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This is one of the problems moving here to CA. Apparently my outside trash can is a haven for Black Widow's. I've had several of them take up residence only to meet their end with a piece of cardboard or my shoe.

Of course, getting bit by one near the pool earlier this week didn't help my mood any.

I hate the dang things!

I know they eat bugs that I don't want around, but still. I've got a couple little kids and a pup that run (or crawl) around. Can't run the risk.

I hate spiders.


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Me Too.

I hate walking around the yard and walking into one of those garden spiders webs. You know which ones I'm talking about. The spider looks about the size of a M1Abrams Main Battle Tank with 8 legs and the webs remind me of something from "Lord of The Rings."

I think they are harmless to humans but big enough to be shot offhand at 40 yards!!!


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Maybe you could get yourselves some kind of natural spider predator, perhaps a mongoose?

I'm not sure if mongoose is the right predator for spiders (it surely is for snakes), but in case it is, it can be a nice, useful and entertaining pet animal if properly raised.

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I was nearly attacked by a giant spider in the shower last night. I freaked when I saw it lurking in the folds of the inside of the shower curtain, but I was able to compose myself, get a dixie cup, and transport it to a watery grave.

I have no idea what the species was, but it was big, dark brown, and furry on the legs.

Here are my feelings on spiders:

1. They creep me out

2. The bigger they are, the creepier they are.

3. Any fur or hair increases the creeposity ten-fold.

4. Spiders that stay away from me may live their lives unmolested.

5. Those who dare to enter my home or vehicle and invade my personal space shall be dispatched with any legal means at my disposal.

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I don't mind looking at spiders in photos or on film! In fact, they can be kinda cool ... in images. I just don't want them near me.

I feel the same way about sharks. I love watching them on "Shark Week" on Discovery Channel, but I don't want to see them in real life while I'm in the water. Especially one of those damn bull sharks that actually like fresh water and have attacked people in streams as far inland as ILLINOIS.

Spiders are very interesting as machines. I do not wish to study them their mechanics while I'm trying to take a shower. If they have the gall to actually touch my person, I shall destroy them with extreme prejudice*.

* After screaming like a little girl and perhaps fainting first.

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"Screaming like a little girl" is not an option around here. The little girls next door play with spiders. And snakes. and all sorts of other creepy-crawly things in the yard. You'll have to try some other tack if you drop by.

The list of things I am afraid of is very short, and sharks are on and off the list. If I've seen "Jaws" they're on. If I haven't seen it lately, they're off.

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Here are my feelings on spiders:

1. They creep me out

2. The bigger they are, the creepier they are.

3. Any fur or hair increases the creeposity ten-fold.

4. Spiders that stay away from me may live their lives unmolested.

5. Those who dare to enter my home or vehicle and invade my personal space shall be dispatched with any legal means at my disposal.


Several years ago there were some HUGE spiders above my parents' BBQ grill. I grabbed my mom's pepper spray and nuked the pests. They twitched and then fell to the ground where I smashed them.

On the last spider, however, the wind shifted and I got some of the pepper right back into my spider-killin' face. HOLY SMOKE that burned!! :wacko:

I couldn't imagine what a direct hit with that stuff must feel like.

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Spiders are very bad jazz. Their bites can even kill.

Those creepy ones that spread big webs all over the garden (and that you inevitably walk into) are hideous, and if you let them alone THEY JUST GET BIGGER with each passing day! Then they have babies! They must be off'd!!! :o:angry:

1. Spiders essentially have too many legs.

2. Spiders move too fast.

3. Spiders are hard to kill.

4. Spiders are NOT my friends. If I want 'friends' I will release about 5,000 ladybugs to eat any insect pests, thank you.

5. Spiders' "creeposity" factor is wayyyy off the scale.

6. People that keep them as pets have serious mental health issues.

7. Spider webs across your face have a verrry high "creeposity" factor.

8. Do NOT allow a Black Widow spider to live within a mile of your home.

9. Spiders go down the toilet very nicely.

10. Don't try to wash a spider down the sink drain. They'll just come back up.

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Perfect timing....

