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People who don't flash lights


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I hate it when I pass a whole bunch of people driving in the opposite direction, and not one person will flash their lights to warn other drivers of a speed trap. I mean come on. The idea here is to get people to slow down anyway. I always let others know of a trap coming up. It might save someone from losing their license or save some lives by slowing down. Sometimes we just need a reminder to slow down. I mean a gentle reminder not a ridiculously expensive ticket and a trip to the courthouse. I just passed about 15 cars coming down a hill in town, and when I got to the top, there was a car with a radar gun. I was OK but damn. Are you people afraid to get yelled at if you are seen flashing your lights? Are you afraid of getting a ticket? Are you content to not get involved? Are you so self centered that you just don't care? Let's help each other out. Remember this rant the next time you have to pay a ticket from a radar trap and no one warned you.. Just sayin'.

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Flashin your lights is a gang sign doncha know, it will get you shot.

At least that's what I read on the internets, better safe than sorry :ph34r:

While I agree with you I tend to forget , and it's not a common practice anymore, I doubt many would even know why you flashed your lights . . . if they even noticed.

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For awhile people were getting ticketed for flashing lights. There wasn't a law against it per say but the cops were writing them up because of laws related to using "flashing lights" on a non-emergency vehicle. Whoever thought up that stretch must be a student of the rulebook discussions on this site.

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Detectors don't work out here. They use the instant on LIDAR guns so there is nothing to detect until the laser beam hits your car when he presses the button on the gun.

They can also pick a single car out of a pack because they have aiming hardware like a scope or red dot unit on the gun.

BTW: there are some places where radar detectors are illegal, and there are a number of states (Like California) where detectors are legal but attaching anything to the windshield is illegal and they ticket you for that when they see a detector.

Edited by bountyhunter
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I hate it when I pass a whole bunch of people driving in the opposite direction, and not one person will flash their lights to warn other drivers of a speed trap. I mean come on.

I never knew that was a signal for a radar trap. Out here, blinking the lights is to signal that the car is either driving without lights or has their high beams on.
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I do not flash lights unless it's an accident ahead or bicycle or other danger.

If you are speeding, it's not my responsibility to "help" you

I once heard a cop say "people ask me all the time how to avoid a speeding ticket. I tell them: don't speed"

Edited by SlowShooter
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There was a case recently where it was determined that ticketing or harassing drivers for flashing their lights, especially to warn of a radar trap, was a violation of the First Amendment. Flash away and if a Police Officer hassles you, a simple and polite reminder of this might be in order.

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I do not flash lights unless it's an accident ahead or bicycle or other danger.

If you are speeding, it's not my responsibility to "help" you

I once heard a cop say "people ask me all the time how to avoid a speeding ticket. I tell them: don't speed"

That is a pretty lame response. I was taught by my drivers ed teacher to flash my lights to warn of speed traps and have been doing it for nearly 40 years now. It's not my responsibility but it's the right thing to do
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Speed traps by nature are setup to pull in revenue via lots of tickets.

Therefore they pull people over for pretty ridiculous "violations", like going 4mph over the speed limit, ask how I know.

Warning other drivers is awesome,

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If you need to be warned by people coming from the other direction, you're doing it wrong......

Same story, if you're running a detector......

So you are saying never break the speed limit right? I am probably a slow driver compared to most of the guys I have ridden to matches with. As a matter of fact I know I am. I typically don't have a problem on the highway. Where I would be most apt to get busted for speeding would be on secondary roads where the speed limit is 35 then 45, then 35 then 55, then 35..... And that is typically where the local yocals like to set their traps. I have seen that hundreds of times and always warn others. One of our local roads that is 6 lanes wide and straight as an arrow jumps from 40 to 55 with no advance signage so people usually start picking up speed when they see the 55 sign just ahead of them. Guess where the cops like to sit? Yep, right behind a building that is about two car lengths before the 55 sign. Literally see somebody pulled over there every time I drive that road. Chicken s#!t at best so the more warning the better. :cheers:

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Nope -- I'm not saying don't speed. (I learned to drive on the autobahn -- so I'm a bit perplexed as to why, after stealing the idea for the interstate system, this country chose to cripple it by imposing two lane country road speed limits.) :P:P

What I'm saying is you need to know your local area. You need to know what level of speeding is and isn't likely to get you attention.....

You need to pay attention when speed limits change, and adjust accordingly -- and in your example that probably means not hitting 50 before you enter the 55 zone..... :D

It also means that you need to be aware enough when driving to know where the cops like to sit and monitor speed, to be able to anticipate where you're vulnerable and slow down, and to never be surprised when they pull out after you.....

Every time I've gotten a speeding ticket in my life, I was oblivious to the presence of the cops. Every time I've been let off with a warning (better than 50% of the time) I've been driving safely and attentively -- if a bit too fast for the local limit -- and I've been pulled over to the shoulder before the cop even managed to enter the highway.....

I've gotten a warning for 15-20 over the limit -- because the road was empty and I was paying attention. And I've gotten a ticket for eight miles over because I was oblivious -- I was doing it wrong at that point.....

The encounters, and their outcomes were predictable and within my ability to control......

By far the biggest danger I encounter in a 60 mile round trip commute every day are the people driving with their brains switched off.... :lol::lol:

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