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Disrespectful thread replies


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IMHO, it seems there’re a couple of recent threads on this GREAT forum that contain disrespectful, condescending and combative tones directed at other members. I’ve seen that type of attitude on a lot of other forums, but RARELY on BE’s forum.

The absence of such attitude is one of the things that makes this forum unique. I hope we’re able to maintain it.

It is possible to disagree on a topic without being condescending or disrespectful. Being respectuful to members with differing opinions, IMO, is also being respectful to our host - BE . . . and vice versa . . .

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IMHO, it seems there’re a couple of recent threads on this GREAT forum that contain disrespectful, condescending and combative tones directed at other members. I’ve seen that type of attitude on a lot of other forums, but RARELY on BE’s forum.

The absence of such attitude is one of the things that make this forum unique. I hope we’re able to maintain it.

It is possible to disagree on a topic without being condescending or disrespectful. Being respectuful to members with differing opinions, IMO, is also being respectful to our host - BE . . . and vice versa . . .

I too have noticed this in the past few days! :wacko:

but I also think that goal is attainable! ;)

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It could be the by-product of too much winter and not enough shooting that is making things a little testy.

I just sent a PM suggesting the same thing.

Everybody go shoot a couple hundred rounds this weekend and come back happy! :D

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Strange just before reading this thread. I was looking over the Forum Guidelines. I got there after reading some gratutious comments about IDPA. They felt antognistic to me. Some of the comments in the El Prez discussion stuck me as disrespectful. ... single stack division... At the risk of sounding priggish ....

Welcome to Brian's forums!

We’ve found the following guidelines indispensable in keeping the Forum enjoyable, informational, and a just fun place to hang out.


Please be polite. Or if not polite, at least respectful. Please – no antagonistic or quarrelsome tones.


This Forum is for firearm, technique, and conceptual discussions applicable to training and competition. (And various unrelated topics.) ;-)

While the occasional defensive shooting post is not prohibited, in general, defensive shooting discussions or debates are discouraged.


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I agree with chp5. I do believe there are reasons though, and no indication of big trouble.

There have been several issues in our sports lately that put people on edge. We've had the IDPA rule book issue that really set people off. Several L-10 threads which always upset us L-10 shooters. The provisional SS division threads also showed big differences of opinion as well as upset us L-10 guys again. I believe the moderators are doing a good job keeping these problems at a controllable level, and this trend is no more than a minor bump in the road.

Speaking for myself only, taking these L-10 threads too seriously had me posting with an attitiude I don't care for, regardless of the subject of discussion. I decided to become an observer for a while until I settled down.

I'm going to shoot a good match tomorrow and reinforce my belief that the things that have been irritating me are insignificant compared to what I love about the sport.

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With all due respect--and some innate knowledge of what winter does to ALL of us--does anyone here recall the clamour, angst and insanity on this Forum from LAST winter??!! We had an obligatory defection or two, testy weirdness in adequate quantities and a few things that fall into sub-categories related to weirdness or testiness. I feel sorry for non-shooters who have no such activity to go focus on and empower themselves with with they NEED to. :ph34r:

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It has bothered me a lot lately also. A little courtesy goes a long way. I requested that a thread I started be closed because the sarcastic posting was rediculous.

Having a view and expressing it is one thing. Feeling the need to degrade the views of another to get your point across is unnecessary. If you can not properly defend your position, maybe you need to re-think before you post. Or at least use the edit feature.


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Can someone post links to the threads in question?

Here are a few from the heated IDPA section;) :




And to add insult to injury, I dislike the fact that some of the newer posters on these threads have gone to other forums and made rude comments regarding the membership here.

Totally uncalled for and tasteless.


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Respectfully - my intent in starting this thread was not to point fingers at individuals or specific threads (which is rarely constructive), but just to make a general observation about "What I Hate."

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Guest Larry Cazes

chp5, Im not quite sure I follow you here. I've been a member here for a few years now and it has always been this confrontational and sometimes disrespectful. Have you followed the rules forum for a while?

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...not to mention the fact that the SIZE of the total membership has grown since 'day one'. Granted, not EVERY member logs on every day and posts, but the membership IS generally larger, therefore subject to a slightly wider range of character types.

Things in the global sense have been extremely tense, mixed, aggravating, dangerous, political and hostile. We also just had a contentious election. Not to mention a new damn' war to pay for and constantly sort out the reasoning for. Things are just plain uptight all over. Not that I'm condoning or excusing rudeness (of any kind!) online, but I can sorta understand the BIG picture underneath it all that's boiling the blood of some of our fellow humans at large--be they intelligent or not.

I, too, have found myself losing patience with certain people I 'work' with, and I can't even tell if that's justified or not any more, I'm so frustrated with it sometimes....... it's like shoveling sand. :angry:

And yet I continue to return here daily to sift through the thousand of words, knowing there is light here.

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.....and sometimes a member will post something in a hurry --- that will be either misunderstood or misconstrued, or that could have been posted in clearer fashion to begin with, had the poster had more time at his disposal.....

....such is the nature of the internet....

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I'm going to increase my overall belligerence level for a few weeks and see what happens.

Yea right! From your past history of vicious attacks on those who oppose your views to your well known lack of humor. Simply viewing your avatar turns men's knees to water and strikes fear into those who view your posts! Don't do it Rhino!


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Cy, I’m right there with ya. It seems to me that over the past two months that the over all negativity in the forum has increased ten times. If a post is not being helpful why even say it? I have lost so much respect for some of the people here I doubt I would even speak to them at a match in fear of having my mojo killed. But on the other hand there are some people here that I have not even met that I would give a kidney to if they needed it.

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