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How long does your local USPSA match last?


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Sounds about right really. Now if everyone involved is helping with setup, reset and teardown theres not much else you can ask for besides trying to find that perfect number of shooters per squad to be efficient

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For the matches that attract a lot of shooters (>50), has anyone tried doing a split day / afternoon squad shoot?  Half the shooters start in the morning and finish by noon and the second round comes in and shoots in the afternoon. I know the burden on running this setup falls on the match directors, club volunteers and RO's, but this may be a way to increase the thru put and shorten the overall time it takes to run a match?

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Not to revive this but most clubs in my area have kickoff at 10 and we are done anywhere between 4 and 6PM. They are set up the day before then everyone tears down. They consistently seem to push bout 80-100 shooters. Absolutely hate it. Wouldn't be so bad if they moved it to a 8AM or earlier start time. One club is close but everything else falls into a 70min to 2 hour drive from me. 


Usually at about 2PM I start playing with the idea of just leaving. but someone in the car almost always wants to stay for the whole thing.

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I (and a bunch of other volunteers) will be at the range tomorrow at 5:00 PM to start setting up. We'll go until it gets dark.

Then, Saturday morning we'll start again at 8:00 AM to finish. We spend a lot of time on fine tuning the stages so that they are consistent and fair to all the shooters (and so that we can shoot our own match without having to babysit the props).

Registration opens at 10:00 AM with hammer down at 11:00. We are typically done by 3:00. I am usually leaving the range by 5:00 after scores are posted and everything is checked and put away.

Our matches are 6 or 7 stages (6 ranges) with a maximum capacity of 90 shooters. Last year we were drawing between 60-70 shooters but something changed over the winter because now we are filling up every month.

15 person squads makes for what seems like a long day for the shooters - I have been thinking about cutting them back to 12. What would you be willing to pay for a 6 stage match? Right now we are charging $20.00. Would you pay $30.00?

Here's what some of our stages look like for reference.




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23 hours ago, Chris777 said:

For the matches that attract a lot of shooters (>50), has anyone tried doing a split day / afternoon squad shoot?  Half the shooters start in the morning and finish by noon and the second round comes in and shoots in the afternoon. I know the burden on running this setup falls on the match directors, club volunteers and RO's, but this may be a way to increase the thru put and shorten the overall time it takes to run a match?

Im trying to figure out how this would work can you explain how you would get say 90 shooters through a 6 stage match with a half day format like you describe?

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Miamisburg did split days in the late 90's & early 2000's. But, Randy did most of the work, may he rest in peace. Like running 2 matches in one day. Around 30 shooters each session. The first half finished helping with set up, second session did tear down, which goes much faster than setup. We stopped doing it after Randy passed. 

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Like many others, we start at 9 and are done around 2-3.  We have 6 stages (including one classifier) on 6 bays and usually run 3 squads.  I really think one of the main variables is how willing people on each squad are to paste, score, and re-set.  I think at just about every club you have the guys who 'only come to shoot' and don't help set-up, take-down, or paste unless specifically told to, and that lasts about 2-3 shooters.  I remember hearing about clubs in Europe on the practical pistol show that actually have an assignment set up as far as taping and resetting.  Something like you were in charge of pasting and resetting the stage for the shooters who were 2-5 spots behind you, then every time you have 3 people out there resetting the stage, and everyone is doing their share, but still having down time to socialize or whatever you want to do.  Maybe not for everyone, but it made sense to me, and would speed the match along.

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No easy answers. 


We just need to remind all shooters that this is a voulenteer game that only happens if we all own the match. Stage design, set up, ROing and tear down. 


The big Dicks at local matches would be well served to brief everyone at the start of the match.... "Do not leave until you tear down your final stage"


and those who ignore this, well that's up to the rest of us to apply some peer pressure.  Easy to say and hard to do, but let's support the guys who sit in the swealtering heat, locking up gates and uploading scores. 


Leadership from the tailboard amigos!

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Three matches within an hour drive.

One Sat, 6 stages always at capacity tic over 8o shooters, set up night before and morning of, first shots at 1000 over and torn down by 1530ish at worst

Other Sat, 6-9 stages, 80ish shooters, paid range staff handles set up, first shots at 1000 almost always runs to and sometimes past 1600, tear down is mixed, range staff handles some.

Sunday afternoon, 4 stages, set-up 1000, 60 shooters max, first shots 1300, torn down and out by 1530 90% of the time, now defunct :(

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For those that are completing matches quickly I am curious to know your squad sizes, if you have RO's that move with the squad and if brass is collected while the stage is reset between shooters. 

