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My Wife and Cars


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My wife's car is a Nissan Murano,beautiful car we got new a few years back with everything on it (cost about $45k) unlike my Chevy Cavalier cheapo. She deserves a nice car. last year she had it parked at the medical center where she works and some lady had a siezure and T-boned it while it was parked.... did $16,000 in damage including broke the front axle and suspension. Now it's "fixed" and every piece of glass and metal part rattles whenever it hits a bump.

So now at work she parks it... in exactly the same place. Not just the same lot, the exact same space. Last month she finds out somebody backed into the right rear and we got to pay for this one. Would have been her third reported accident and our insurance would have skyrocketed....

But it's not just the accidents and damage.

Years back she drives up (car was basically new) and I see the wheels and sides and fenders are covered with wet tar.


Oh..... there was road construction on Homestead.

Of course there was and you had to drive right through it. But don't worry, about five hours of back breaking work by me with a flashlight in my mouth will get it off before it dries onto the paint permanently.

Last week her car goes to the dealer for it's $200 "detailing" (mine hasn't been washed in two years).... then:

Today she drives up and there is brown goo all over the car. On the top, running down the windows, the hood the back, the fenders and it is sticky like molasses. Of course it's tree sap.

Oh.... yeah, I guess that's from the tree I parked under. There was no place else to park.

REALLY? And was it a stealth tree that hid until you walked away so it could fool you and attack behind your back? Not night time folks, middle of the day. And in a city of three million people, that was the ONLY parking space.

But three hours of work on a "car" the size of a small bus and I got it off.

At 61 with arthritic shoulders, hips, neck, back and the rest I wonder why I keep doing his?

Truth is...... I feel sorry for the car.

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I kind of feel your pain. My wife has never damaged the vehicle enough to have the body repaired, but she has hit every curb in the city, twice. The tires have been aligned, and ball joints replaced numerous times.

The inside of her vehicle is a trash can, full of everything she doesn't want in her purse. She gets upset when I "won't" ride in her car with her.

Needless to say I haven't bought her a car in 13 years. :)

Edited by Butterpuc
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In general women don't care one bit about cars like men do. to them it is just a tool to get from point a to point b. My wife could drive a Beamer or a corolla and not see the difference. I have to drive my truck to the range today and I hate that it is going to be covered in mud after all the rain and I will have to wash it after the match tomorrow. Her car hasn't been washed in years.

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In general women don't care one bit about cars like men do. to them it is just a tool to get from point a to point b. My wife could drive a Beamer or a corolla and not see the difference. I have to drive my truck to the range today and I hate that it is going to be covered in mud after all the rain and I will have to wash it after the match tomorrow. Her car hasn't been washed in years.

My wife cares more about washing a car than I do. I like my truck -- it's 12 years old, has 211,000 miles on it, and I occasionally fantasize about never owning another vehicle -- but it's a tool designed to get me safely from point A to point B and back.

I'm a stickler for routine maintenance, and any needed repairs -- washing -- not so much. I do clean the trash out of the back seat every month or so, and vacuum the interior once a year.....

Her car is usually neat and clean, and if she does something like haul a dozen bags of mulch home, she vacuums it out immediately.....

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I feel ya.

I was kind enough to exchange vehicles while she was at work so that I could get some maintainence done on her explorer before a road trip she was taking.

When she pulled into the driveway with my car, I saw that she repaid my kindness with curb rash on my passanger side rear wheel. She claimed she didn't see the island she rubbed up against as she left her parking spot at work. WTF?! There were 2, count'em, 2 trees on that island and she didn't see it?!

I know why married men live shorter lives....

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I feel ya.

I was kind enough to exchange vehicles while she was at work so that I could get some maintainence done on her explorer before a road trip she was taking.

When she pulled into the driveway with my car, I saw that she repaid my kindness with curb rash on my passanger side rear wheel. She claimed she didn't see the island she rubbed up against as she left her parking spot at work. WTF?! There were 2, count'em, 2 trees on that island and she didn't see it?!

I know why married men live shorter lives....

Actually, they live longer. It seems longer.....
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Last week I traded my 14-year-old truck with 216,000 miles on it for a Lexus LS 400 with 79,000 miles on it. This is the true to form church lady car in mint condition. My wife has already appropriated it from me, left me her car and said do what you need to do to get yourself a new ride. I have always been in charge of procuring the family vehicles so I'm certain that she simply saw this as her opportunity to get yet another new car. I hate that.

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Hey! Some of us FEMALES do care about our cars. I used to tear them down and rebuild them (the engines, anyway) so appreciate what's in there. I keep the interior clean but let the dust accumulate on the outside because I can't afford expensive car-wash places. Well, I could, I guess, but it would mean trading that cost for either a half-a-week's groceries or a week's worth of gasoline. More often than not, the concept of the car-wash place gets shelved for yet another month and I get to eat and/or motor around for another week. I always put high-end tires on my car and the best battery I can find. I value a car that starts whenever I turn the key and value rubber-to-the-road safety no matter the age or make of the car or the weather.

Exterior cosmetics: I only have one accidental dent in the back bumper because, essentially, the parking lot at our local city cop-shop forensics lab is too freakin' small for even a compact to turn around in, and it was an early Saturday morning and I was tired and didn't see the little yellow pole right behind me . . . And, needless to say, I can't afford to get that fixed either, so the 2007 dent is still there, yellow paint smudge and all.

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I am familiar with this. I have to spend 15 min cleaning out her car before I drive it. First the door pockets. Gum wrappers, old nasty shriveled up banana peels, Kleenex, candy wrappers, excetra. Then the passenger seat and floor.


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