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Dealing with trash talkers


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If this has happened more than once with different people you're probably an unlikeable person.

If it's the same guy; f*#k his mom. Take video. Share with your squad mates.

Hell with sharing video with your squad mates, share it with the world ! Youtube his Asshat behavior! Nothing like showing his acting like a JackWagon on the interwebs to really escalate his behavior to new levels.

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In our local matches we play around with each other, but I have been shooting IDPA and USPSA for the last 6 years and everyone I have shot with in all of my sanctioned matches have been great competitors.

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It's a shame people have to act like that. If I was you, I would kick him in the groin a few times so he can never have kids that act the way he does. It would make the world a better place for future generations. Who knows, some day they may build monuments of you for your actions. :roflol:

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The most I say to someone going to the line is "go get em" and when they are done, nice run, no matter what unless they DQ. Neither time is the place to be a richardhead. It is their time and I respect that like I expect they do my time. I have learned something from nearly everyone I have watched shoot no matter the skill level from Lena M to the most novice shooter with the pump mossberg 500 and a box of shells on his belt.

So yes, bring it to the MD and likely if you are having a problem with it, so is someone else.

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I like Rowdy and waktasz advice the best. Maybe it's the whole try handling it yourself first thing I got as a kid, I just don't like going to the match director first. I'm kinda surprised nobody else on the squad has said anything. Really surprised that his "shooting buddies" have confirmed he's purposely being an a$$hole. I judge people by the friends they keep (I keep none to avoid being judged :) ) Everybody I shoot with is really cool.

I personally think say something in front of everybody is good, embarrasses him, puts him on notice and also makes them all aware. i.e. looking right at him but saying to everyone,"Am I the only one that thinks this guy is a complete a$$-hole/hat/clown (so many options)".

If you want to try giving him a chance first you could say "stage" whisper directly to him something like "look man, I get it, you can't stand that I'm better than you and are trying to bring me down versus putting in the work to get better. It's not working, all it is doing is pissing me off and if you think your performance sucks now imagine after I beat the shit out of you."

Please do turn on a go pro or something, I would love to see his reaction.



make sure and squad with him every time and just before load and make ready turn to him and say "ready to see how it is done again? I'm kinda getting tired of showing you". let him start looking for a different squad.

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If this has happened more than once with different people you're probably an unlikeable person.

If it's the same guy; f*#k his mom. Take video. Share with your squad mates.

It's the same guy. It's happened a couple of times now. It started out as light-hearted shit tests, but it's morphed into deliberately trying to f*#k with my head (confirmed to me by his shooting buddies). Last time, it was at an out-of-town sanctioned match.

It's not distracting to the point where he actually beats me, but I'd say I've let it affect my overall placement.

I'm definitely going to avoid squadding with him in the future. If it happens again, I'll have some not-so-kind words with him.

Firstly I don't think I've ever had anyone intentionally try and distract me with trash talk to lower my performance. I have been in squads where people know each other and joke a bit, talk a bit of shit etc. but mostly to those who can take it and those who give it back. sometimes in those squads it can be annoying while shooter is at LAMR and 3 people behind are all talking loudly. In those cases a switched on RO will ask them to be quiet while the shooter is getting ready and anyone with half a brain will comply. It's common courtesy to be quiet while a shooter is on the line.

Now if someone is coming up to you or heckling you during LAMR I believe it's the RO's job to say something. They should have warned this competitor about the unsportsmanlike conduct rule. If the idiot chooses to continue then the RO should be DQ'ing them for unsportsmanlike conduct. You shouldn't have to instigate the DQ. But if the RO is un-aware or perhaps thinks he's your mate then you need to tell the RO you are sick of this guy heckling you.

it's not cool to start bringing agro into a group of people trying to compete and also into a group of people who are all gunned up!

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Sounds like hes threatened by your shooting abilities. If thats the case then youve already won the mental game! Enjoy the snide comments, feed off of them and take pleasure in the fact that the better you shoot the more pissed off he will become.

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Maybe it's the whole try handling it yourself first thing I got as a kid, I just don't like going to the match director first.

As a match director, I rather you did. This isn't because I want to be your mom and run to your rescue, but because if there are shooters which a repeatedly being a problem I need to know that.

Edited by Vlad
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For some they don't realize they have gone from "joking" to being a pain so some times a heart to heart is all you need. I've had this happen to me when I was making ready many years ago. I just nicely unload my gun walked to him and told him "You need to shut the F* up" walked back to the line and made ready :). Seem to work for me for the rest of the day.

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How do you guys deal with someone on your squad talking trash, not in a screwing around kind of way, but with genuine malice, trying to screw up your shooting? Like saying shit to you as you LAMR. Assuming you're stuck on a squad with them.

My current approach is to ignore them and shoot how I shoot, but sometimes I do let it affect my performance.

I've considered going full-on a_-hole mode and throwing it back x10, which would probably be fun, but it might also affect my performance.

It depends on your personality. But you might have answered your own question. :)

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Maybe it's the whole try handling it yourself first thing I got as a kid, I just don't like going to the match director first.

As a match director, I rather you did. This isn't because I want to be your mom and run to your rescue, but because if there are shooters which a repeatedly being a problem I need to know that.

As a match director, what if it is one of your R.O.s who is causing a problem? Not in exactly this manner, but more like yapping at the shooters, threatening to DQ shooters and generally taking them out of their mental preparation? Like the ROs that 4 or 5 people in the squad warn you that this guy is a f'ing a'hole when you first get to the stage? Or the one that 4 people tell you how he DQs people at every match, (or, "at the drop of a hat"), etc. Does the MD want to know that? Cause, after somebody gets DQd he says, "Nothing I can do at this point..." How does one know he's going to have a problem? Just wondering for future reference... thanks.

