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the secret to recoil control?


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Received my dyno.

Strong hand 3 fingers shooting position. 118 lbs

Weak hand 4 fingers at a 45. 122 lbs

Good stuff. Your results are consistent with what I have seen from shooters with decent grip strength. Each hand being within about 5lbs of one another is typical as well.

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New here so hello everybody. I just introdeced myself in the introduction forum. This is a topic that ive had a lot of interest in and something that i struggle with. When i shoot, my elbows are slightly bent, torqued in, and a very firm grip. My stance probably needs fine tuning which i can work on through dryfire which i do roughly 5 times a week at about 30 minutes per session. The first video is normal speed and everything looks decent I guess. Second video is slo mo and it definitely shows room for improvement. Please give me ur worst!



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517, just from what I've seen pros recommend on their youtube videos, I would say you are dropping your head too much. A bunch of them recommend keeping head pretty much at natural standing position and bringing gun up to eye-target line.

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OM517> Watch your slow motion video and how the gun shifts in your support hand while the support hand is stationary. The gun shifting under your hand is a direct result of not enough grip pressure on your support hand. This is also why the grip on your support hand fails and you have to regrip the gun.

Others have already mentioned the head position issue. Use a normal head position as if you were talking to someone during a conversation. Then simply bring the gun up to your eye without bobbing your head down to the sights. There is no need to hunch over or duck your head down to the sights.

Look at my head position in this slow motion video of me shooting three different Limited guns with 170PF Major ammo.


Edited by CHA-LEE
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Thanks to all for the help. I dont know why i got in the habbit of havin my head ducked down...

And thanks CHA-LEE for the video. That helps to clarify stance, posture, and the fact that i need to tighten my grip and wrists.

I tried the stance after i read your responses and I will admit that it feels pretty awkward. But thats to be expected being that i have never really practiced or shot that way. Im also thinking about getting a dyno mainly because i am curious as to what i have as far as grip strength. Hopefully i will be able to get more videos up for further critiqe. Thanks again!

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517, I'll add one more thing. It looks in your video as if you're rocking back a bit much with each shot. If you're not already, bending your knees a little will suck up that energy. If your knees are bent, then shifting upper body weight forward might help.

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Funny thing you mention that IDescribe because i noticed that same thing in rewatching the video earlier today. My body seemed to be taking a lickin. To be honest, i was prolly just standing there like i would if I were standing in line at the DMV or somethin...im pretty much 99% sure my elbows werent locked, as i have never done that. I just really need to pay more attention because I don't get to do this as often as i need to. Thanks guys!

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Ok i tried getting more upright but everything seemed to be worse. Idk...my knees are bent and my weight is on the balls of my feet. My support hand is not slipping and im gripping the snot out of the gun and the sights are comming rught back but as far as managing the recoil...well not so much. It just seems my strong side is still giving too much and i cant seem to get it to stop giving. Elbows are not locked. Or is it something im not seeing? I ducked my head again, i know, but it seemed like i had to do that to really get behind the gun.

Every other video i have watched, the shooters strong side wrist seems way more solid than mine. It seems like it starts at my wrist and just whips on down.


Again, any help at all is appreciated, and i just noticed i wasnt wearing eye protection, so sorry. Forgot they were on my head.

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No safety glasses while shooting.....Yikes!!!

It's a little hard to see from a profile vantage point but it looks like the gun is muzzle flipping up and to the right. Any time the gun does not muzzle flip straight up and down it means that there is an uneven grip pressure on the gun. The the left/right direction the gun goes tells you which hand is the weak point. If your gun is muzzle flipping to the right then your right hand is the weak link.

Also having the feeling like you have to duck your head down to the sights to "get behind the gun" basically means that you are using the wrong stance and arm position anyway. I hate to be the one to say it, but fixing your grip, arm, head, and stance issues isn't going to happen remotely over the Internet. You need an effective trainer to show you in person. Have you taken a training class from a highly skilled pistol shooter? If not make it happen.

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Yeah sorry about the lack of glasses!

I completely understand this isn't going to happen over the internet. Ive beem recently searching for someone reputable that will offer classes around me and i am going to try to make that happen when time and funds allow. I should have picked up knitting as a hobby hahaha. Thanks a bunch man. In the meantime, i will focus on grip training and stance.

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I agree with charlie that from my (laymans) assessment of the first vids it was not enough weak hand grip.

in the most recent vid to me I notice another issue which is your strong hand seems to be a little rotated around the grip too far clockwise. ie if front strap is 12 oclock and rear strap 6 oclock (looking down on the gun from above) your strong hand is too far around. you want the backstrap in the heel of your hand. it seems to me (and if I'm wrong please say so as the vid is not that clear) that the backstrap is on the edge of the heel of your strong hand. you don't need your trigger finger to be right in the trigger guard. you should be using just the first pad on your finger to work the trigger.

I think the gun torquing like that is from either the uneven grip strength or from the strong hand being rotated too far around the grip.

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took a bit of an internet sabbatical

this is a good thread !!! (most of it)

i need to go back and re read earlier posts

im a big fan of COC. didn't know bout zenith grips!!

i'm graduating from trainer going to order 1, 1.5 and 2 set. i like the idea of zenith no more raw hands. but am worried they maybe too slick????

any one use both in the 1 to 1.5 range?

most have stronger dominant hand. and since starting training grip..... although stronger over all dominant hand is still stronger

what are your thoughts on training weak more, increasing weak hand strength more than dominant???

Edited by biglou13
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I've been using gripper devices since the 1970s. I have trained the weak hand about 20% more over the decades, so that I can call it "my other strong hand". My right hand tends to stay a little stronger, but just a little. A strong grip is certainly handy, I suppose I take mine somewhat for granted.

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I do wish the CoC didn't hurt my fingers and skin so much. It's more a test of pain tolerance than muscle sometimes.

Wear some work gloves while using it and the grippers won't terrorize your hands as much.

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I do wish the CoC didn't hurt my fingers and skin so much. It's more a test of pain tolerance than muscle sometimes.

I used some rubber grip wrap that is used for golf clubs and tennis rackets. All the sporting goods stores have it.

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I do wish the CoC didn't hurt my fingers and skin so much. It's more a test of pain tolerance than muscle sometimes.

I started out with #1 and at first wasn't sure if that thing was to toughen up your hands or improve your grip...

I put one strip of masking tape on the grip that my fingers contacted and left it on for about a week or two. Now it's fine without anything on the grips.

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