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Classifier Updates


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I assume we will not see any classifier updates until after nationals...............so that people will be shooting in their actual calss......

Just checking so I don't feel the need to look at the USPSA site for an update.

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I thought it was originally posted that they were using the august sweep for nationals classification regardless of what happened afterwards?

Not that I care, since I'm not really interested in a special-olympics plaque anyway, I'll be looking at the overall results for my division.

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I assume we will not see any classifier updates until after nationals...............so that people will be shooting in their actual calss......

Just checking so I don't feel the need to look at the USPSA site for an update.

I hope this isnt true.

I'm admittedly impatient over this months update, because I'll be bumping.

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Yep one after the B2B and before Production Nationals

They do this every year, still no good explanation other than paperwork, registration on their end, but if they are running practiscore there is no reason that they need to hold off, just run the uploads and everything is already updated.

Edited by JakeMartens
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Can someone explain this process please? Is it a fully automated process or is there manual intervention that takes place? I assume that there is manual intervention. Otherwise, I just can't imagine why anything, nationals or otherwise, would case a delay.


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Just found out about this and don't mind saying that I'm pissed. I've been within half of a percent of making master for 5 months and finally have the classifier scores to make it with this update. Now they aren't doing an update.

likewise. ... except B class !

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Sorry but just because its been done in the past doesn't make it ok for me. It's still BS.

I agree. This totally sucks. Why wouldn't you want the most up to date classifications before Nats. Seems that would protect the integrity of the sport or maybe WWE is the business model for USPSA?

I am about to bump to B finally, but my son who is a Junior thru the end of this week will bump to high A or maybe M - he's really smoked a half a dozen classifiers in the last month. It was real important to him to do this prior to turning 18 and he's put in a lot of work to get there. But for some arbitrary reason, no update until .... sometime this year. If USPSA is going to do this, why not just update annually? What's the point in a handicap system if it's not kept up to date?

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I would suggest you talk to your elected officials (Area Director and President.) I tend to agree that in this day and age running an update should be a fairly simple process, but I really don't know what is involved at the home office, or how it impacts those running a Nationals level match. My guess is this is a carry over from when the updates were all done by hand. If enough people tell their AD that this needs to change, I think they will listen.

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I guess part of the question is going to be are they going to keep the same cutoff date or are they going to add classifiers to it. If one is run after the B2B, will it take what is closed out by the 10th or add any additional classifiers shot after that until the run date.

One or two extra low classifiers that may have been shot after the cutoff date that are included could stop those who think they are getting bumped from getting bumped. That would be a hosing.

As one local shooter commented, we are slammed when we don't get the classifiers in by the 10th, but the home office can disregard it just because of nats. Affects thousands but guess that's okay. As mentioned above, this is nothing new, AD's and SC's have heard it for years but nothing has changed. Not important enough I guess for a BoD agenda item.

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[Flame suit on]

I'm probably the only one that does not understand the 'fixation' with the Classifier system ...

For all of you ready to 'bump' .. good for you (and congratulations) .. now you can 'officially' sandbag the next major match and take top of your (lower) class.

When Nationals and Area/Section matches are all Classifiers I will start worrying about them, in the meantime I prefer to enjoy 'normal' stages.

[Flame suit off]

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[Flame suit on]

I'm probably the only one that does not understand the 'fixation' with the Classifier system ...

For all of you ready to 'bump' .. good for you (and congratulations) .. now you can 'officially' sandbag the next major match and take top of your (lower) class.

When Nationals and Area/Section matches are all Classifiers I will start worrying about them, in the meantime I prefer to enjoy 'normal' stages.

[Flame suit off]

Part of it is if you are competing for high D,C, B, A, or M and you get beat by a person that should have been bumped in the update. I am currently in the lower B's so I would not expect to win high B. But if I were still a high C and took second to someone that actually should have been competing as a B shooter I would be a bit unhappy.

Part of it cold be that some of the competitors will get bumped up in class just based on the overall results. It is easy to sandbag a classifier, it is something else to sandbag Nationals.

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This happens every year - the slots have what classifier will be used on them. I gave up getting upset a few years ago.

Next year the same thing will happen. Year after - yup. The classifiers are all, from my understanding, touched by a physical person at HQ - so instead of focusing on that they are getting prepared for the premier match in our organization. This just the way it is - every year around nationals classifiers will be delayed. Don't like it - run for Area director / president. Accept that the way things are will most likely never change because "thats the way we've always done it"

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Part of it is if you are competing for high D,C, B, A, or M and you get beat by a person that should have been bumped in the update. I am currently in the lower B's so I would not expect to win high B. But if I were still a high C and took second to someone that actually should have been competing as a B shooter I would be a bit unhappy.

Part of it cold be that some of the competitors will get bumped up in class just based on the overall results. It is easy to sandbag a classifier, it is something else to sandbag Nationals.

well, if one is simply competiting for a sandbagger award among the other people who just haven't practiced hard enough to get bumped a class, then I'm not really concerned about that.

OTOH, the classification system is one way of measuring our progress in the sport (along with match scores, percentage of the winner, etc....), so progressing through the classes is a fairly common goal, and random things that delay the recognition of achieving that goal are apparently annoying.

I'm not really gonna stress about it tho. If I somehow end up with a sandbagger award for finishing in potato-th place in my 'class' (cuz i can count to potato), then I invite everyone to mock me for it. :cheers:

Edited by motosapiens
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