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Maybe it's the whole try handling it yourself first thing I got as a kid, I just don't like going to the match director first.

As a match director, I rather you did. This isn't because I want to be your mom and run to your rescue, but because if there are shooters which a repeatedly being a problem I need to know that.

As a match director, what if it is one of your R.O.s who is causing a problem? Not in exactly this manner, but more like yapping at the shooters, threatening to DQ shooters and generally taking them out of their mental preparation? Like the ROs that 4 or 5 people in the squad warn you that this guy is a f'ing a'hole when you first get to the stage? Or the one that 4 people tell you how he DQs people at every match, (or, "at the drop of a hat"), etc. Does the MD want to know that? Cause, after somebody gets DQd he says, "Nothing I can do at this point..." How does one know he's going to have a problem? Just wondering for future reference... thanks.

I want to know. I ran 7 majors matches this year and trust me, there are mistakes made by staff. Some are honest mistakes, some are not. The sooners you let the MD/RM know, the better it is.

A shooter got a reshoot they should not have had and a competitor told me. I walked right up to the RO and fixed the problem. Error made, fixed as best as possible. In some cases, sure, that might mean moving staff or relieving staff of their duties. The MD/RM has to make sure the match is safe, then the rules are followed and then provide the best customer service. If someone is ruining your enjoyment, the MD/RM has an obligation to you as a paying customer to do their best to fix it. Sometimes that means taking the heat, sometimes it means sending someone home, competitor or staff.

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In my case the time keeper said I was "At the 180 but didn't break it." Said it 3 or 4 times, but each time the RO changed the timer's statement till it became, "I'm sorry, you're DQ'd". Railroad job from the get-go. I spoke to the MD: "Nothing I can do..." I will fix the problem for me by never shooting the PA State Steel Challenge again. But, what about the other DQs and the ones yet to come. The guy has been a problem every time I've been at the club. Enough for me. Wanna know why some of these sports are dying? Crappy ROs and weak kneed Mds. IMHO of course.

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I feel like that is a COMPLETELY different conversation not relevant to the issue at hand.

Personally, I would try to not have that person RO a match, but I have to ask how does anyone come close to 180 in Steel Challenge? There are what .. 2 stages where you even move?

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It was actually on accelerator, when I was taking a gun out of a bag! The I-pad guy was about 5ft past my position so I guess the muzzle was easy to see. As far as relevance, the questions were simply 1- would a match director want to know if his RO was "trash talking" or, better, "bullying", and 2- how can a competitor raise concerns about a RO before the fact? Seems relavant to me...

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In my case the time keeper said I was "At the 180 but didn't break it." Said it 3 or 4 times, but each time the RO changed the timer's statement till it became, "I'm sorry, you're DQ'd". Railroad job from the get-go. I spoke to the MD: "Nothing I can do..." I will fix the problem for me by never shooting the PA State Steel Challenge again. But, what about the other DQs and the ones yet to come. The guy has been a problem every time I've been at the club. Enough for me. Wanna know why some of these sports are dying? Crappy ROs and weak kneed Mds. IMHO of course.

In my case the time keeper said I was "At the 180 but didn't break it." Said it 3 or 4 times, but each time the RO changed the timer's statement till it became, "I'm sorry, you're DQ'd". Railroad job from the get-go. I spoke to the MD: "Nothing I can do..." I will fix the problem for me by never shooting the PA State Steel Challenge again. But, what about the other DQs and the ones yet to come. The guy has been a problem every time I've been at the club. Enough for me. Wanna know why some of these sports are dying? Crappy ROs and weak kneed Mds. IMHO of course.

I had just the opposite experience at a recent match. I had a timekeeper yell "stop" with 2 shots left in my match. When I looked over at the timekeeper I heard and emphatic, "you broke the 180". I responded with a more than equal, "absolutely not" and then the RO said, "he didn't break the 180". The timekeeper was overruled by the RO and I was given a reshoot later in the squad. It was unfortunate that I didn't shoot as well the second time, but the timekeeper had a little different angle and was making a call that I didn't agree with but the right outcome was achieved except that I sucked on my re-shoot. Do I blame the timekeeper. No. Safety is paramount. Ultimately I scored on that course of fire, just not as well as I did on my first run. That is on me, not on the timekeeper. I may have had a different attitude had I actually been DQ'ed where it wasn't warranted.

Edited by striped1
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It was actually on accelerator, when I was taking a gun out of a bag! The I-pad guy was about 5ft past my position so I guess the muzzle was easy to see. As far as relevance, the questions were simply 1- would a match director want to know if his RO was "trash talking" or, better, "bullying", and 2- how can a competitor raise concerns about a RO before the fact? Seems relavant to me...

Did you talk to the match director?

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Sure, "Nothing I can do at this point" Gee, Thanks.

Well so you had options BEFORE the RO made a call. If you did not want ot be RO'ed by that gentleman you could have requested a different RO. I find that the ROs feelings might be hurt, but as a match director whenever someone asked that I made sure it happened. AFTER the RO made a call, the match director does NOT have options, you can't override the RO's call when you weren't there to see it, otherwise everyone would contest every DQ ever.

I will give you some advice, free of charge and worth every penny. Learn to take your gun out of a bag or case while pointing downrange. There is seriously ZERO reason to ever come even remotely close to the 180 in Steel.

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