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Gettin dumped

Jake Di Vita

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Sorry Jake. Been following your great determination and fantastic success in the shooting sports and have been looking up to you as an example of what a person can do that is dedicated. Shot the last 5 days in a row. Today took a break. Tomorrow I shoot with a buddy in the morning and a league at night. I'm going to get better at this one way or another.

I don't have any magic words that will make it easier for you. Good luck man and keep blasting.


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Sorry to hear about the break up Jake. I've been there too. I hope you'll get over it soon. It took me quite a while. And "dating" lots of other women didn't really help for me, in case you were contemplating that :(;)

Time will heal this kind of stuff.

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It could be worse. I had a girlfriend dump me because she wanted to go back to.....her girlfriend. I don't much remember the week that followed.

Mine told me I was going to Hell, and was on a path to self destruction.

I told her that was OK, since I knew I would have lots of friends along for the ride. :D

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Jake, I got dumped like that about 25 years ago. Man, it hurt like hell at the time. I only think about that girl on very rare occasions, like this one. Trust me bro, you will thank God someday that it happened.

My advice: Embrace the pain. Take it full force like a hot knife in the guts. Cry, put your fist through things, just all-out grieve with everything that's within you. Then, when it passes, arise and re-invent your life. You will stand taller, walk straighter, and your happiness will be tempered with wisdom. I'm sorry for your present pain. And I rejoice in your newfound freedom. Just think of all the wonderful women you have yet to meet.

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Ouch! :(

As some once said: Look upon it as a blessing, because you certainly wouldn't want to continue wasting time on some one capable of doing some thing like that!

It's also an opportunity to make sure that the sub-3 el pres happens soon



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Yeah it was the same girl....you crack me up man. You good people. ;)


Man your post truly hit home...I can now say for certain you're one of the wisest people I've ever met (online but you get the point).

Thanks a lot man....I will remember that for a hell of a long time.

I owe ya big time.

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I believe that when someone is sincerely participating in a relationship they give a part or most of themselves to it. When that relationship goes away for whatever reason that part or most goes missing. Beware of the dark side, it will try to fill that gap <_< ... then again, the dark side is a lot of fun :P

It's also  an opportunity to make sure that the sub-3 el pres happens soon


I agree with this one.

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Most all of us have been there at least once and some a couple times. It never gets easier but that one time it doesn't happen...oh yeah...then it is all worth it.

But I know your pain all too well.

Funny story: I am sitting in a burger joint with wife about 2 years ago and in walks this gal who I dated for a couple semesters in college looking pretty darn fine almost 15 years later. She was a single mom in college and when she dumped me it was like I lost double because I couldn't see the kid anymore either. Anyway, she comes over and uncomfortable introductions are followed by about 20 minutes of catching up chat.

She finally gets up to leave and she turns to my wife and says "You sure got a good one. Wish I hadn't been so stupid but glad you are happy."

That particular scar healed right then and there because for 15-ish years I had been blaming myself and thinking I had screwed up and caused the break-up.

Don't make my mistake. Placing blame at this point is absolutely worthless. Follow Sam's advice and get the grieving over with and then get back out there and enjoy yourself.

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Like many other posts, I felt your pain at one time. Hopefully you did not have to take back a ring. (Being dumped is only slightly less painful than being told no.) As Kimel noted, when the right one comes along you forget the bumps in the road. I now have a wonderful wife, who lets me shoot and two great sons. The past becomes a distant memory.

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You're to young to get married anyway. When I got divorced it was wow. 2 weeks later I met this girl that was 10 times better than the Ex. Been married to her for going on 4 years now, got the twins and couldn't be happier. Shite happens for a reason.

Hey Pat...was her girlfriend hot? :P

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Sorry to hear about this. But, it is most likely best in the long run. Take this time to enjoy yourself and to further your abilities as a person/shooter etc....

Don't look for the next "woman in your life", as she will find you as you are just enjoying life and being yourself!

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As zhunter said, the next one will find you....

I was divorced after 32 yrs and did not date anyone for almost 5 yrs...then out of the blue, met the most wonderful gal....seeing her now and am planning on asking her to marry me later this yr...already have the ring... :P

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Perhaps you should try dating a Latina; there is ample advice here on the forum if you decide to go that route.
Good idea....if you find one send her to Michigan. ;)

And send the second one to Tempe. ;)

But seriously, I'm sorry to hear that Jake. I can relate.


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