few 2-day slots for those folks who prefer it. They will probably be in the minority. Offer the majority of the slots as single day slots. Don't restrict your single day slots to Friday. This will keep most people happy.

Note-I'd like to shoot Area 4 again sometime. But, since it has been 2 to 3 days lately, it keeps getting bounced from the schedule.

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I voted for a 1 day format !!!!


I agree with Storm, offer a couple of squads or so 2 day formats mixed in for those with that prefference !!!!



Area - 4 this year format wise was better than the last 2 for sure !!!!

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A bunch of us did the Kentucky sectional in a two day format, Saturday afternoon/Sunday morning. It was great.

We drove in Friday after work, got a good nights sleep, had a leisurely morning, shot 6 stages, and went to dinner. Got up Sunday morning, shot the remaining four and headed for home. We got home early enough that no one had to hurry to get ready for work the next morning.

It cost an extra night in the motel but it was worth it to be able to enjoy a match without obsessing over the clock.

I wish I could say it helped my shooting but, well, at least I'm still in the running for most improved.

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While it may be alright for people coming 5 or 6 hours away, ones that are 2 or 3 hours it hurts in my opinion. Two or three hour driving is just past the verge whether to stay the night before or not.

The one day format saves those who cannot afford the trip the option of not spending an extra $75 on a room. People coming from long distances to matches, some may not be able to afford two nights in a hotel.

I'd rather not lose my rhythm of stopping halfway through the match. It seems the faster I get through the stages, the better.

Solution: Get motels that don't have moldy walls or cockroaches to lower their prices so that the average Joe can afford them. Dumping $75 + 13% tax is getting rediculous. :wacko:

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I work weekends, so any area match usually costs me a day's pay. If the match requires travel, then a two day match is ultrahard. I was able to pull off both the Summer and Buckeye Blasts last year, simply because I could drive out Thursday (last day of my weekend) shoot Friday, and be home to work on Saturday.......

This year Carol was out on disability for three months, so it came down to a choice between a bunch of area/section matches or the Nats. For some insane reason, Barry in July seemed like the right choice ---- in the middle of the current heat and humidity wave here, I'm thinking I may have been a moron...... :lol::lol:

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I lost 10# at Area 4, and I don't have that much to give.


Actually, I think I GAINED weight down there! :angry: Was it the dining on gourmet food? Nope.... I think it was the drinking about 17 gallons of Gatorade each day, plus the gourmet Subway dinner after we got back late each day.... :huh:

Someone did tell me that there was some good Cajun food in the area. Maybe next time.... :mellow:

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I prefer the one day format, but I think that having a 2-day option is not a bad idea for those that desire to shoot the match in a leisurely fashion. I could see myself enjoying the 2-day format in the dog days of summer when it is 90 degrees and humid, but a spring or fall match would see me taking advantage of the one day format. Chuck, is there a compromise or middle ground that can be reached with the sponsors??? I think you have a little wiggle room if you explain to the sponsors that you made the 2-day format available, but that the masses had spoken, and opted to shoot the one day format, if that is how it goes down. On the flip side, if more people opt to go with the 2 day format, then the sponsors are happy anyway. At least this way, the shooters don't feel that they're getting it jammed down their throat (shooters never want to be forced into anything...freestyle), and the sponsors will have had their concerns addressed. It is a fine line...you don't want to offend either side, as they both help the match...I think it is all in the presentation. Maybe some of that "southern charm" is in order?!?!



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I am withholding my vote until after I shoot the staff match at Area 1 because 288 rounds over 12 stages is a lot of magazines to load for Limited 10 & 32 round stages always mean a need to carry a minimum of 5. The 1/2 mile between bay 6 & 7 is not a misprint, it is a solid 20 minute walk - right Rich.

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Anything less than 10-11 stages there is no need for a 2 day format I have shot area matches with as few as 8 stages and as many as 11 in either half day/full day same day squads. If your doing 15-20 stages I can see shooting a 2 day but in reality how many clubs can fit 15-20 stages (good ones not just filler) on their ranges.

Most of your time at a match is not spent shooting to add another day of time spent not shooting may turn of the majority of those that attend.

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I prefer one day, but like Barrettone, I think the half and half provision is a nice option for those who need to break it up. Travel can support both formats depending on how far you have to go, and what your time means to you as others have stated.

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one day matches for 10 or less stages and less than 100 shooters.

two day matches over 10 stages and more than 100 shooters.

dragging out matches for two days should be avoided if there is less than 100 shooters.


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It all depends on the number of stages and how many shooters you are trying to accomodate. Too many shooters or too many stages can make a one day format a nightmare.

Bottom line is that you can't make everyone happy so do what works best for the match workers and everyone else can decide to come shoot the match or not.

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Thanks Brian for doing the poll. I have already decided to offer both formats like we did at the kentucky state. Except instead of doing a saturday afternoon and sunday moringing it will be both mornings or both afternoons. Although the sat aft/ sun morn was popular it made the sat morn and sun aft. totally undesireable. So we have to balance them out to have room for everybody.

Also we do have rooms blocked at the days in for 42.99. If you want a newer place the ramada limited is 64.00. You can check it out at


To be sure you get a one day schedule you need to get your application in ASAP. We are going ot try and give everybody what they choose but there may be a point where we have to cut it off. Rob Boudrie is working on the online squadding to accomodate the different formats.

At Ky state we had 10 stages and chrono for 11 time slots in one day. We will be doing 11 stages and chrono but the chrono will be done immediately following a short stage. I saw this at Area 7 and it worked great. Immediately following you shooting the stage you walk over and chrono. As long as the stage was short & sweet it will work and thats what i plan on doing at Area 5.

The stages should be posted as soon as we get approval on them.

It will be about 240 rounds, some tough shoots, not too many, and some hoser stuff. I am trying for a balance. But my idea of balance is leaning towards the hoser stuff. The key word we are looking for is "Fun". Thats why we do this in the first place, right?

I am also going to work on having a hospitality suite at the hotel. Dont know if it will develop. A keg, maybe fosters, and munchies with scores posted. Might think twice about the one day format.

We do need some CRO's and RO's. Please email me and I will put you in contact with the RM. CRO and RO's shoot free on Thursday. 3 nights of shared rooms. A nice RO prize table held at the end. To show appreciation for your hard work. The biggest requirement is that you be Shooter Friendly!

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