At our local clubs, we start around 930 finish around 2. Squad is usually 12-14 shooters. Usually 2 RO, 2-3 scorer take turns, everybody helps with pasting, nobody picks up brass until we are all done with tear down

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For those that are completing matches quickly I am curious to know your squad sizes, if you have RO's that move with the squad and if brass is collected while the stage is reset between shooters. 

We usually have 8-10 per squad, and RO's are part of each squad. Most people leave their brass, so I pick up as much as I can after resetting and after the stage is over. There is still a ton of brass left at the end. Easy to leave with 500+ pieces of brass for less than 30 mins work after the match.

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Are local matches have 6 or 7 stages and begin around 10am and finish round 1:30pm.  We also have a small group around 8 shooters who also shoot a second gun.  Some shoot the same division as they did in the first match while others change and shoot a different division.  On "HOT" Memphis days the second gun can slow you down some by the end of the match.

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On 7/14/2017 at 9:20 PM, my00wrx1 said:

For those that are completing matches quickly I am curious to know your squad sizes, if you have RO's that move with the squad and if brass is collected while the stage is reset between shooters. 

We are averaging about 50 shooters a month. We start at 10 and are finished by 130ish with everything torn down and put away. 5 squads of 10 usually +/- a few, everyone pitches in and helps score, paste, reset, and we have plenty of experienced R.O.s that help run squads. 


The hardest part is to get the shooters to help put stuff back on the trailer we use instead of just tearing down and putting things on the sides of the bays. That leaves about 4 of us to go around with the trailer and pick it all up. I know everyone is always in a hurry to leave, go eat, drink beer etc but a few extra minutes of help would speed things up even more. 

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The new number of shooters we get influences how long and how we set up the squads. Once we get over 45 people we split to 6 squads from our normal 3. Setup starts at 7, we start shooting by 9, gone by 2:30 if under 45 shooters. Last week we had 70 and I left the range at 3:45

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On 7/19/2017 at 9:56 AM, Jumprun13k said:

 Last week we had 70 and I left the range at 3:45


For a local. Anything after 2PM I just cant find the motivation to care anymore. I cant stand to burn a whole day doing it.


Back to my original thing, why do people have kick off at 9 or 10AM? Move that up to 7 so we can get out at a reasonable time. and then it will prevent me from complaining to no one that cares on here ha 

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4 minutes ago, Dutchman195 said:


For a local. Anything after 2PM I just cant find the motivation to care anymore. I cant stand to burn a whole day doing it.


Back to my original thing, why do people have kick off at 9 or 10AM? Move that up to 7 so we can get out at a reasonable time. and then it will prevent me from complaining to no one that cares on here ha 


We kickoff at 9am because we're setting up stages from 6am to 9am.  



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3 minutes ago, Dutchman195 said:


For a local. Anything after 2PM I just cant find the motivation to care anymore. I cant stand to burn a whole day doing it.


Back to my original thing, why do people have kick off at 9 or 10AM? Move that up to 7 so we can get out at a reasonable time. and then it will prevent me from complaining to no one that cares on here ha 


For us it is our current range situation. When we had a range that was just dedicated to us we set up the week before and were shooting by 8 on Saturday. Where we are now we cant do that (hopefully this will be fixed soon when new bays are built) so the MDs get together Friday night and pull everything out to the bays and then we set up Saturday morning. 


I will say that I was the last person to leave at 3:45. I was the MD so I had a bit of extra work. The shooting was done by 2:30

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53 minutes ago, Dutchman195 said:

...Back to my original thing, why do people have kick off at 9 or 10AM? Move that up to 7 so we can get out at a reasonable time. and then it will prevent me from complaining to no one that cares on here ha 


Here in Southern CA most people are driving an hour to an hour and a half to get to the match. You do the math for a 7AM kick-off on what time people will have to be up to make it to the range in time to check-in etc. not to mention the stages are set up that morning as well. So, the stage setters would have to be at the range at 5AM or earlier.

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Just now, tanks said:


Here in Southern CA most people are driving an hour to an hour and a half to get to the match. You do the math for a 7AM kick-off on what time people will have to be up to make it to the range in time to check-in etc. not to mention the stages are set up that morning as well. So, the stage setters would have to be at the range at 5AM or earlier.

I drive 2 hours to some matches around here. I'd still rather do that then be done at 6pm

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