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Limited is a race b/t Manny and Blake right now. I just zeroed a 60 point speed shoot, so that's pretty devistating. We'll see.

Max is dominating Open

Steve Broom seems to be winning L10

B/t Angus and Matt Mink in Production.

This has definitely been an interesting match, to say the least. I'm sure there will be much discussion about it!


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B/t Angus and Matt Mink in Production.

This has definitely been an interesting match, to say the least. I'm sure there will be much discussion about it!

That's for sure! Wasn't Angus one of the shooters DQ'ed on stage five? He's reinstated now which is great since he's having such a good match.

On the weather front, today has dawned with a very wet rainstorm. :(

We'll see how this plays out...

Off to the range,


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Just got back on the road and fired up the cell-modem

Max in Open, Blake in Ltd, Matt in Prod.

Rain this morning left us shooting in a swamp, which did very bad things for my placement.

I've posted JPG's of the results over on my web site

Thanks to the San Angelo prize-table crew for letting me get copies of these (hence the odd markings)


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What a match! Much discussion is an understatement...

Angus made me fight for it the whole match, and if my calc's are right, we were pretty much even 9 stages into the match. Stages 10, 11 and 12 put me about 23 points ahead. What a race!

I was on a great squad. Phil, Manny, Angus, Flentz, Bryant Chaffin, Renee Tyson, just to name a few. We had fun from start to finish. That was also the very first time I was on the same squad as my competition. That changes things...

The DQ's on my squad due to the supposed sweeping was a bummer when it happened. I was so relieved when they were reinstated, as they should have been.

I got to see some amazing shooting by some of the nations top shooters. It was a great learning experience, and I think I walked away with a few more tricks up my sleeve.

What a fun weekend! (except for the rain and swamplike conditions, which really hampered my movement techniques)

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AikidoGirl and I just got home! 2:04am nice 9hr drive! Nice to meet some of the people on here! My wife had fun but I can't say it was a good weekend for me. I was on the sideline after my mishap on Friday on stage 5. Shot 2 whole stages and watched the rest of the weekend. Oh well next time! Had a great squad, most of which were from Alabama. The rest of us were from Texas. Thanks everyone for a cool time.

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Hey Guys,

Great match this year. I worked Stage 3 (50 yrd standards). This stage cleaned almost everyones clock. We had only 2 shooters get all 18 hits, and 2 shooters with one miss, and about 3 or 4 with 2 misses. I guess it could have been worse, doing belly-flops in 3 inches of water. Well maybe no problem for the GLOCK guys...LOL!

Congrats Matt!

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Great match, if a little soggy :)

Good thing I brought my cleats.

Looking at the Limited results, it strikes me that for once it looks like everyone in the top 30 - 40 or so shot roughly in their class . Top 20 a GM / M mix, and then 5 or 6 A's all clumped together at @ 75% within 1 % of each other. (although one B shooter did beat ALL the A shooters and a few Ms)

Kinda restores my faith in the classification system!

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I thought it was cool that they threw a couple classifiers into the match-- if somebody at Sedro is paying attention, it'll give them some more data on the reliability of the HHF's.

Open's a different story though-- when somebody wins by 8-10%, it's hard to stay in class at the top. I think only a couple M's and A's (who should be M's) managed it.

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It was a really fun match eventhough I shot really bad. I guess 130 points of penalties and zeroing a stage doent work well. :D I liked the stages alright and it was a good time. Congrats to Matt of course. He shot well as did Angus. Angus and Phil shot with our squad for a few stages after they got the boot and then reinstated. One of the best parts of the match for me was that the infamous Jack Barnes(The Barnstormer) was in my squad. He took second in L-10 after only being back shooting for a couple months. He is a badass shooter and I cant wait to see him back up to full speed after a few more months of shooting. Plus I got him on tape on all but one stage.


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We've been going to Area 4 for many years now and it is always a good match, but we probably won't be back again. The stages were great and the people are always nice, but the vendors area was virtually non-existent with the exception of Brazos, Max Michel, Bulletworks, Actionshooters and STI.

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this was my first Area 4 match, ever. i enjoyed the match and will be back if at all possible. the vendors were scarce, but that didn't bother me that much, i still spent the $'s.

i didn't like stage 11. the designers goofed and didn't force the engagement of 4 dissappearing targets. there were 2 targets and a noshoot on 2 different rail systems.

1. the stage setup was labor intensive.

2. the resetting was labor intensive.

i guess 90% of the competitors didn't even engage the dissappearing targets.

this was a good stage gone bad by gaming and poor stage design. :huh:

all things concidered the match was great. kudos to all involved.


p.s. i don't like heavy set pepper poppers. get out of my way, i have to go back and shoot the damn thing again. :angry:

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Great match, met a lot of people - which was the best part, and shot with a few sandbaggers, haha. Tommy Thacker and Brad Burchfield- to name a couple

overall the stages were good with the exception of stage 7 being thrown out <_< - i actually shot that one pretty well - well enough to beat travis h. and brad b. ... and maybe enough to outscore travis h. in overall

and oh- i can't forget shooting stage 8 sunday morning - i could've swam that stage :D

anywho, i actually met my goal of making top 10 in my first open area match - and not too bad doing it @ 81% of Max's score too.

awesome match- never seen so many good shooters in one range, wow

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Thanks alot Lee, now I can't hide anymore. I can't help that my classification hasn't caught up yet, it's getting there.

Anyway I had alot of fun shooting with some great talented guys. Those guys are fast in the south..........

Cya Soon,


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