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Mostly, I hate bees/wasps/hornets/any other flying, buzzing shite that gets anywhere near me, especially my head. If you do not look good in stripes, do not stand behind me if a wasp buzzes my head. You will be covered in tennis-shoe tracks in a heartbeat.

It happened when I was 5. I was in the front yard and my kindergarten teacher stopped as she was walking by. She and my mother standing there together made my life complete. The two women I loved most in the world were right there! Together! Standing there, looking up and adoring both of them, I knew life was perfect. Until that damn bumblebee flew up the leg of my shorts.

With all the grace of a terrified 5 year-old, I started screamimg and running in circles. My mother was trying desperately to ask me what was wrong but I just yelled and ran in circles and beat at my shorts. She's a pretty smart old bird and caught on.

With a mother's protective instinct, she did what I'm sure seemed only reasonable at the time -- she snatched my shorts down around my ankles. Now I'm suffering the combined realization that a killer bee is (still) in my shorts and I'm standing nearly naked in front of the two most-wonderful women in the entire world.

I can't say for certain if she set that demon loose with her quick thinking, but it didn't seem like it at the time. I kept running in place (hard to do the "circle" thing with your pants around your ankles) and screaming bloody murder. That same protective instinct must have kicked in again because she then reached down and snatched my underwear to my ankles. I wish she had let the damn bee just kill me.

The last thing I remember was running bare-assed naked across the front yard, crying for all I was worth, knowing that my bare butt was in clear view of the two most wonderful women in the world.

I was scarred for life.

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Well, I guess I won't be moving to SW Oklahoma anytime soon....... :o:blink:

Trust me.....the rattlesnakes are much worse! There was one pond a friend and I used to fish, and we would place two chairs arm-to-arm, facing in opposite directions. One pointed towards the water, and one towards the surrounding grass and such. While we were talking and drinking and visiting, one of us would fish and the other would watch (with a Ruger Mini-14) for the snakes who had an overwhelming sense of curiosity. They asked no quarter, so I gave none.

I think Rattlesnake Round-Ups may have been invented in Mangum, OK, about 30 miles south of my house. If they weren't, they shoulda been.

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  • 6 months later...

Got 'em all over the US :) They're nasty suckers. That bite is pretty extreme, but they do get nasty looking. Various methods of treatment...

My wife's horse vet (who originally trained to be a human pharmocologist) recently got one, and treated it w/ topical nitro-glycerine cream. The increased blood flow through the wound caused by the cream make him kind of ill (fever, nausea, chills) for a couple of days, but he never developed the swelling or tissue necrosis shown here. I'm not saying that's the right way, or anything (I'm no doc :) ) - but they don't all turn out that nasty, luckily....

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Got a bite about 1" to the side of my shinbone. Rotted out a hole about the size of a golfball and about 1 1/2 inches deep. Took 6 or 8 months to completely heal. The inside of the wound looked just like old bruised banana... Little pain but itched until healed. They are very common on wild cedar trees. Friends who have a little home hobby sawmill are constantly getting nailed. Nasty, nasty, nasty looking stuff.

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this thread is giving me the creeps..

hate 'em

remember one of my biggest chills ..was out in the Idaho desert..and found a black widow..getting ready to strike a moth or some bug...

talk about fast..that just sent a chill...

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Spiders are good. They're nature's own form (one of many) of insect control, along with bats. That doesn't mean I want them crawling on me or biting me, though.

I always check my shoes if I haven't worn them in a while. Very common spot for those little suckers to hide.

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I like spikers OK (especially wolf spiders) but that picture of the bite gave me the willies; I would like to avoid these Brown Recluse spiders.

Where are they commonly found other than ceder trees? Commonly found at our outdoor competitions? I hope not.

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Brown Recluse spiders like the dark and stay away from light in any form. Tool sheds, crawl spaces, attics, closets etc. Before I go into my crawl space, I turn on the light for a few minutes and wear gloves.

I have run into them a couple of times..with a lighter and a can of WD40!!

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We have 'em up here in the Northwest, for sure. About every other year there'll be a news story on them--someone who got bitten, or a run on emergency room cases of spider bites. They're apparently HORRID. I smash just about ANYTHING with eight legs if I see it in my home... especially if they look like the above-posted photo. I can see where the spider bite could actually KILL some people. :o

I don't do well with insect bites anyway--especially mosquito--I seem to be allergic--so I'm just slightly freaked-ahead-of-time about this West Nile Virus scare that's now crept into Oregon. I could go down hard if it happens to ME. :ph34r:

PS--So, ipscron2000, what happened to your friend's hand after all was said and done...?? (Does he still HAVE a hand?)

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He's not my friend. I don't know who he is. The photos were sent to me. I thought everyone would like to see them, so I posted them.

It sure makes you look at a simple, small spider with more respect doesn't it?

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I got bit once. Fortunately someone advised me to take a vitamin e capsule, split it open and rub it into the red and swelling area since it would be the afternoon before I got to my doctor's appointment. That apparently neutralized enough of the venom that I only got a small amount of flesh eaten along with the cream/shot I got from the doc. No fun for sure!

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"It sure makes you look at a simple, small spider with more respect doesn't it?"
...with resentment more like...

Why does this creature HAVE to be so venomous...?

What does it normally kill/do/attack that it requires such a hideous degree of assault...?? :angry:

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When I lived in Southern Idaho these frickin hobo spiders were nasty. We would put out baited traps and the next morning I would have an average of 30 spiders per trap......on 8 TRAPS!! We had a few black widows but we also had the nasty yellow sac spiders as well. Glad I moved away from that nightmare.....

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