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most disliked phrases and sayings and why


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My favorites are:


I say it too, but when I hear someone say it 4 times (enthusiastically) within 90 seconds……because they're supposed to say it.....it just !$^* bugs me. <_<

“.. I just thought I’d touch base with‘ya..”Ya? Well how ‘bout I’m rounding 3rd at full speed, and you the catcher, are standing there with a freshly received ball in your glove and a silly look on your face. How’bout you TOUCH THIS forearm in your chin!! :P

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Whenever the subject of skydiving comes up, someone without fail will say, "I just can't see jumping out of a perfectly good airplane." Then they will laugh and look at you for approval and agknowlegement that they are sooooo clever. Yea, they might be if they made it up!

I think the first time I heard this one was the first time I ever told anyone I'd signed up for Airborne School - before I even showed up for Basic Training. Geez.

Of course, you reply with another old chestnut:

"I don't see what everyone's so scared of. What, they think the fall will kill you? That's absolutely not true. It's not the fall that kills you - it's the sudden stop at the bottom"

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"Dude! I found a cherry Hi Point 9mm at da gunshow! Tag on it said used but I think its virgin! Seller told me a secret - its the rare dual tone & its a collector's item but he'd let it go at the regular retail price; whata deal! Even came with 2 clips! To shoot it, I got a little stash of +p bullets loaded with hollow tips! Them hollow tips explode if you hit somebody ya know & I think they got banned or something but I still got my stash!"

Dude! You da man.

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"How are you?"

"Fine and you?"

"Fine. You, know I have this splitting headache, my back is killing me, my wife's in bed with the gardener, my dog bit my son and when I shot the dog I shot a hole into my boss's car..."

Many people don't understand that, "How are you?" is just this meaningless social pleasantry, not an invitation to decant a five hour monologue.

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"...thinking outside the box" This one was probably alright at some point, but I am really tired of people saying it. Why not use innovative, unique, fresh, etc.?

"You go, girl!" Go where? I actually still hate it, but it makes better sense when the you is implied as in "Go girl."

The overuse of the term "ground zero" by the media and everyone else when referring to the site of the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center collapse. This one doesn't annoy me, it just bothers me on several levels. First, it is insensitive to those who lost loved ones. Second, most users of this phrase don't even know where Yucca Flats, Hiroshima, or Nagasaki are on the map, much less what the term actually means when referring to the level at which energy is first displaced(usually from some sort of detonation).

"Politically correct" is subjective to the politics referred to. If there was one political correctness, then there would be no politics to speak of.

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Sorry for the multiple posts. I came late to the party. To add something to the mix, I hate it when someone watches me shoot and then says, "Obviously you're a talented shooter." Okay, I understand they mean it as a compliment. But it's like they think "talent" is this magical property that makes it all easy - and obviously something THEY could never do. I worked my butt off to be as good as I am - if they worked that hard, they could do everything I can, and maybe then some.

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I hate all Steven Covey-isms / Corporate Nitwit Drone-isms:

"Raising the flag"


"outside the box"

"80/20 rule"

...and a litany of other horsesh*t which I have blissfully forgotten by now. Every one of which merits automatic punishment in the tunnel of wedgie. What's particularly annoying is when stupid people read corporate weasel self-help books and parrot everything they've read in meetings.

I became particularly disillusioned when I realized that one corporate CEO literally managed EVERY SINGLE aspect of our business directly according to "Swim with the Sharks." There was not one thing in the book which he didn't do.

I find management by $5.99 airport paperback rather disturbing for some reason...

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I hate all Steven Covey-isms / Corporate Nitwit Drone-isms:

"80/20 rule"

...and a litany of other horsesh*t which I have blissfully forgotten by now. Every one of which merits automatic punishment in the tunnel of wedgie. What's particularly annoying is when stupid people read corporate weasel self-help books and parrot everything they've read in meetings.

I find management by $5.99 airport paperback rather disturbing for some reason...

That's great!

I almost forgot this one, thanks!

Happens everyday!

These guys actually clone themselves in the form of people below them who get promoted to one level past competence.

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"I find management by $5.99 airport paperback rather disturbing for some reason..." (ErikW)
It means they can't flippin' think for themselves, think with creativity and common sense and/or take personal responsibilty for their realm of influence, etc. What ever happened to critical thinking, creativity and self-motivation??!! Leadership comes from within not altogether from pulp pages. :angry:
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Rhino- We use nimble around the office as well. "He's a nimble little sh*t. But not actually capable of anything"

Can't stand the use of "irregardless". I don't think that any one just says, regardless any more. Irregardless is a made up word, that was made up by bull sh*tters who like to throw big fancy words around trying to sound important.

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Rhino- We use nimble around the office as well. "He's a nimble little sh*t. But not actually capable of anything"

It's okay if you're talking about a person or a critter that can actually BE "nimble," but it's irritating when it becomes a buzzword for business dweebs who have limited verbal skills.

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I have a good budy (who may read this and poke me later as he posts here) who uses "Likeyouknow" as every other word. He is a bright guy and he even knows he does it. I mentioned it to him a couple of days ago when he said "likeyouknow" 6 or 7 time in a row while trying to make a point but never getting to it. He maintains that sometimes his brain gets stuck in a loop. On the bright side, according to him this also happened to him in high-school but then he was stuck on the much worse "dude!"


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As with Walangapat, I hate any version of "To be honest" "Honestly" "To tell you the truth" etc. Implies that you have been lying up to this point. Most people say it unconsciously.

I'm also rather not fond of younger people calling me "Dude". I doubt if most of them could spell dude, never mind define it. And if you understood the English definition of dude I'm sure you wouldn't be applying it to me, dude-ette.

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Oh, and while we're on the subject of "dude"...... I can't believe that waitpersons in decent restaurants have the idiocy to address their guests as "you guys"...!!!!! WHHHAAAAAAAAT!!!!????? My elderly parents and I are NOT "you guys"!!! My gentleman friend and I are not "you guys"...!!!! My mixed group of adult friends are not "you guys"...!!! The frickin' FOOTBALL team, perhaps--just perhaps--is "you guys"!! Now go away, learn some etiquette and bring me my salad!! :angry::angry:

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