I was reading last night in bed when out of the corner of my eye I saw something "move" on the corner of the bed right next to me. It looked like a lint-ball blown off the bed or something. I threw my Brownells catalog to the side and peered down edge of the bed to see a VERY FAST brown spider scurrying down the bed frame and starting across the floor. I picked up the wife's can of pepper spray and squashed the crap out of that sucker. Post-mortem examination leads me to think this was a Hobo spider, one of the 5 poisonous spiders in the US (Widow, Recluse, Yellowsack, Hobo, ? )

What freaked me out was the it sensed that I saw it and it took off!

What if I didn't see it, or just stayed still (sleeping).

The good news is that this is spider season and it will soon pass. :)

Maybe we should all settle down, turn the lights off, make some popcorn and watch Arachnophobia!

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This is my black-widow-at-the-range story: It was in one of the side berms not far from where we were shooting steel. Both of us with fully loaded Open guns on and neither of us can see it from any range we're sure we can hit it at first-shot (as last thing we need is an angry poisonous spider flung into the air by a near-miss into the dirt). So we ended up spraying it with white paint and hoping it would have a fatal identity crisis.

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4.  Spiders are NOT my friends.  If I want 'friends' I will release about 5,000 ladybugs to eat any insect pests, thank you.

Funny you should mention ladybugs, Sig. I was reroofing my house last week when I was attacked by a swarm of 'em. No Joke, every fall we have a mass invasion of the pests. Lady bugs, that is. They bite, they stain and stink when you smash them, and they get through every nook and cranny looking for someplace warm. Every box or heavy item I have moved for the last week has at least 3 or 4 carcasses pressed into the bottom. There is at least one on every window sill of every house in Wausau Wisconsin! The state imported these "Japanese Lady Beetles" to fend off some pest that was threatening a tree somewhere, and the beetles just flourished. Maybe they will have to import a few hundred thousand Wolf Spiders to quell the invasion! ;)

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Spiders, snakes, and wasps, I hate them all. OK, call me a "wussie" but I just can't handle spiders.

One of the scariest moments of my life involved a little old scorpion. I was laying on the couch taking a nap. When I woke up I saw a freaking scorpion on my chest. I stood up faster than TGO can draw and ground the beast into the carpet until the only thing left was a grease spot. I thought I was going to have a stroke.

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I'm not too fond of spiders, but can tolerate 'em for the most part. The problem I'm having with them lately is that I moved to Texas about 2 years ago... I'm very familiar with all the "California" species so I'm not inappropriately afraid of them (eg. daddy long legs are cool, especially when you've pulled off 7 of their legs and they're flipping around in circles! :lol: ) BUT, I don't know the "good ones" and "bad ones' here in Texas... and they're all HUGE and they're all FAST!!! :o

This picture determined the accent colors of my new gun that's being built... cobalt blue:


Flexmoney,... eeeeew!!! :blink:

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Rhino..".the man with a gun for everything". Don't you have a "tub" gun to blast the sider with?

Then again I may not want to know.

We're going to have to go with the "don't ask; don't tell" principle this time. ;)

Re: Japanese lady beetles ... they released a bazillion of those here in Indiana years ago because our native species were dwindling and not able to do the job. The ladybugs native to the USA (at least where I live) are pretty innocuous. They don't swarm and they don't bite. Those li'l Japanese suckers swarm in the fall and they bite! Sure, they're teeny tiny bites that just barely hurt, but enough of them on you at one time can get kind of annoying! <_<

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One of the scariest moments of my life involved a little old scorpion.

More "new house" stories:

A couple days after the tarantula showed up on the back porch, Ms Polo was relaxing in the living room watching the telly. She looks down and sees a scorpion on her foot. Foot goes up violently. 'Scorp goes flying up as well and lands Gawd Knows Where. Beth is dancing around like crazy, clothes flying off at an incredible rate. I've never seen anyone get naked so quickly! :wub:

After a thorough inspection, scorpion is discovered on the hassock. And just as quickly terminated.

I would give $1,000,000.00 to have video footage of this scene! :D


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